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Date: May 22, 2007 2:14:49 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: CLG News 21 May 2007

Pilotless police drone takes off

21 May 2007

The UK's first police remote control helicopter has taken off. Merseyside police are using the "spy drone", fitted with CCTV cameras, for tackling anti-social behaviour and public disorder. The machine is 1m wide, weighs less than
a bag of sugar [i.e., they can be easily shot down], and can record
images from a height of 500m.

If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out Look! Up in the sky! It's . . .

By Mark Yannone
21 May 2007

England's masters of their new police state have launched the Spy Drone,
a remote-controlled or GPS-controlled, pilotless helicopter armed with
a closed-circuit TV camera... Sporting Brits in Merseyside will love
the new machine as it gives them a challenge other than doves and clay pigeons.
When the three-month trial of the drones gets under way in June,
the country air will be redolent with spent gunpowder. Pull! Another job well done.

See what's free at AOL.com.

From: "Jim S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 22, 2007 12:19:15 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: CLG~U.N. Barred From Texas Detention Center~21 May 2007

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
22 May 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

*U.N. Barred From Texas Detention Center*
21 May 2007
U.S. immigration officials blocked a U.N. observer from visiting a detention facility for illegal aliens in Texas, the ACLU reported. U.N. Special Rapporteur Jorge Bustamante is conducting a fact- finding mission to examine the status of migrants' rights in the United States, but U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prohibited him from making a scheduled stop at a family detention center in Taylor, Texas, the A.C.L.U. reported on Friday. The detention center, which was formerly a medium-security prison according to the A.C.L.U, is operated by the Corrections Corporation of America through a contract with the Department of Homeland Security. [See: "K.B.R. Awarded U.S. Department of Homeland Security Contingency Support for Emergency Support Services" 24 Jan 2006]

Iraq draws up plans if U.S. forces leave
21 May 2007
Iraq's military is drawing up plans on how to cope if U.S.-led forces leave the country quickly, the defense minister said Monday. The statement by Defense Minister Abdul-Qader al-Obeidi marked the first time a senior Iraqi official has spoken publicly about the possibility of a quick end to the U.S.-led 'mission.' [The 'mission' is passage of the *oil law* for Exxon Mobil and Cheney Halliburton.]

Iraq preparing for US pullout
22 May 2007
Iraq's military is drawing up plans on how to cope with a quick US military pullout, the local defence minister says. A senior US official has warned the United States may reconsider its support if the Iraqis fail to complete major 'reforms' by fall.

Useless is as useless does: Dems set war bill without Iraq timeline
21 May 2007
In grudging concessions to President [sic] Bush, Democrats intend to draft an Iraq war-funding bill without a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and shorn of at least some of the billions they want for domestic programs, officials said Monday. It would provide funds for military operations in Iraq through Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year.

Brown won't pull UK troops out of Iraq: U.S. official
21 May 2007
Washington is confident British prime minister-in-waiting Gordon Brown will not pull British troops out of Iraq early, a senior U.S. official said on Monday.

10 killed in Iraq
22 May 2007
Attackers killed seven civilians near Baquba and a roadside bomb killed three Iraqi soldiers in Baghdad Monday. The Voice of America said a child was among those who died in the Baquba north of Baghdad.

The U.S. is pushing *really hard* for that oil law to pass! Mortar shell hits Iraq parliament
21 May 2007
A mortar shell struck the roof of Iraq's parliament inside Baghdad's heavily protected [apparently *not*] Green Zone on Monday, shaking the building but causing no casualties. "The rocket landed on the roof of the parliament right above the speaker's office," said Sheikh Sabah Saadi, an MP from the Shi'ite Fadhila Party.

7 killed on bus in Iraq; parliament hit 21 May 2007 [US] Gunmen in two cars attacked a minibus heading to Baghdad from a Shiite town north of the capital Monday, killing seven passengers, including a child, police said. A mortar shell hit the roof of the parliament building inside the heavily guarded [?] Green Zone in Baghdad, but no one was injured, a lawmaker said.

U.S. raids don't find 3 missing soldiers 21 May 2007 U.S. soldiers raided suspected safehouses near the Euphrates River south of Baghdad on Monday in their search for three captured comrades but found them empty after the militants apparently were tipped off and fled, a military spokesman said.

Iraq War Creates Ammo Shortage --Ammo Shipments Delayed 21 May 2007 The war in Iraq is having an impact on local gun shops and police departments. Experts said ammunition shipments are being delayed for up to a year because the Army has more than tripled its demand for small-caliber ammunition. The government spent $688 million on ammunition last year, up from $242 million in 2001.

Outlaws plunder Iraq's dwindling river fisheries 20 May 2007 For thousands of years fishermen have drawn their livelihoods out of the brown waters of the mighty Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which teem with species found nowhere else in the world. But now -- as overlapping civil wars grip much of Iraq [due to the US invasion] -- [US] outlaws equipped with pesticides, hand grenades and electric cables are driving the country's fisheries to extinction and leaving local fishermen with empty nets. "Iraq's fish are suffering from these terrible crimes," said Faiq Salim, one of the oldest fishermen in the central Iraqi town of Kut, 175 kilometres (110 miles) downriver from Baghdad.

Iran Charges U.S. Scholar With Trying to Topple Government 21 May 2007 American 'scholar' Haleh Esfandiari has been charged with trying to topple the Iranian government, Iran's state [as opposed to corporate]-controlled television reported today. Iran's Intelligence Ministry accused Esfandiari, director of Middle East programs at the Smithsonian's Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, of trying to foment a soft revolution by setting up a network "against the sovereignty" of Iran. Esfandiari was imprisoned May 8 after more than four months under virtual house arrest.

Iran's secret plan for summer offensive to force US out of Iraq 22 May 2007 Iran is secretly forging ties with 'al-Qaida' elements and Sunni Arab militias in Iraq in preparation for a summer showdown with occupation forces intended to tip a wavering US Congress into voting for full military withdrawal, US officials say.

Iran says anti-U.S. policy "bigger than Hiroshima" 21 May 2007 Iran's policies of standing up to the United States have set off a "powerful bomb in the world of politics" bigger than the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday.

Bush doesn't want detente. He wants to attack Iran. The US has swept aside repeated overtures from Tehran. Is it any wonder if the Islamic Republic now wants the bomb? By Alain Gresh 15 May 2007 Although the US administration's current priority is Iraq, it has not given up on Iran. Silently, stealthily, unseen by cameras, the war on Iran has begun. Many sources confirm that the US has increased its aid to armed movements among the ethnic minorities that make up about 40% of Iran's population. ABC News reported in April that the US had secretly assisted the Baluchi group Jund al- Islam (Soldiers of Islam), responsible for a recent attack that killed 20 Revolutionary Guards. According to an American Foundation report, US commandos have operated inside Iran since 2004... Despite the disaster in Iraq, there is no indication that Bush has given up the idea of attacking Iran... The idea of an assault against Iran is after all part of the Bushite vision of a "third world war" against "Islamic fascism", an ideological war that can end only in complete victory.

Poland considers CIA prison issue closed: PM 22 May 2007 Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said on Monday that Poland considered the CIA prison issue closed, the PAP news agency reported. The UN Committee Against Torture on Monday appealed that it needed additional information on Poland's inquiries into the matter "despite Poland's earlier assurances that no CIA cells were located on its territory."

Paris calls off festival of US culture after threats --Letters claiming 'al-Qaida' link force postponement --Event aimed at celebrating Franco-US relationship 22 May 2007 A festival due to be held in Paris this weekend to celebrate American music and culture has been called off after death threats from an anti-US group claiming links to al-Qaida [al-CIAduh]. The death threats, along with warnings suggesting that the event itself might be attacked, were made in anonymous telephone calls and an apparently badly written letter containing numerous spelling mistakes. [LOL! Bush must have written it.]

Judge may use terrorism penalty in eco-saboteur sentences 21 May 2007 U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled today that federal sentencing guidelines allow her to consider imposing a "terrorism enhancement" on 10 convicted eco-saboteurs, a designation that could make them eligible for longer prison terms.

Pilotless police drone takes off 21 May 2007 The UK's first police remote control helicopter has taken off. Merseyside police are using the "spy drone", fitted with CCTV cameras, mainly for tackling anti-social behaviour and public disorder. The machine is 1m wide, weighs less than a bag of sugar [i.e., they can be easily shot down], and can record images from a height of 500m.

If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out Look! Up in the sky! It's . . . By Mark Yannone 21 May 2007 England's masters of their new police state have launched the Spy Drone, a remote-controlled or GPS-controlled, pilotless helicopter armed with a closed-circuit TV camera... Sporting Brits in Merseyside will love the new machine as it gives them a challenge other than doves and clay pigeons. When the three-month trial of the drones gets under way in June, the country air will be redolent with spent gunpowder. Pull! Another job well done.

Panel receives details, roadblock 21 May 2007 Seung-Hui Cho did not fire half of his ammunition before taking his own life on April 16, Virginia State Police Superintendent, Steven Flaherty, said to the state panel Monday. Police have found 174 used cartridge casings from both a 9 MM handgun and a .22 caliber handgun. Police also recovered 203 live rounds of ammunition... Earlier in the Monday’s testimony, the panel met a roadblock during the presentation from Kay Heidbreder, the University Counsel.

Virginia Tech Shooting 'Oddities' By Lori Price

Bush renews support for Gonzales 21 May 2007 With Republican support for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales eroding, President [sic] Bush offered renewed confidence in his longtime friend Monday and said the attacks on him were "pure political theater." But the pResident did not respond directly to a question about whether he expected Gonzales to serve until Bush's term ends Jan. 20, 2009.

US senate poised for historic vote against Gonzales --A vote against Bush's man could deal another blow to the White House, which is still recoiling from the ouster of the World Bank's president. 22 May 2007 The US Senate was preparing to take the almost unprecedented move of a no-confidence vote on US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, ramping up pressure on US President [sic] George W. Bush to sack his unpopular longtime aide. After weeks of allegations of politicizing the justice system and, in his earlier position as White House counsel, trying to strong-arm his predecessor at the Department of Justice, Gonzales could face the extremely rare vote in the coming week.

Retail Gasoline Prices Set New Record --Price of Gasoline Jumps to $3.22 A Gallon, Matching the March 1981 Inflation-Adjusted All-Time High Price For Gasoline in the United States 21 May 2007 Retail gasoline prices climbed to another record Monday, while crude oil futures jumped above $66 per barrel amid concerns about gasoline supply heading into the peak summer driving season.

Exxon Mobil profits reach new record 26 Apr 2007 Exxon Mobil Corp earnings continued to hit new records Thursday as the world's largest oil company reported a 10- per-cent rise in first-quarter profits on high petrol prices, despite a fall in the cost of crude oil.

Exxon Mobil profits up 10% in first quarter, set record 27 Apr 2007 Oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp. kicked off 2007 with a 10 percent rise in profits, its best-ever first quarter, as higher margins on refining and chemical operations offset lower prices for crude oil and natural gas.

Bird flu spreads to 4 more provinces in Vietnam 21 May 2007 Bird flu has spread to another four Vietnamese provinces and could hit more areas, senior government official said Tuesday.

Monkey dead from bubonic plague in Denver 21 May 2007 A Denver Zoo monkey has died of bubonic plague, apparently after eating a squirrel stricken with the disease, Colorado health and zoo officials said on Monday.

Birds decimated by West Nile virus 17 May 2007 U.S. researchers have determined the West Nile virus has apparently caused the continental-scale decline of seven species of birds across North America.

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[Previous lead stories:] Secret US plot to kill Al-Sadr 21 May 2007 The US Army tried to kill or capture Muqtada al-Sadr, the widely revered Shia cleric, after luring him to peace negotiations at a house in the holy city of Najaf, which it then attacked, according to a senior Iraqi government official [National Security Adviser, Dr Mowaffaq Rubai'e]. The revelation of this extraordinary plot, which would probably have provoked an uprising by outraged Shia if it had succeeded, has left a legacy of bitter distrust in the mind of Mr Sadr for which the US and its allies in Iraq may still be paying... It is not known who gave the orders for the attempt on Mr Sadr but it is one of a series of ill-considered and politically explosive US actions in Iraq since the invasion. In January this year a US helicopter assault team tried to kidnap two senior Iranian security officials on an official visit to the Iraqi President.

Britain in secret talks with Iraq rebels 20 May 2007 Britain is holding secret talks with leading 'insurgents' in Iraq with the aim of dividing them from Al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] in a new drive to curb sectarian violence. Dominic Asquith, the British ambassador to Baghdad, is said to have been coordinating the talks over recent months, along with other British representatives believed to be from MI6. Details of the initiative, which followed the failure of similar talks between 'insurgents' and American officials, emerged yesterday as Tony Blair visited Iraq.

Iraq's VP rejects draft oil bill 21 May 2007 Iraq's vice president [Tariq al-Hashemi] said yesterday he opposes a draft law that is key to the future of his country's lucrative oil sector, saying it gives too many concessions to foreign oil companies.

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