-Caveat Lector-

Thre is something I have noticed re some of the school incidents....this
religious element....some of this religion is a little over done,
especially in public schools.

In Colorado, I think there are a lot of sick kids down there - and not
just two who are alleged to have killed themselves.....they had to have
some help killing themselves, just like Jonestown and Halle
Bopp.....what makes a David Koreish at Waco....if he tossed away the
bible, and spoke of the government master plan for genocide, maybe
people would have listened.  Why did Hillary Clinton, ridicule the Halle
Bopp people....had they tossed out the religion and spoke the truth
rather speaking in parables, people would have understood, that the
government was planning genocide....just as did Hitler.

There is the biggest coverup going on in Colorado now....nobody will
ever convince me that Eric was all too blame, and that the the Jewish
partner in crime, loved Adolph Hitler....

There has been some experiments going in Colorado that not only are
criminal if exposed, but inhumane to say the least.

There is something terribly wrong in tht school in Columbine....some of
these kids looked strange and did not match up to a happy
environment...in fact the one little girl that was murdered - seemed
almost suicidal before.....too much fluoride in the water...what about a
school in Ohio where kids are getting cancer of the blood without
reason, buried over some old government waste they say now....

Colorado was right on schedule....and do not forget little JonBenet
Ramsey....the father was in computers.....

I still remember the ond kid "Nobody liked them.....they were scum"
And you are telling me that some of these kids were good Christians?


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