-Caveat Lector-

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Date: August 18, 2007 10:08:50 PM PDT
Subject: A Mongolian Pompeii 3000 BC?

Astonishing Discovery of Ancient Chinese Civilization

Wednesday August 15, 9:00 am ET


Is China Shocking the World Again After the Great Wall and Terra- cotta Warriors?

BEIJING, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- After 16 years' hard work, Xiao Jing Jin Xi Yong, from Korea, has tracked down a large underground kingdom, located below the Chinese Inner Mongolian prairie. The origins of this, the most ancient Chinese civilization, are unknown.

In the summer of 2006, on the unvisited wilderness, Mr. Jin came across an amazing site. In a giant stone chamber grave there were dozens of fine peerless black jade beast and human statues facing a skeleton as if expressing some kind of awe.

Further investigation brought more amazing discoveries:

A These statues' semblance is a rough and hard shell, inside is Hsiuyen jade("black-skin jade" for short). Besides an insect, all the human, god and beast statues assume a half-erect shape with curving knees. Some of the human forms are extremely similar to the Peking man. The skeletons also assume a curving posture.

B In the tomb innumerable chipped stone implements from the paleolithic period are laying around.

C The smallest of these statures is about 10 centimeters, the biggest reaches 160 centimeters. Compared with national treasure C dragon, which is 26 centimeters, the C dragon here reaches almost 50 centimeters. After Mr. Jin's survey, he estimated the number of these kinds of tombs possibly reaches several hundred, distributed across the 50 square kilometer prairies.

D These tombs are buried several meters deep, above them is volcanic ash. Tens of kilometers away is a giant crater.

E These black-skin jades are similar to Chinese "Hong Shan Culture" from 5000 years ago, but the scale, artistic detail, and variety surpass those previously seen. If the age of the black-skin jade places it after Hong Shan Culture, why were massive paleoliths found in the tomb? Moreover, according to preliminary analysis, the age of the black-skin jade is about 10,000 years old. If it's before the Hong Shan Culture, did it demonstrate that human culture reverted to more primal art, making the paleolithic period come again.

For a while Mr. Jin had several concerns which made him keep the black-skin Jade graveyard a secret. Now, however, he hopes to lead or accompany an archaeological team, as well as Chinese and foreign journalists, to the mysterious ancient civilized ruins to carry on excavations as soon as possible. He believes that a live broadcast can confirm his great discovery and make the government believe it's necessary to enact strict protection for the ruin immediately.

Xiao Jing Jin Xi Yong appeals to China's archaeologists to follow the huge black-skin jade grave's development. He will be donating his collection of blace-skin jades to the Chinese government in due time. He believes they are not only the Chinese people's pride and wealth, but also the whole world's treasures.

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