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Date: August 16, 2007 3:58:12 AM PDT
Subject: Bush DoJ Intervenes in Supreme Court, Takes Side of Con Artists against Victims

Bush may gut lawsuits against Enron
Filing backs companies, not shareholders, in unrelated case

Houston Chronicle, Aug 15 2007


WASHINGTON — Weighing in on a case before the Supreme Court that could have broad ramifications for lawsuits stemming from Enron's collapse, the Bush administration threw its support behind companies under attack from investors.

But shareholders who sued the banks that helped finance Enron's dealings were heartened by the Justice Department's seeming acceptance of at least some of their arguments.

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a securities fraud case brought by investors, led by Stoneridge Investment Partners, against Scientific-Atlanta and Motorola, which make digital boxes for cable TV subscribers.

Stoneridge had invested in cable TV operator Charter Communications, which Stoneridge claims, asked Scientific-Atlanta and Motorola to engage in "wash" transactions to artificially meet a target for operating cash flow. Besides suing Charter and its managers, the investors went after Charter's now defunct accounting firm Arthur Andersen, as well as Scientific-Atlanta and Motorola.

At issue is whether secondary players like the digital box makers can be held liable for their allegedly "deceptive conduct," even if investors weren't really basing their decisions on those actions but on an alleged "misstatement" by Charter.

The issue has divided official Washington, with lawmakers, business groups and former and current Securities and Exchange Commission members jumping into the fray.

On Wednesday, the Justice Department's solicitor general, Paul Clement, filed a brief supporting the digital box makers, arguing a Supreme Court decision favoring Stoneridge Investments would "constitute a sweeping expansion" of the right to sue.

"Such a rule would expose accountants and lawyers who advise issuers of securities ... to potentially billions of dollars in liability when those issuers make misrepresentations to <i.e., DEFRAUD> the market," the solicitor general argued.

The Supreme Court, of course, can reject the solicitor general's argument when reaching its decision in the case. But the solicitor general has often been referred to as the "10th justice," noted Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University. "It matters. The views of the solicitor general are very important to the court."

The administration's position in the case was a blow to a group of Enron shareholders who are hoping to force Enron's one-time bankers Merrill Lynch & Co., Credit Suisse First Boston and Barclays to help recoup some of their losses.

"It's a sad day for us," said Charles Prestwood of Conroe, a former plant operator for Enron who estimates he lost $1.3 million when the company failed.

The shareholders had faced a defeat at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which sided with Enron's bankers and ruled that class- action lawsuits can pursue only primary players.

The Enron shareholders led by the University of California Regents have been trying to get the Supreme Court to hear their case, but all action was put on hold pending the outcome of Stoneridge's case against the digital box companies.

While ultimately siding with the companies, the solicitor general did contend that the appeals court had defined too narrowly exactly what constitutes deceptive conduct under securities law, an argument the Enron shareholders hope could bolster their case.

But Ken Connor, chairman of the Washington-based Center for a Just Society, which has been supporting the Enron shareholders lawsuit, said the solicitor general gave a "tip of the hat" to some of the Enron shareholders' arguments, only to "emasculate" them with other reasoning later.

"What they gave on the one had they later took away, which in my judgment is a disingenuous approach," Connor said.

Dan Newman, a spokesman for Lerach Coughlin, the firm representing the University of California Regents, called the solicitor general's filing "a complicated brief that deserves thorough examination."

Most people have been assuming that the high court's decision in the Stoneridge vs. Scientific-Atlanta case would decide the fate of the Enron case. But if the justices were to accept some of the arguments the solicitor general has made, "it's a possibility it could mean different things for the two cases," Newman said.

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