-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Tatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
> > # How the brain calculates. Researchers have produced new evidence
> > about how the brain handles mathematics <...> 2 very different brain
> > functions are involved <...> One is a non-verbal, visual and spatial
> > sense of quantity - the other has to do with symbols [and] language.
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/education/newsid_337000/337328.stm
> Fascinating, and it illuminates a personal problem for me. I am mildly
> dyscalculiac -- especially when I am tired or distracted, numbers tend to
> jump around and even basic arithmetic becomes extremely difficult <...>
> as a result I did miserably in math...until I took symbolic logic and
> calculus, both of which deal primarily with abstract letters and symbols.
> Suddenly I found myself aceing a math course, a totally new experience!

Do you do better with graphic representations than symbols? Benoit
Mendelbrot [fractals] is a famous mathoid with almost no numeric
sense, who works almost entirely with graphic visualizations which
he then tranlates into symbolic systems - but the image comes first.

> A sidelight on this problem is that I am left-handed. We lefties are
> notorious for stumbling over our tongues -- we often find ourselves
> unable to use the correct word for what we want to say. (The most
> famous example is George H.W. Bush, who is forever referring to "the
> <whatever> thing"... Bill Clinton is one of the rare exceptions; he
> is a leftie who is extremely fluent, even prolix, in speaking.)

Now we need to explore left-handed [SINISTER] conspiracies, the exact
relationship between Clinton & Bush, the inactivity of the left-handed
spin components of LSD and other psychotropic drugs, and the ominous
patterns of placement of NO LEFT TURN signs on US roadways.  But since
you're part of the LEFT conspiracy, we should regard you warily...

> The BBC article notes that the left frontal lobe, where exact calcu-
> lations take place, also seems to control connections between words;
> this makes me suspect that there may be a relationship, at least in my
> case, between my left-handedness and my dyscalculia.

What else happens in the left frontal lobe? Paranormal activity, alien
implants, mind-control-ray and/or hallucinogen and/or pain/pleasure
receptors, glossolalia, sexuality... what else?

> Ric, vielen, vielen Dank for posting this one!

U-betcha.  Send valuta to: Box 888, Forestville CA 95436 USA

  Ric "we're all un-indicted co-conspirators" Carter

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