-Caveat Lector-

 9/11/07 hurricane aimed at NYC?

 This would certainly put a damper on the planned protests.

>From *WCBS* Sep 6,

" A potentially major storm is brewing out in the Atlantic Ocean and could
wreak havoc along the east coast, including New York City beginning Sunday,
forecasters say.

The storm has been checked out by hurricane hunters and so far it hasn't
been given a name or a number. It's a low pressure system sitting about 500
miles off the Carolina coast. As it continues to become more organized and
escape the wind shear, computer models agree it will do a U-turn and push
back in the direction of the east coast.

The thinking is once that wind shear is taken out of the equation, high
pressure will push the system back up the coast. There are three computer
models creating different paths of the storm.

In the first scenario, the storm goes over land in the Carolinas and
weakens, which means it would bring heavy rain and tropical storm force wind
at best to the tri-state region.

The second model shows the worst-case scenario for the area. The storm hugs
the shore and stays over water, allowing it into intensify, possibly into a
low-level hurricane, that could blow into the region.




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