-Caveat Lector-

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Date: May 16, 2007 4:04:43 PM PDT
Subject: latest headlines

Update: Silverstein Family Were All "Running Late" on 9/11
Amazing "coincidences" spared all 3 Silversteins from harm

By Steve Watson 15
May 2007

Following our article yesterday in which we revealed New York
9/11 truth activist Luke Rudkowski's claims Larry Silverstein's security personally informed him that Silverstein and his daughter got a warning on the morning of 9/11 not to come to work that day,

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/ may2007/140507silversteinwarned.htm

we have been inundated with emails asking us to highlight the fact that there were in fact THREE Silversteins working in the Twin Towers who were all "running late" on that day.

Bush selects Pentagon official as 'war czar'
Lt. Gen. Lute chosen to oversee Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts, officials say

15 May 2007

President Bush has chosen Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, the Pentagon's
director of operations, to oversee the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan as
a "war czar" after a long search for new leadership, administration
officials said Tuesday.

Lute will report to, and take orders from, warmongering Neocon
Stephen Hadley, who takes his orders from "co-president" Dick
Cheney -- who reports to President Bush only when he feels like it.

Pentagon restricts testimony in Congress
Blocks staff of lower rank

10 May 2007
http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2007/05/10/ pentagon_restricting_testimony_in_congress/

The Pentagon has placed unprecedented restrictions on who can testify
before Congress, reserving the right to bar lower-ranking officers,
enlisted soldiers, and career bureaucrats from appearing before
oversight committees or having their remarks transcribed, according to
Defense Department documents. Robert L. Wilkie, a former Bush
administration national security official who left the White House to
become assistant secretary of defense for legislative affairs last year,
has outlined a half-dozen guidelines that prohibit most officers below
the rank of colonel from appearing in hearings, restricting testimony to
high-ranking officers and civilians appointed by President Bush.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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