-Caveat Lector-

" Those who don't study history are condemmed to relive it."

These fools did not pay attention to what Bill does to his pals when
things get tough. They should have subscribed to this list for


"Peter L. Sroufe" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Kosovo rebels denounce peace bid
> By Liz Sly
> Tribune Foreign Correspondent
> May 7, 1999
> Keep up with updated coverage on the bombings in Yugoslavia.
> TIRANA, Albania -- The Kosovo Liberation Army Thursday said it would not
> agree to lay down its arms under terms of the accord reached in Bonn for
> ending the Kosovo conflict, offering a hint of just one of the difficulties
> any peace settlement may encounter.
> "After all that has happened in Kosovo in the past months, we cannot discuss
> the disarming of the KLA," said Jakup Krasniqi, a senior KLA spokesman, in
> response to the accord reached between NATO and Russia on the shape of
> future security arrangements for Kosovo.
> The accord includes a provision for the disarmament of the guerrilla army,
> which is fighting Serb forces inside Kosovo and along its border with
> Albania. The KLA seeks full Kosovo independence, not the "autonomy" sought
> by NATO.
> "The conditions under which the KLA will agree to disarm do not exist and I
> do not think they will ever exist in the Balkans," Krasniqi said. "Such a
> demand is very unjust."
> Until now, the KLA has largely been discounted in efforts to reach a
> solution to the Kosovo crisis. It is lightly armed and inexperienced, and
> its leaders readily acknowledge that it is no match for the professionally
> trained, well-armed Yugoslav army.
> But it does have guns, and its ranks have been swelled by thousands, perhaps
> tens of thousands, of new recruits from among the refugees forced from their
> homes by the Serbs. KLA claims that it has 60,000 adherents both inside
> Kosovo and along Albania's borders cannot be substantiated.
> The KLA is adamantly opposed to any kind of deal that would uphold Serb
> sovereignty over Kosovo, something President Clinton has insisted must be
> maintained to protect the integrity of disputed borders throughout the
> Balkans.
> "This war makes no sense unless it results in the independence of Kosovo.
> There is no other solution," Krasniqi said.
> Political divisions among the fractious Kosovars are also deepening as the
> conflict progresses. The shared horror of the brutality they have suffered
> at Serb hands in recent weeks has temporarily masked those differences, but
> they threaten to erupt into squabbles over who will control Kosovo's future
> if a peace settlement is reached.
> On the eve of the NATO bombing campaign, the KLA commanded the support of a
> relatively small minority of Kosovars, most of whom had shunned the
> guerrillas' embrace of violence in favor of the pacifist approach of the
> interim Kosovo government of President Ibrahim Rugova.
> But when the mass expulsions of Kosovars began, support for the KLA soared.
> Rugova's appearance alongside Milosevic on television appealing for an end
> to the bombing campaign caused many of his supporters to doubt his
> leadership.
> The KLA has now set up its own "government" of Kosovo and denounces the one
> established under Rugova's presidency as a "traitor" and ally of Belgrade.
> But Rugova's government continues to assert its existence as the true
> representative of the Kosovo people because it was elected by an
> overwhelming majority in clandestine elections held in 1997. It vilifies the
> KLA as undemocratic and accuses it of Marxist-Leninist tendencies.
> Rugova was allowed to leave Kosovo on Wednesday and at a press conference in
> Rome Thursday he threw his support behind NATO participation in a
> peacekeeping force.
> There is also a small KLA faction loyal to Rugova's government, though the
> bulk of the guerrilla army answers to the KLA-backed government. Although
> their political leaders cannot agree, on the front lines the two KLA
> factions are fighting as one army, according to KLA fighters on both sides
> and independent observers.
> Send the text of this story to someone's email address
> http://chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ws/item/0,1267,11249-11250-28165,
> 00.html
> Bard
> Visit me at:
> The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government
> http://www.xld.com/public/center/center.htm
> Federal Government defined:
> ....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!
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> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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