-Caveat Lector-

April 27, 1999

Private Spy in Space to Rival Military's

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If all goes well Tuesday, years of planning, delay and debate will
culminate in the launching of the world's most powerful civilian spacecraft
for observing the Earth and its human dramas, inaugurating the first real
rival to military spies in the sky.

The satellite, built by Lockheed Martin for Space Imaging, a Colorado
company, is to be hurled from a California launching pad into an orbit some
420 miles high, where its cameras will be able to record cars, homes, hot
tubs, roads, buildings, bridges, convoys, tanks, jets, missiles and mass
graves -- though not individual people.

Satellite images could appeal to urban planners, or despots.

And before the year is out, two more American companies plan to loft
reconnaissance craft with similar powers. In all, a dozen or so are
expected to be launched in the next decade.

Though civilian "remote sensing" satellites have been observing the Earth
since 1972, their images are wide-scale and the details fuzzy. The new
surveillance technology is likely to be a powerful new tool for miners,
geographers, urban planners and disaster-relief officials, to name a few
potential clients. But the sharp-eyed cameras to be launched raise fears,
too, about lost privacy and the possibility that images from such
satellites will be just as valuable to adversaries like Slobodan Milosevic.

Experts on space reconnaissance in and out of the Federal Government agree
that the national security implications of the new technology have been
inadequately thought out -- a worry thrown into sharp focus by the crisis
in the Balkans.

"Any time a powerful new technology is introduced, there's a battle over
the uses to which it's put," Christopher Simpson, a reconnaissance expert
at American University in Washington, said in an interview. "Here, the
potential for beneficial uses is very high, on balance. But the potential
for abuse certainly exists and we'll no doubt see some of that."

The Clinton Administration released this genie in 1994 when it lifted
technical restrictions on private companies, letting them build a new
generation of satellites that could peer down to see objects on the ground
as small as a yard wide -- enough to distinguish between a car and a truck.
Even white lines on the black asphalt of parking lots are said to be

Today, the new companies organized to take advantage of the change have
backlogs of orders, including at least $1 billion from Federal intelligence
agencies eager to supplement their spy satellites.

 Indeed, governments -- and military forces -- at home and abroad are
expected to be top customers for years to come.

"The militaries have a well-developed idea of what they want and have the
money to pay for it," said Albert D. Wheelon, a former Central Intelligence
Agency official who helped run the nation's early spy satellites and is now
retired. "On the civilian side, I think that will take a long time, like
computers did."

The art of photographing the earth from outer space began when military spy
craft were first lofted in 1960. Over the years, their vision sharpened,
and military craft, particularly American craft, are still the undisputed
leaders, their cameras said to be strong enough to see a car's license

Until recently, photos from commercial satellites have been much fuzzier,
revealing only large features like fields, lakes, rivers and mountains. But
little by little, their cameras have improved.

Today, France, India and Russia sell the best commercial photos taken from
outer space. The sharpest of all are Russian and show objects on the ground
as small as two meters, or about six feet, enough detail to allow users to
see tanks and other large military objects.

In December 1997, Earthwatch Inc. of Longmont, Colo., lofted a satellite
meant to see features as small as 10 feet. But the craft failed in orbit,
prompting American rivals to tread with caution. While many other American
craft of the improved class are still in planning stages, no others have
gone into service.

But Space Imaging is now ready to leapfrog ahead with a camera that sees
objects as small as one meter, or about three feet -- the sharpest ever for
civilian craft. Privately held and based in Denver, the company says it has
about $700 million from a consortium of backers made up of Lockheed Martin,
Raytheon, Mitsubishi and other international partners.

The company has 285 employees. Its president is Jeffrey K. Harris, who from
1994 to 1996 ran the National Reconnaissance Office, the secretive Federal
group that builds and runs the Government's spy satellites.

Today's launching was first planned for December 1997 but was delayed after
the Earthwatch failure. If all goes well, a nine-story Athena II rocket
made, like the satellite, by Lockheed Martin, will carry the newest spy
satellite aloft at 2:21 P.M. from Vandenberg Air Force Base, on the
California coast north of Los Angeles. Because of its ability to send
satellites into a north-south orbit that covers most of the Earth, the base
is the launching site for most Government spy satellites that carry

The new spacecraft is a lightweight at just 0.8 tons. About 15 feet long
with its solar panels extended, it runs on just 1,200 watts of power -- a
bit more than a toaster. At its heart is the same kind of telescope that
Isaac Newton invented: a round mirror with a curved surface gathers faint
light, which is then magnified for human viewers.

In the spacecraft, a more complex version of this telescope points down
toward Earth rather than up at the stars, gathering faint reflections from
ground objects. Color and black-and-white television cameras then turn the
resulting images into radio signals beamed to Earth.

Eastman Kodak, a top Federal contractor for optical espionage, built the
telescope system. Its main mirror is 27 inches wide and so smooth that if
it were 100 miles across the biggest bump would be 0.08 inches high.

Overall, the telescope is about five feet long. This feat of
miniaturization allows the launching to be relatively low cost and is the
kind of technical advance helping make possible the new generation of civil
spy satellites.

Speeding around the planet at four miles a second, the spacecraft is to
orbit once every 98 minutes, passing over all regions except the poles and
able to photograph any particular spot on the ground once every
one-to-three days. The craft is known as Ikonos 1, after the Greek word for

"We believe it will fundamentally change the approach to many forms of
information that we use in business and our private lives," said John R.
Copple, the chief executive of Space Imaging.

The first photos will go up for sale two to three months after the
satellite goes into orbit, company officials say. A second craft, Ikonos 2,
is ready for launching, but the date has not been set. The satellites are
identical and are designed to function for up to seven years.

Copple, the company's head, said that photos from Ikonos (pronounced
eye-KOH-nos) would cost $25 to $300 a square mile and that the minimum size
of the ground area would probably be larger than a square mile. The company
is taking orders and eventually plans to sell the imagery via its Web site,
Commercial rivals also eager to launch this year are Orbimage, of Dulles,
Va., and Earthwatch, which is still hard at work despite its 1997 setback.
Both companies are building satellites with one-meter resolution.

Copple of Space Imaging said that military organizations from the United
States and other countries would make up half his company's market at first
but that their share would dwindle as civilians discovered the images. "The
marketplace will surprise us all," he said.

Some experts worry about unhappy surprises, like terrorists' exploiting the
imagery to plan attacks, for example.

"I don't think the Administration has thought through the implications,"
said Henry Sokolski, a Pentagon official in the Bush Administration who now
runs the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, a private group in
In one twist, civilians are already using space photographs to track
military arms. Such uses are expected to skyrocket as more powerful cameras
come into play. Experts say such prying can promote peace by reducing
military secrecy and false governmental claims.

"It provides an independent check on what the government is saying, for
example about mass graves and other wartime atrocities in the Balkans,"
said John E. Pike, head of a space-reconnaissance project at the Federation
of American Scientists, a private group in Washington.

Since 1994, when Clinton allowed commercial interests to use the powerful
technology, the most contentious issue has been how to keep foes from
getting the new images, especially in wartime. The Commerce Department,
which licenses the craft, demands that Washington be allowed to exercise
what experts call "shutter control," basically an abrupt cutoff of image

To date, no restrictions have been proposed publicly for the Balkans, and
industry officials say they expect none.

"We're fighting an air war," not one on the ground where the massing of
troops for a surprise assault could be a key factor, said Copple of Space
Imaging. "From a military standpoint, the only thing it's good for is
damage assessment."

But other experts disagree, saying important details of allied military
planning might be jeopardized by the new images, "particularly if we're
building up for ground troops," said Pike of the Federation of American

Gen. Richard B. Myers of the Air Force, head of the United States Space
Command, which orchestrates the nation's military space activities, said
earlier this month that Washington had yet to think through what to do in
times of armed conflict.

"There's going to be risk in operations like this when you're selling what
can be used against you," he told the annual meeting of the United States
Space Foundation, a private space-policy group.

Keith R. Hall, the director of the National Reconnaissance Office, told the
same group that today's scheduled lofting of the commercial spy satellite
would force the issue.
"We're just in the beginning stages of developing the policies on this," he
said, adding that the launching "will probably be the impetus for the
Government to get its act together."

New York Today <http://www.nytoday.com>

Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company

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