-Caveat Lector-


National Organization for Women Admonishes Media for Giving Alec Baldwin a  
Platform for Misinformed Theories  5/3/07 "NOW is not surprised by the  media 
giving Alec Baldwin a platform to defend his outrageous behavior toward  his 
11-year-old daughter, but we are concerned that he is being allowed to  
without challenge, a discredited legal theory that could harm many  women and 
children. The public deserves to know the truth about so-called  Parental 
Alienation Syndrome, and responsible journalism dictates that celebrity  
offered in self-defense be balanced by actual data and professional  expert 
opinion.  The truth is that Parental Alienation really is a  dangerous and 
cleverly marketed legal strategy that has caused much harm to  victims of 
especially women and children during and post divorce. This  strategy, promoted 
actively by several "father's rights" groups, has convinced  many people, 
including some in the judicial system and the media, that the  actions of a 
protective parent (usually the mother) are more harmful than the  actual 
mistreatment inflicted by an abusive parent. The end result is public  support 
(and an 
excuse) for the teary-eyed abusive parent, plus a willingness to  believe that 
so-called parental alienation, and not the parent's own behavior,  led to the 
child's anger toward that parent.  Parental Alienation Syndrome  (sometimes 
called simply Parental Alienation) is not recognized by any  professional body. 
It is simply a legal defense (disguised as psychological  phenomenon) designed 
by Dr. Richard Gardner in the late 1980s to protect fathers  from consequences 
of their abuse." _http://www.now.org/issues/family/050307pas.html_ 
Military sexual trauma — the new face of PTSD - Military sexual assaults —  
and requests for help — are on the rise By Dawn Fratangelo  5/7/07  “Military 
sexual trauma statistics - 14.5 percent of female and 0.6 percent of  male 
OEF/OIF* veterans visiting the Department of Veterans reported military  sexual 
trauma. — The female veterans are at four times the risk for PTSD than  those 
with no military sexual trauma  — The male veterans are at almost 3  times the 
risk for PTSD than male veterans with no military sexual trauma.  *Operation 
Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom  - Source: VA Military  sexual trauma 
support team monitering data”  _http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18494197/_ 

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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