There's Gold in Them There Black Helicopters
By Aaron L. Task
Senior Writer
5/7/99 3:31 PM ET

Fact:  For the two weeks ended April 6, noncommercial short interest in gold
totaled 88,363 contracts, according to the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission in Chicago.  That was the largest short position in history (and
just a fraction of total worldwide short interest).  Short interest has
declined in subsequent weeks but still remains at extremely high levels,
equal to about 10% of total production last year.

The Gold Conspiracy Gold Bugs Light Up as They Forecast a Short Squeeze

Fact:  Michel Camdessus, managing director of the International Monetary
Fund, has extolled the virtue of using gold-sale proceeds to pay for debt
relief for "heavily indebted poor countries," in the IMF parlance.  President
Clinton has expressed support for the sale of up to 10 million ounces of the
approximately 103 million ounces of gold committed to the fund.  To varying
degrees, the notion has been seconded by financial and political luminaries
such as Vice President Al Gore, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, U.K.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown and Switzerland National Bank
President Hans Meyer.  Even German Finance
Minister Hans Eicherl says Germany has "relaxed" its once-staunch
anti-gold-sale stance.

Fact:  Last month, Switzerland voted to begin decoupling the Swiss franc from
its gold backing.  The Swiss central bank could begin selling gold as early
as next year, The New York Times reported.

Fact:  The Gold Antitrust Action Committee, known as GATA, has retained
securities law specialist Berger & Montague to assist in the "investigation
of the alleged manipulation of the gold market," according to a press release
from the organization.  Bill Murphy, chairman of GATA, believes so-called
bullion banks, which include many of Wall Street's biggest firms, have
violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by colluding to keep the price of gold
down.  A senior partner at Berger
& Montague confirms the firm has been retained by GATA but says "no decision
to file a case has been made at this time."  He declined to comment further.

Fact:  Last Tuesday, Murphy met with Rep. Jim Saxton (R., N.J.), vice
chairman of the Joint Economic Committee.  Congress must approve the proposed
IMF gold sale, and Saxton has "taken a strong position of skepticism on the
gold-sale issue," according to Christopher Frenze, chief economist to the
committee vice chairman.  Neither Saxton nor the committee has any position
or comment on the allegations made by GATA, Frenze says. "Our focus is
directed more at the IMF as an institution and how gold sales would relate to
IMF finances and lending."  (Those
interested in more about Saxton's position should visit <>.)

Fact:  Most market players deny there is any cabal corrupting the gold
market.  And despite Murphy's 25 years as a precious-metals trader, broker
and analyst with firms such as the defunct Drexel Burnham Lambert, the former
Shearson Lehman and Veneroso Associates, many believe his charge is, to be
polite, meritless.

An English Surprise Knocks Prices

"I do not think his views hold much water," says Philip Klapwijk, managing
director at Gold Fields Mineral Services in London. "The U.S. Treasury and
Fed are happier with gold at a certain level, but it's equally wrong to
suggest they are in favor of excessively low gold, which sends a deflationary
signal.  It's a big leap to say there is intervention or a systematic

Indeed, without Oliver Stone, it is a huge (and ultimately unprovable) leap
to say IMF gold-sale proposals are part of some vast, multiwinged conspiracy
involving the top levels of government and so-called bullion banks (among

Yet today, the price of gold tumbled $7.60 an ounce to $283.10 after the Bank
of England, much to the gold community's surprise, announced its plans to
sell up to 125 tons, or almost 60% of its reserves, between now and March
2000.  Before the announcement, gold had crept up to the high end of its
several-month-long trading range of $275 to $290 an ounce.

Already unmoved by the critics, the Bank of England's announcement today
stiffened Murphy's resolve.

"This is right on cue," he says. "Yesterday, the bonds got clobbered and the
gold market was surging and getting close to the point where gold borrowings
could go under water.  Then out of nowhere, right on cue, the BOE comes out.
It's unbelievable."

And other gold market participants are becoming increasingly outspoken about
the action (or lack thereof) in the once-precious metal.

Barrick Gold (ABX:NYSE) Chairman Peter Munk railed against central banks and
the IMF for generating "enormous negativism" in the market at the company's
annual meeting Tuesday.  Munk also criticized hedge funds and other
speculators for using rumors and the opaqueness of the gold market to
exaggerate weakness in gold prices.

Previously, Nicky Oppenheimer and Bobby Godsell, chairman and CEO,
respectively, of AngloGold (AU:NYSE ADR) of South Africa, and Chris Thompson,
chairman of Gold Fields (GLDFY:Nasdaq ADR) of South Africa, made separate but
similar comments.

Murphy cites these public comments as evidence "the tide is turning about
what we're talking about."  [More on Murphy and GATA can be found at: ]

Ghosts of Greenwich

What Murphy is talking about has its origins (where else?) in Long Term
Capital Management.

Murphy, among others, speculates Long Term Capital had a large short position
in gold -- he estimates 300 tons.  "They borrowed gold from bullion dealers
at 1% as part of the leverage process," he says, then proceeded to engage in
a "gold carry trade" through which the infamous fund shorted gold, while
simultaneously taking a long position on U.S. Treasuries.

However, Murphy has no proof such a trade exists (or ever existed), and Peter
Rosenthal of Rubenstein Associates, the hedge fund's public relations firm,
says, "Long Term never has and doesn't participate in the gold market, either
in the metal itself or any derivative."

Still, Murphy is not alone.

"It has been our observation that Long Term Capital was involved in virtually
every carry trade that was out there -- yen carry trade, interest-rate
convergence, etc.," says Ronny Kraft, CEO of Gotham Capital Management in New
York, who is long various gold stocks.  "What makes it interesting is that
the gold trade is the only one with a physical commodity as the underlying,
which would make it the most difficult to cover."

Kraft, Murphy and others believe that when Federal Reserve officials brokered
together a consortium to rescue Long Term Capital last August, they were
aghast at the extent of the firm's gold short (among other trades). Moreover,
if Long Term's Wall Street clients were mimicking the once-legendary hedge
fund's strategies, as some contend, many of the same firms given the task of
saving the hedge fund (and thus, "the system") were also short gold.  Thus, a
rise in the metal would not only add to the misery at Long Term Capital, but
many of the same institutions responsible for its rescue.

Richard Torrenzano, spokesman for the consortium, says this is "not a
consortium issue" and defers to Long Term Capital.

Greenspan's Golden Jawbone?

Meanwhile, Murphy believes the gold jig was up before that meeting in August
at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (which merely supplied a facility).

"Central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the
price rise," Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said July 24 during testimony before
the House Banking Committee regarding regulation of over-the-counter

"It was a comment not many people paid attention to," Murphy says.  "Only in
retrospect are people starting focus on that.  We know Long Term Capital
didn't happen overnight.  Because the Central Bank of Italy and Fed officials
were invested in Long Term Capital, it's hard to believe he just happened to
come out with this comment."

Fed officials deferred calls regarding gold sales to the IMF.  IMF officials
declined to comment on the GATA.

A Treasury spokesman referred to the Treasury Web site for the department's
position regarding gold sales, particularly Deputy Secretary Lawrence
Summers' April 21 House testimony.  The spokesman declined to comment on the

Looking back, Murphy and his supporters say Greenspan's largely overlooked
comment was the first of a series from global banking and political officials
designed to keep the price of gold suppressed.

"All of a sudden, you saw the market was stopped dead as it would get
anywhere near $300 an ounce," Murphy recalls. "Bullion dealers were offering
unheard-of credit terms to producers to sell forward gold."

Because bullion banks are gold producers' main creditors, Murphy declined to
reveal the names of producers he claims have come forward to discuss
potential gold price manipulation.  The relationship between the banks and
producers is why many view the comments from Barrick, Gold Fields and
AngloGold as being so extraordinary.

Murphy Not a Lone Wolf

While not espousing the same conclusion, Donald Coxe, chairman of Harris
Investment Management of Chicago and chairman of Jones Heward Investments,
also questions recent trends in gold.

"The same political leaders who got the West into a war that promises to be
costly, messy and long -- after promising us it would be cheap, civilized and
short -- have announced that the [IMF] should sell bullion from its gold
hoard to pay off debts from bankrupt nations," Coxe wrote in a May 1 op-ed
piece in The Globe and Mail.  "This strategy is being pushed piously, with
the backing of the Pope.  It may also be motivated cynically, with the
backing of a shrewd ex-trader, U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin.
Announcements of monster pending sales naturally drive down prices of the
merchandise that will soon be dumped."

Keeping the price of gold weak is "politically smart," Coxe added.  "It will
help convince economists and central bankers that disinflation or even
deflation is still at work, despite rapid money-supply growth and some of the
lowest interest rates the world has seen."

Finally, one Nasdaq dealer who specializes in precious-metals stocks recalls
that when "every credit market in the world was traumatized" last fall by
Russia's debt default, gold remained "incredibly placid."

The trader, who supports Murphy's efforts but requested anonymity,
acknowledges "no one knows for a fact if Long Term Capital was a borrower.
But it'd be surprising if they hadn't considered the gold market."

As for the "outrageousness" of Murphy's claim, the source notes John
Meriwether, founder of Long Term Capital, was "forced out of Salomon Brothers
because his subordinates were caught rigging the U.S. bond market auctions."
Furthermore, one rogue trader at Sumitomo "clearly distorted" the copper
market a few years prior, he observes.  "Is it so outrageous?  I don't know
of any hypothesis more plausible.  The market is behaving in a strange way."
Gold Bugs Light Up as They Forecast a Short Squeeze
By Aaron L. Task
Senior Writer
5/7/99 3:30 PM ET

Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Bigfoot. Area 51. Perhaps claims of
manipulation in the gold market deserve to be in the same category:
compelling to some, but lacking relevance to most and rationality to

The Gold ConspiracyThere's Gold in Them There Black Helicopters
 Certainly there are plenty of arguments to explain why the idea of
collusion in the gold market is a crock. But that doesn't absolve
prudent investors from understanding what is happening there, and what's
happening is gold stocks were on the rise until today's debacle.
Yesterday, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Gold & Silver Index rose
3.8%, capping a 44.6% rise since April 5. In the same period, the S&P
500 gained 0.8%.

The XAU's advance came to a screeching halt today after the Bank of
England announced its intention to sell up to 125 tons, or almost 60% of
its reserves, by March 2000. The gold and silver index was off 11.5%
today as the price of gold shed $7.40, or 2.6%, to $283.20 an ounce.

Still, the XAU's jump came without a concurrent increase in the price of
gold. After hitting a 20-year-low average of $294 an ounce last year,
gold has been mired between $275 and $295 an ounce in 1999.

The Bank of England's announcement today had conspiracy hounds howling,
but even if you don't think nefarious forces are keeping gold's price
down, beware the reasons it could revive.

"Gold left to its own devices would have moved solidly through $300 in
response to a rise in oil and chaos in the Balkans," says Don Coxe,
chairman of Harris Investment Management and Jones Heward Investments,
both of Chicago. "The fact it hasn't is a case where I believe the
people involved are trying to prevent it from giving an inflation
signal. It's not a conspiracy, but I'd say it's pretty well

Coxe notes nearly every major player in the gold market -- from central
banks to producers -- is short the metal. "There are no bulls in gold,"
he says. "Yet the alternatives to gold, the only three currencies in the
world that matter -- the U.S. dollar, yen and euro -- don't look like
strong currencies. This should be the time for a move in gold."

The investment chief says that many economists who are dismissive of the
potentially inflationary implications of rising oil prices point to
gold's lassitude as proof. Yet many of the same economists say "gold
doesn't matter," Coxe observes with a chuckle. "When you have a paradox
on this scale, it will have to be resolved [and] I have a feeling it
will be resolved in higher gold prices."

Gold stocks do not fit the criteria of Coxe's large-cap value funds, but
they're the lifeblood of the Tocqueville Gold fund. The roughly $13
million fund was up 28.4% through yesterday since its inception June 30,
1998, according to John Hathaway, senior portfolio manager.

Big positions in the fund include Harmony Gold (HGMCY:Nasdaq ADR);
Getchell Gold (GGO:NYSE), which is being acquired by Placer Dome (PDG
:NYSE); Homestake Mining (HM:NYSE); Newmont Mining (NEM:NYSE); and South
African producers AngloGold (AU:NYSE ADR) and Gold Fields (GLDFY:Nasdaq

"I personally don't think there is overt collusion in gold," Hathaway
says, noting he has no affiliation whatsoever with the Gold Antitrust
Action Committee. But, he adds, "I think the posture of the market is
very wrong-footed. The mining companies that have sold forward, the
bullion dealers that may be short, all are going to be [holding] bad
assets. Like when the yen carry trade went sour, the market is simply
not liquid enough. When gold goes through various chart points, it's
going to go through at $100, $200 clips, not a dollar a day. These guys
are going to be trapped."

The Mother of All Short Squeezes

If gold prices ever ramp in a sustainable way, it will almost certainly
be a boon for precious-metals stocks. But a sharp increase in gold
prices would engender great pain to those short the metal, a group that
is believed to include most hedge funds active in commodities, as well
as bullion banks such as Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (MWD:NYSE), J.P.
Morgan (JPM:NYSE), Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse First Boston and,
through affiliates, Citigroup (C:NYSE) and Goldman Sachs (GS:NYSE).

"Any slight move aside from normal organic buying and we think it's
going to be one of the biggest short squeezes in the history of the
market," says Ronny Kraft, CEO of Gotham Capital Management. "We're
getting set up for something really disastrous. The fact people are
totally oblivious is par for the course."

Kraft says "regression models" show a more than 80% correlation between
the past 150 days and the market tops of 1929, 1987 and 1973. He
believes a move in gold could trigger a massive selloff in equities as
players short gold sell their stocks to cover those positions. "I'm not
some crazy doomsday prophet," the hedge fund manager says earnestly. "I
want to be a bull, but the charts are telling me I can't."

Other market watchers don't see quite so Draconian a scenario.

"That's like saying a butterfly flapping its wings in Tokyo started El
Nino," says George Milling-Stanley, manager of gold market analysis at
World Gold Council. "I don't think we're going to hurt the stock market.
I think the stock market might precipitate a move in the gold market vs.
vice versa."

Finally, Tocqueville's Hathaway says: "My point is, the story is so
strong, you don't need to postulate a market crash to say gold is
interesting. You have to know people are essentially trapped in bearish
positions, but they don't know it yet."

Unless, of course, they know something we don't.

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