-Caveat Lector-

Despite  the ever-present risk of being labelled a racist  in our
politically-correct society, I have to say with total objectivity that this
is just one more indication that the blacks are totally destroying this
nation now that they've taken it over.

Following is another  news report to the same effect:

Crime stalks corridors of Africa's largest hospital: staff

SOWETO, South Africa, May 4 (AFP) - Crime, corruption and gun-toting thugs
have crippled southern Africa's largest hospital, the Chris Hani Baragwanath
in Soweto, endangering the lives of its patients, staff said Tuesday.
Doctors, nurses and administrators told Deputy President Thabo Mbeki during
frank talks at the 3,200-bed hospital on the outskirts of this sprawling
black township near Johannesburg, that they feared being killed if they
fingered criminals.  A doctor, who like the scores of staff members who
addressed Mbeki did not give his name, said because of large-scale theft of
linen, patients' wounds often turned septic.  "Some patients are forced to
lie on rubber mats," the doctor said. "It is not good for them."  Nurses said
drugs, food, crockery and essential medical equipment was frequently stolen,
leaving staff unable to care properly for the patients.  "Food leaves the
kitchen but does not arrive at the wards," one said.  A nursing sister in the
hospital's trauma unit said thieves, who manage somehow to get past hospital
security, frequently raid the ward for the property of patients who die.
"When we try stop them, they draw their guns," she said.  Nurses told Mbeki,
who Tuesday toured Soweto as part of his campaigning for general elections on
June 2, that they were frightened to work at night as they were threatened by
gun-wielding thugs.  One nursing sister said that those who report criminals
to the authorities are beaten up or "thrown from a bridge."  Staff members
spoke of "crime syndicates" they said were operating from the hospital.  An
employee in the motor accidents unit alleged that patient records were being
stolen by doctors, nurses and administration staff for sale to lawyers
involved in a motor vehicle insurance scam.  Mbeki, who was accompanied by
Safety and Security Minister Sydney Mufamadi and senior police officials,
promised that security at the hospital, which draws patients from across
Africa, would immediately be addressed.  "Security obviously isn't strong
enough," Mbeki said. "We need to make sure no one comes at night and
threatens staff."  He urged staff members to "take a little bit of courage"
and turn in the criminals.  "It is not good that this major hospital on the
African continent has a bad name," Mbeki said.  Addressing members of the
Soweto community in the Orlando West section of the township later, Mbeki
urged all South Africans to "blow the whistle on criminals."  Hundreds of
people, young and old, employed and unemployed, poor and even poorer, lined
up at a hall in Orlando West to sketch a picture of unbridled crime, police
corruption and of being gripped by fear whether at home, on the street or at
school.  One man, wearing a T-shirt reading "Stop Killing Our Police," told
Mbeki that while most police officers were "good", some were "destructive",
while some were "actually killers working hand in hand with criminals."  A
teenager admitted to Mbeki he had stolen cellular phones and had broken into
people's houses because his unemployed parents could not afford to feed the
family.  "When you are president, give our parents jobs so they can feed us,"
the boy said. Mbeki is likely to succeed President Nelson Mandela when he
steps down in June.  Mbeki told the meeting that while the government would
do everything possible to curb crime, it needed the cooperation of citizens.
"It is important that you give us names of the criminals and identify those
who are carrying unlicensed firearms," he said.

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