-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: Liz Schumacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> this voodoo stuff is brought over here--in nursing homes, etc-
> this massive increase in immigrant aides is-a really bad problem here,
> and will only get worse

Do you have evidence that there's a massive influx into the U.S. of
Nurse's Aides from Central/Western Africa, and that these NAs are
performing pagan ["voodoo", "witchcraft"] religious rituals upon
their U.S. charges?

Also: Will the U.S. healthcare industry continue to lower pay scales
for NAs so only 3rd-world immigrants can be recruited for these jobs?

BTW note the major disconnect with reality shown in U.S. medical
TV dramas: no Indian or Pakistani doctors, no Filipina nurses, no
depiction of the staffing realities of urban hospitals.

  Ric "former military medic & civilian EMT" Carter

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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