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Sept. 19, 2007 -- The CIA's "Houston files" shed light on Bush's backyard
publication date: Sep 19, 2007
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Sept. 19, 2007 -- The CIA's "Houston files" shed light on Bush's backyard

WMR has discovered a Rotary Club of Houston letter, [second page] dated April 21, 1976, written to George H. W. Bush's deputy director of the CIA General Vernon Walters inviting him to address the Rotary Club of Houston. The letter indicates that Walters had, a few weeks earlier, addressed the Rotary Club of River Oaks, Houston's most affluent community. WMR has learned that the Bank of River Oaks was "Bush's bank" in the 1970s. The bank reportedly catered to wealthy customers, many of whom were Bush's closest friends and business associates.

The letter to Walters from the Rotary's program chairman also states: "I am sure Director George Bush would recommend our rostrum highly for its excellent coverage of influential Houstonians." [emphasis added]

Walters later became the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in the Reagan administration.

The senior Bush lives in Tanglewood, near River Oaks. And River Oaks was the residence of the late Enron chairman Ken Lay, a longtime Bush financial backer. The River Oaks Country Club has long been a hangout for Bush Sr. and Barbara Bush.

The presence of Bush's number two man at the CIA in River Oaks is an indicator that Bush was linking the intelligence agency to the business elite in Houston, particularly the oil industry. It is likely a major reason why Bush was perturbed that President Jimmy Carter did not keep Bush on as his CIA director in 1977, an event that infuriated Bush with Carter and likely led to the October Surprise "arms-for-no-hostages" deal that Bush, William Casey, Robert Gates and others engineered with the Ayatollah Khomeini's government to ensure that Carter was embarrassed by his failure to secure the release of the U.S. hostages in Iran before the 1980 election.

It is believed that Bush, Casey, and others, including active CIA agents, conspired to illegally transport weapons to Iran in October 1980 to hold a hostage release until after the election. According to a November 16, 1986 Washington Post article, CIA Director Stansfield Turner, who had sent many of Bush's cronies packing after taking over at Langley, was negotiating through middlemen, including independent presidential candidate John Anderson, the possible provision of spare F-4 and F-14 parts to Iran in return for the hostages' release before the election. The deal was being worked out with Iranian President Abol Hassan Bani-Sadr and would entail Iran's release of U.S. charge d'affaires Bruce Laingen as a show of good faith before the spare parts delivery.

However, the Bush conspiracy beat Carter to the Iranians. It is now believed that the SS Poet sailed from Philadelphia to Iran carrying weapons in its rear cargo hold. And the weapons may have included Phoenix missiles for Iran's F-14s, a shipment the Carter administration flatly refused to send to Iran. After delivering its cargo, the Poet and its crew of 34 American merchant mariners was reportedly "disappeared" to eliminate any traces of the secret Bush weapons shipment. The Coast Guard maintained that the Poet simply vanished at sea without a trace.

The close proximity of the Navy's Aviation Supply Office in northeast Philadelphia to Girard Point Piers, from where the Poet sailed on October 24, 1980, is a possible explanation for the choice of Philadelphia as the point of departure. The Poet suspiciously spent three days at another Girard Point pier before moving to the grain- loading Pier 3 to take on the cargo of corn, allegedly destined for Port Said, Egypt. The Poet's rear cargo hold was welded shut making it impossible for customs inspectors to examine its contents before departure.

The CIA maintained a copy of a UPI report from May 25, 1984 that stated: "Telephone logs from the 1980 Reagan campaign suggest the Republican camp may have obtained military intelligence on the movement of U.S. hostages in Iran from a Senate aide, a House subcommittee report says."

The report continues: "The hostage information, found in the logs of Reagan campaign adviser Richard Allen, is mentioned in the same notes in which Allen scrawled the telephone number of Angelo Codevilla, a Republican aide to the Senate Intelligence Committee." The information contained in the notes on the U.S. hostages in Iran was "Secret." Codevilla worked for Republican Wyoming Senator Malcolm Wallop.

The UPI report suggests that the Reagan campaign was trying to "head off an 'October Surprise' by President Carter."

The UPI report also quotes a House subcommittee report: "In an interview with House subcommittee investigators, Codevilla acknowledged being aware that active agents of the CIA worked for George Bush's primary presidential campaign, before he became Reagan's running mate."

WMR has previously reported on the links between Oceaneering International, the firm that helped the senior Bush spirit Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos' gold out of the Philippines to Bush financial tranches in the United States, Switzerland, and the Isle of Man. The Houston-based firm, in which Federal Judge Mark Fuller of Alabama, has a vested interest, was also of interest to the former Soviet Union. A CIA Foreign Broadcast Information Service translation of a Soviet paper titled "World Ocean Exploration and Engineering Problems," edited by A. I. Voznesensky and dated October 2, 1980, states that "thousands of divers are engaged in underwater engineering operations. In the North Sea alone about 2000 divers are engaged in marine extraction of petroleum and gas." The paper then cites one of the firms of interest: "Oceaneering International (United States)."

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