-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

From: "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 6, 2007 3:08:54 AM PDT
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: America's financial support for "Al Qaeda"

Osama bin Laden held a joint bank account with West Virginia governor
Percy Rockefeller's wife on 9/11/2001.

The largest single American source of funding for Mohamed Atta and the
hijackers was Atta's CIA heroin smuggling. Atta also received cash
from Pakistani intel, from the director himself, who met with soon to
be CIA director Porter Goss in Pakistan, August 2001, when the funds
were sent, and again the morning of 9/11/2001 in DC.

Saudi intel as well as Pak intel and CIA were linked to the hijackers
in Porter's hometown, where the hijackers were trained by "Porter and
The Boys", including co-piloting a CIA heroin smuggling airplane.

And that's why they said,"Don't look at his face, he's Air America",
in 1981. He might kill a baby I know. They did, Rodney Dickens, Air
America Flight 77 to the Pentagon. 911, MAdrid train, London transit
bombs, WTCbomb, OKC, Waco, Watergate, JFK-RFK-MLK, Gulf of Tonkin lie,
and cultivating Hitler from the 1920's, building nazi utopia in
Germany with money pilfered by US Robber Barons from Americans
suffering through the Great Depression at the same time. They laugh at
you for trusting in them.

Bernard Henri Levy writes in Who Killed Daniel Pearl that 90% of Osama
bin Laden's money, as distinct from the 911 plot, came through Al
Rashid Trust, directed by Saud Memon, in whose house kidnapped 911
journalist Daniel Pearl was held in Pakistan. (
Al-Rashid Trust, which changed its name to Al AKHTAR TRUST)

I'm going to websearch on Saud Memon and Al Rashid Trust, but
remember, the single biggest KNOWN source of funding for Porter's 911
home boys was CIA heroin smuggling by Atta( http://madcowprod.com/ ).
Saudi intel showed up in Porter's town, and Pak intel's director who
was working directly under Porter Goss, also sent money to Atta in
Porter's hometown. Possibly General Mahmud Amad was actually sitting
on Porter's lap in Pakistan when Porter's ZC Charlie McCarthy had
Porter's ZC, 911 Moneyman Amed Omar Saeed Sheikh, later Pearl's
kidnapper, wire money to Atta back home in Porter's hometown. The 911
Commission did not even tell us what Goss and Amad had for breakfast
in DC 9/11/2001.

Bernard Henry Levy says that Al Rashid and (Al Akhtar Trust?) Trust is
based in Ireland. Most Irish Trouble atrocities were committed by
British agents. When in 1981 I was told "Don't look at his face, he's
Air America", that individual was talking to an Irish contractor of
Air America (CIA) literally next door to CIA HQ.

fails to document Saud Memon as director of Al Rashid Trust

Al-Rashid Trust, which is described in the article as having changed
its name to Al AKHTAR TRUST. According to information available to the
U.S. government, an individual by the name of Al-Saud Memon is the
individual primarily responsible for the AL AKHTAR TRUST's finances
and the direction of financial resources and support for the Trust

It may be that Al Akhtar is a Pakistani trust, Al Rashid is still an
Irish trust, and the present inquiry turns up an Isle of Man trust in
the same al-CIA-duh matrix. 911 hijacker Atta smuggled heroin as well
as received funds from Al Rashid Trust while mob boss Goss tweaked the
Pak ATM for Atta, and Shamrock, CIA heroin money for ops under Big
Oil. Oil, drugs, weapons, including human weapons, the three biggest
businesses, operating as one enterprise, War Colonialism. Think of
terrorists as weapon assets, bought and sold, and it will be easier to
notice the big three businesses in any particular snapshot featuring
one of them in the foreground.

http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006%5C01%5C02% 5Cstory_2-1-2006_pg7_37
"different accounts of Al-Rashid Trust and Al-Akhtar Trust, each
getting $10 million...The State Bank of Pakistan had in 2002 frozen
three accounts of Al-Rahsid Trust in Karachi under an Al-Qaeda
specific resolution of the UN General Assembly. However, the ban on
accounts was ordered to be lifted in 2003 by the Sindh High Court.
Similarly, the SBP had frozen the accounts of the Al-Akhtar Trust and
a petition challenging the SBP's action is pending in the Sindh High

If Al Rashid Trust is an Irish trust, and Al Akhtar a Pak trust, both
US Treasury and State departments know that is not simply "renaming"
Al Rashid to Al Akhtar. To say so is to participate in terrorist crime
responsible for the death of US citizens and loss of civil rights and
expensive restructuring of federal, state and local governments, a
huge tort against the taxpayer class. "Rename", are you sure? The
State Department doc in particular implies that Al Akhtar and Al
Rashid trusts are both Pak incorporated. They and the US military use
lawyers all the time to formulate weasel words, the cost and INTENT of
which seem like a tort. There is a huge staff of CIA lawyers around
DC, and a huge staff of US military lawyers in Baghdad, dodging war
crimes no doubt, by formulating weasel words up front as accessories
to war crimes, in advance and in cover-up. What a joke, isn't it? We
pay for Al Capone's lawyers for their advance work.

WW2 Max neocon Ratline extended to modern neocon-nazi[-muslim!] joint
ops in the service of mere naked non-strategic fossilized War Colonialism:



July 5, 2007 -- America's financial support for "Al Qaeda"
publication date: Jul 5, 2007  
Previous |
July 5, 2007 -- America's financial support for "Al Qaeda"

(full text http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/40508 )

After leaving the White House in 1999, [Rahm] Emanuel, possessing only
a B.A. in Political Science, became a Chicago investment banker for
Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein and earned some $20 million.

[Rahm] Emanuel's opponents charged that he held dual U.S.-Israeli
citizenship, was a millionaire "carpetbagger," and had served in the
Israeli army during Desert Storm. The pro-abortion Emily's List
charged that Emanuel cost America jobs through his support of NAFTA.
Emily's List endorsed Kaszak earning the women's rights group the
condemnation of organizations and media allied with the America Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Ironically, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein is part of Allianz AG, the
firm that helped bankroll the Nazis in Germany in the early 1930s
along with Brown Brothers Harriman, for whom George W. Bush's
grandfather, Prescott, was a principal. Prescott also partnered in
deals with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a smajor upporter of
Adolf Hitler. [Yasin] Kadi [an Egyptian] ran the Blessed Relief
charity (Muwafaq), linked to support of bin Laden's international
operations. Muwafaq was headquartered in Jersey, Channel Islands, and
had a branch office in Sarajevo. Kadi also had off-shore accounts in
the Isle of Man, the same location where the Bush family's money, much
of its Saudi-provided, is banked. [Al Rashid Trust aka Akhtar Trust is
based in Ireland like a lot of other MIb false flag ops and like
Rodney Stich's Shamrock front for CIA heroin and cocaine money under
control of Big Oil for ops like 911]

As head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Emanuel
denied campaign funds to every pro-peace Democratic candidate
advocating withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. In fac, Emanuel was an
early Democratic supporter of George W. Bush's invasion and occupation
of Iraq -- something many opponents of the war claim has led to a
recruitment boon for "Al Qaeda."

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