-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 9, 2007 2:08:12 PM PDT
Subject: Will Bush Resign to Escape Impeachment? Next, Will President Cheney PARDON Him?

History usually --but not always-- repeats itself:

1629 - For its refusal to provide funding for his disastrous adventurist wars, King Charles dissolves Parliament. Members of Parliament critical of the King are arrested and imprisoned. 1640 - Parliament is reconstituted, "stacked" with MPs loyal to the King. When asked to fund more wars, however, even that Parliament resists and demands that the King grant the legislature greater decision-making power in matters of war and finance. King Charles refuses. 1646 - "Civil war" in Parliament between parties supporting and parties opposing the King. 1649 - Parliament purges itself of apologists for absolutist king. King Charles is beheaded.

1787 - King Louis XVI dissolves Parliament. Members of Parliament critical of the King are arrested and imprisoned. 1789 - Members of the legislature reassemble "illegally" and begin to prepare a Constitution. 1792 - Monarchy is abolished; France is proclaimed a Republic. King Louis XVI is beheaded.

          UNITED STATES:
1970 - Nixon devises "Huston Plan," authorizing domestic spying and setting up detention camps for political enemies. "Unitary executive" idea, rendering Congress superfluous, discussed. 1972 - Watergate break-in. Nixon pressures CIA to defend it as a "national security" operation. 1973 - Senate votes to have special prosecutor investigate Watergate; Nixon fires special prosecutor. Nixon vetoes War Powers resolution limiting his authority to unilaterally wage war. 1974 - When evidence is subpoenaed by Congress, Nixon refuses to comply, citing "executive privilege" -- Supreme Court rules against him. Nixon presents argument before Supreme Court that, being President, he is above the law -- Supreme Court rules against him. Impeachment proceedings begins. When impeachment appears inevitable, Nixon resigns. His vice president, becoming president, pardons him -- sparing Nixon any criminal charges (and possible arrest and imprisonment) for illegal acts he committed while president.

White House dares Congress
to fight it out in court

Mon Jul 9, 2007 2:39PM EDT
By Thomas Ferraro and Tabassum Zakaria

http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSN0928853620070709? &src=070907_1425_DOUBLEFEATURE_prosecutor_showdown

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A defiant White House on Monday dared the Democratic-led Congress to take it to court for refusing to provide information and testimony demanded in an investigation into the firing of federal prosecutors.

White House counsel Fred Fielding, in a letter to two congressional chairmen, called their demands "unreasonable because it represents a substantial incursion into presidential prerogatives."

Congressional leaders disagreed, and made it clear they were prepared to battle in court -- unless they reach a compromise with the White House on access to documents and witnesses.

"I hope the White House stops this stonewalling and accepts my offer to negotiate a workable solution," said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat.

Democrats have sought compromise because a fight over whether Congress or the White House is right could take years to weave its way through the court system and still be undecided when President George W. Bush's second term ends in January 2009.

Bush has adopted a legal doctrine known as executive privilege that has been occasionally invoked with mixed success throughout U.S. history to shield presidents and their aides from having to answer questions or turn over information to Congress or grand juries.

White House spokesman Tony Snow brushed off the threat of a possible congressional contempt citation, saying, "It's up to them."

"What we do believe is that we are on perfectly solid legal ground," Snow said.

Democrats in Congress want the documents and testimony to determine if the firing of nine of the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys last year was the result of partisan politics and White House efforts to reward supporters.

The White House has offered to allow current and former aides to talk to lawmakers behind closed doors -- but only if it is not sworn testimony and there is no transcript. Leahy and others say the offer is unacceptable.

In his letter, Fielding rejected requests for materials to support Bush's claim of executive privilege last month in refusing to turn over documents. He also wrote Bush, as expected, was asserting presidential privilege to block subpoenaed testimony by two former aides, Sara Taylor and Harriet Miers.

Taylor, who served as White House political director, has been summoned to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, while Miers, who served as White House counsel, had been ordered to testify before a House panel on Thursday.

"While we remain willing to negotiate with the White House, they adhere to their unacceptable all-or-nothing position, and now will not even seek to properly justify their privilege claims," said House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat.

"Contrary to what the White House may believe, it is the Congress and the courts that will decide whether an invocation of executive privilege is valid, not the White House unilaterally," Conyers said.

There was no immediate indication how much longer Democrats would seek to reach an agreement with the White House before initiating court action.

Bush and U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales insist the dismissals of the federal prosecutors were justified but mishandled. Gonzales, with Bush's support, has withstood bipartisan calls to resign.

Lawmakers have questioned if partisan politics played a role in the firings, and have said it appears that in at least some cases a U.S. attorney may have been dismissed to influence a politically sensitive criminal investigation.

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