-Caveat Lector-


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

This TV broadcast was pure unadulterated superstition-mongering masquerading 
as a "historical" documentary (from the same folks who brought you the special 
on the "Jesus Family Tomb") ... 
The featured "New Age" commentators were apparently all too dimwitted to 
recognize that the 72 plates in the book were essentially Tarot cards -- the 
of Fortune, the Tower (here interpreted as a prophecy of the Twin Towers on 
9/11, as if no one had seen a Tarot deck before!), etc., were all clearly in 
evidence.  The "final" 7 plates which they regarded as being especially 
significant and full of foreboding were plainly just iconic of the 7 planets -- 
halfwit should have noticed that on the bottom half of each of those plates, 
dual sign-rulership of the particular planet was depicted.  How totally 
clueless!  If I recall correctly, they described the "Mercury" plate (the Twins 
[Gemini] and the Virgin [Virgo] seen below it) as representing "the 
when I'd have viewed it as a caricature of old magus Nostradamus himself.
Some of the nonsense promoted in this documentary: (1) Nostradamus had some 
relationship with the Templars, who had a church ("St Michael of the 
Apocalypse") within walking distance; (2) Nostradamus used a zodiac of 13 
signs, the 
13th being the constellation Ophiuchus  (straight out of "Holy Blood, Holy 
Grail," PoS propaganda) "between Scorpio and Sagittarius," where the Galactic 
is located; and (3) the pictorial symbolism by "Nostradamus" reveals that he 
knew the world would end in 2012, when the ecliptic and galactic planes 
coincide at that point (which presumes the PoS knew Mayan astronomy).
Never mind the fact that, in the kept-safely-at-a-distance, very underplayed 
background of the documentary, we watch experts subjecting the MS. to 
scientific tests which reveal that, while the watermarked paper is identifiable 
originating in the 1600s, the handwriting is in 3 different hands, the zinc in 
the ink dating one of them as after 1800, and we're asked to believe that an 
annotation added on the first page of the MS. justifies it being ascribed to 
"Nostradamus" instead of the 19th Century personage recorded as author.
Oh, and the face of OSAMA BIN LADEN is flashed onscreen at least a dozen 
times, whenever the "Third ANTICHRIST" (after Napoleon and Hitler) is 
And, silly me, *I* thought the Antichrist was supposed to be a publicly 
celebrated "man of peace," while secretly a war-maker, like GEORGE BUSH.
(What, are all "New Agers" right-wingers today, in contrast to the 
left-leaning mystics of the Sixties?) 
So blatantly misleading, as well as inaccurate, that it makes me wonder what 
the REAL AGENDA of the "History" Channel is nowadays, seeing that it's wasting 
so much airtime passing off pure fantasy-based speculations about curious 
artifacts as some kind of serious history (or factual journalism).  
Is SUPERSTITION being used in the "disinformation age" as a very useful 
handmaiden of FEAR?

The History Channel
The History Channel is a _cable television_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_television)  channel, which primarily 
presents programming related to 
historical events and persons—often with observations and explanations by noted 
_historians_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historian)  as well as _reenactors_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_reenactment)  and interviews with 
witnesses. Some of the original programming is also shown on _History 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_Television)  in _Canada_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada) . The _UK_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK)  version of 
the History Channel is operated as a joint venture between _A&E_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A&E_Television_Networks)  and _British Sky 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Sky_Broadcasting) .
The History Channel   
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:The_History_Channel.gif)   Launched 
_January 1995_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_1995)   
Owned by _A&E Television Networks_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A&E_Television_Networks)   Headquarters  
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg) _New York 
City_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City)  
 Sister channel(s) _History International_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_International) , _A&E Network_ 
, _The Biography Channel_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Biography_Channel) 
, _Military History Channel_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_History_Channel) , _The History Channel 
en español_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_History_Channel_en_Español)   Website 
Programming and ownership
Programs cover a wide array of periods and topics, while similar topics are 
often organized into themed weeks or daily marathons. Subjects include military 
history, medieval history, the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, modern 
_engineering_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineering) , and historical 
biographies. Many programs compare contemporary culture and technology with the 
while some programs have a more esoteric focus such as _conspiracy theory_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory) , _religious_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious)  interpretation, _UFO_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified_flying_object)  speculation, or 
_reality television_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_television) .  
Launched in January 1995, the channel is owned by A&E joint venture (Hearst, 
Disney, NBC) and Sky _News Corp [owned by Rupert Murdoch]._ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_Corporation)  and operates, in various 
forms, in the _United 
States_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) , the _United Kingdom_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom) , _Australia_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia) , _New Zealand_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand) , _Portugal_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portugal) , _Spain_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spain) , _Italy_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy)  and 
_Latin America_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_America) . The network is 
also currently available in _South Asia_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asia)  under a deal between _STAR TV_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STAR_TV)  and 
_AETN International_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=AETN_International&action=edit) .  
Interestingly, the channel has consistently produced 
_prime time_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_time)  _ratings_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nielsen_ratings)  in the U.S. comparable to or 
higher than the 
_A&E Network_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A&E_Network)  itself.  
Criticism and evaluation 
The History Channel received the nickname "the _Hitler_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler)  Channel" for its extensive coverage of 
<"evil Nazis" and the 
Holocaust in> World War II, though much military-themed programming has now 
been shifted to its sister network, the _Military History Channel_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_History_Channel) , and the network's 
now covers a more diverse range of topics on history. The U.S.-based network 
also been criticized for devoting most of its coverage to _US_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_United_States)  and _Western 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_western_civilization) ._[6]_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_Channel#_note-5)  Programs have been 
faulted for bias, 
especially in its treatment of non-Western societies and customs._[7]_ 
There have been complaints of misleading information in some programs.  A 
special on the history of torture may have provided a misleading account of 
Perillos of Athens and his torture device, the _Brazen Bull_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazen_Bull) .  Critics have noted incorrect 
grammar in program 
narratives (i.e., "comprised of"). Fact-checking has also been faulted; in 
Vesuvius incorrect information may have been given on temperature scales. In 
addition, the History Channel has been reproved for giving too much attention 
to arguably non-historical subjects, such as _UFOs_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO) ._[8]_ 

Typical babbling from one of the star commentators featured in the 

Email from Monica: "Almost 20 years ago I read a book written by a woman who 
interpreted the Quatrains of Nostradamus. One prediction stuck in my mind. It 
stated that California [West] would be on fire and an action type hero would 
figure prominently in helping to save the day. The author thought it was Tom 
Cruise who was in his heyday at the time, which sounded very far fetched, but 
turns out to be Arnold Swartzenegger, which at one time was equally far 
_Arnold Swartzenegger_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Swartzenegger)  
was the time traveling _Terminator._ 

_Vitruvian Man_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitruvian_man)  and _Leonado_ 
(http://www.crystalinks.com/davinci.html)  (_Leo_ 
(http://www.crystalinks.com/leo.html)  - lion's tail/tale) da Vinci.
"The Lost Book of Nostradamus" often depicts the Lion.

<Reader's Comments>
(1) LOST BOOK OF NOSTRADAMUS On The History Channel 

"A mysterious book of cryptic prophecies has been discovered at the National 
Library in Rome, and there is evidence to suggest that it is the final work of 
the most famous and controversial prophet in the history of the world, 
Nostradamus. Even more startling than the discovery of the book, though, are 
warnings it contains, which were so blasphemous and frightening in their time 
that they may have been intentionally suppressed until now. A brand-new special 
examines the life’s work of Nostradamus and the evidence and contents of this 
startling discovery in LOST BOOK OF NOSTRADAMUS, premiering Sunday, October 
28th at 9:00pm ET/PT on The History Channel®. 

Nostradamus, born in 1503 in Saint Remy de Provence, France, lived most of 
his adult life in Salon de Provence, until his death in 1566. He began his 
career as a prophet relatively late in life, after he wrote the first of his 
almanacs, published annually beginning in 1550. Nostradamus soon became the 
seer to the queen of France, Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henri II. It 
was this relationship that launched him to fame. 

Nostradamus’ predictions about famous world events, from Hitler to 9/11, have 
drawn attention and stirred debate the world over even centuries after his 
death. Some see a startling pattern of connection to modern events in his words 
and drawings, while others see nothing but abstractions and empty words. LOST 
BOOK OF NOSTRADAMUS explores some of the predictions that have given 
Nostradamus such extraordinary influence today, all the while unveiling the 
cryptic and 
frightening drawings in the lost book that take the program to a spectacular 
and frightening conclusion with critical information for today’s generation. 

In the Lost Book, there are images that strongly hint at future trouble for 
the Catholic Church, and even one image that appears to portray an 
assassination attempt on one of the modern era's most beloved popes. There are 
images that are said to depict World War I and II, and political movements such 
Communism and Fascism. Current global conflicts are also presaged, including 
the rise of fundamentalism, in particular the current surge of radical Islam. 

Are the current headlines in the newspapers, on issues like terrorism, global 
warming, and a resurgence of deadly disease and natural disasters, bearing 
witness to the last days? And do other cultures and writings around the world, 
including the Holy Bible, arrive at a similar conclusion to what Nostradamus 

Found on: 

Getting on _www.historychannel.com_ (http://www.historychannel.com/)  is an 
exercise in futility right now. The servers over there appear to be swamped. 
The page won't load or it just times out. 

I think I will be watching this show. I would like to see what evidence is 
presented for it being a final book by Nostradamus and what the book contains.
(1) Nostradamus was not an artist, he was a writer. They suggested it was his 
son, who was an artist, that drew the images. He also inherited his fathers 
letters after his death, and may have put this last book together, but the book 
they have is a copy, it is not in Nostadamus's handwriting or his sons. It 
was , however, stored in the Vatican library for a while, and it mentions and 
gives credit to Nostadamus as being the author. So basically, can we give 
to this book? 

Oh BTW it does suggest that America will be destroyed. 
(3) I was so upset at the history ch for doing such a bad job.  They spun the 
pictures to control what people seen.  The islamic invasion is not terrorism 
its how many people in america is becoming muslim White asian black ect   Also 
the pictures were wrong 

This picture is a warning . the dice is on 6 as in 666 
showing satan's control over the man in the pictures 
the cross he holds lead to fire (hell) The smart are running away 

Look at this picture -- note his hand makes the salute to satan 
look at the rock and roll style horns sign on his right hand. 
Also note the horn blowing on the left. The horn is a sign for the end of the 


Times up i call this one 
Its a wheel the hour glass is at time 
Like hands on a clock the hour glass is at top 
note that the city is two notches away from the top and the picture on top is 

Look who is holding the snake and the red hand means the church The hand 
means a secret behind the scene control. 

ok we see one man but what about the nuke on the other page 


Look at the suns eyes the sun is surprised he did not see the sword coming. 
it is going to kill the dragon and look the muslim sign is at the mouth of 
the dragon. the dragon is about to eat the muslims but the sword kills the 
dragon and the sun a pagan sign did not see it coming 
History Channel's 'Lost Book of Nostradamus' lacks bite
Nostradamus is calling again tomorrow night, but is anybody listening?  
We haven't heard much lately from the prophet. That could be because he died 
in 1566. But now The History Channel is resurrecting and rehabilitating the 
visionary in the "Lost Book of Nostradamus" at 9 tomorrow night.  
Lost book? Not that ruse again! What's next? The lost book of Britney Spears? 
All right, calm down. There are some people who take this guy seriously, and 
the History Channel thought it was important enough to give him two hours. 
Skeptics may wonder what was in the programmers' coffee when they agreed to go 
along, so get out your credibility meters.  
Nostradamus has a cult following for his more than 6,000 predictions. His 
groupies give him credit for predicting the rise of both Napoleon and Adolf 
Hitler, the French Revolution, both World Wars, the bombing of Hiroshima, the 
landings, the death of Princess Diana and maybe Lindsay Lohan falling off the 
Breaking news! This just in! A book that the old fortune teller may have 
written has been discovered sitting in plain sight on a shelf at the National 
Library in Rome. Better yet, it comes with several pictures, which are open to 
just about any guess you'd like to make about them, but the experts on this 
program aren't mystified.  
They know exactly what they mean. They're drop-dead sure that Nostradamus is 
once again calling to us from his moldy grave with some dire warnings about 
Most of the alert is based on a picture of a burning tower that looks like 
it's part of a medieval castle. Of course, any Nostradamus interpreter knows 
that it's one of the Twin Towers and part of the psychic's vision of 9/11. Too 
bad nobody discovered this book before 2001.  
Wait, there's more.  
Other paintings and writings have convinced the faithful that his references 
to a religious war could only mean the current battle in Iraq, with a 
suggestion that Nostradamus knew about Saddam Hussein too.  
The bearded seer also is credited with predicting a great religious/ethnic 
war brewing between East and West, between Christianity and the Muslim world. 
That's because Nostradamus, or whoever penned this book, talks of a great 
religious battle. You could have predicted that in almost any century.  
But he's not just talking Iraq or Afghanistan anymore. This is Armageddon and 
the apocalypse. The biblical references finally arrive in one of the book's 
paintings and we're told a prince of war may be rising.  
Know where all this is going? Three guesses and you don't need two to figure 
out that Nostradamus also had the scoop on Osama bin Laden.  
Not enough for you? The documentary tosses in the Indian Ocean tsunami, 
hurricanes in New Orleans and global warming as signs that the end is near. Of 
course, if a meteor smacks into the planet tomorrow, all bets are off because 
Nostradamus doesn't appear to have given us the exact date on the next big 
So why hasn't Nostradamus got this thing up on the Internet or at least as a 
TMZ expose? Maybe because a lot of his alleged prophecies are about the 
Catholic Church, and they aren't very pretty.  
Vatican conspiracies always sell well. Just look at the "DaVinci Code." Dan 
Brown, the author of that best seller, might want to run out and get a copy of 
Nostradamus' latest thriller to base his next book on.  
So what we have here, according to the Nostradamus experts, is yet another 
papal cover-up. And that, according to true believers, is the reason the book 
has been kept out of public sight for 500 years. So who put it on the shelf for 
general circulation again?  
The documentary doesn't say, but my nominee is Osama bin Laden. He's always 
sending messages through hidden routes and this one would certainly qualify.  
Homeland Security might want to look into this, too, because it's a sure 
thing that the Nostradamus camp followers will say their guy knew when and 
the next attack is coming -- after it happens.  
That's the big trouble with all this crystal-ball stuff. The we-told-you-so 
always seems to come after the event. Unfortunately, the History Channel 
doesn't talk with anyone who might call all this bunk a bunch of junk.  
"The Lost Book of Nostradamus" appears to be more manufactured hysteria than 
history, with a ton of psycho-babble tossed it. But if you were into secret 
decoder rings when you were a kid, you might enjoy this flight of fantasy.  

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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