-Caveat Lector-

    ... with the success of the CIA --oops, I mean, UN-- inspection team in
Iraq ?
    What next?  Will the US have to BOMB N. Korea next to insure

U.S. To Inspect North Korean Site

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- A U.S. team will begin inspecting a possible
nuclear weapons site in North Korea on May 18, South Korean officials said

About 15 American officials and nuclear experts will spend several days
inspecting the site at Kumchang-ri, northwest of the North's capital of
Pyongyang, they said.

At least two inspections are planned to clear U.S. suspicions that the
communist country may be reactivating a nuclear weapons program frozen under
a 1994 agreement with Washington.

The agreement called for North Korea to abandon its nuclear program in
exchange for two safer nuclear reactors worth $4.6 billion and other economic
and diplomatic benefits.

Suspicion arose over Pyongyang's sincerity when U.S. spy satellite images
last summer showed thousands of North Koreans burrowing into a hillside 25
miles northwest of the nation's main nuclear complex of Yongbyon.

North Korea claims the underground facility is for civilian use, but U.S.
officials suspect that it might be nuclear-related.

The inspection is expected to remove a major obstacle to efforts to improve
relations between the two countries, which have no diplomatic relations.

The United States fought on South Korea's side in the 1950-53 Korean War. It
keeps 37,000 troops in South Korea under a defense treaty.

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