-Caveat Lector-

US, S.Korea Accused of Provocations

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea accused U.S. and South Korean forces
on Wednesday of staging military provocations inside the tense demilitarized
zone separating the two Koreas.

The North's official Korean Central News Agency said U.S. and South Korean
soldiers clandestinely deployed ``combat equipment'' at a guard post inside
the border village of Panmunjom on Monday.

More armed soldiers and military vehicles were spotted on a hill inside the
village and about 10 illuminating flares were fired in ``deliberate and
premeditated provocation,'' the KCNA said.

In a separate border incident Monday, South Korean guards disturbed North
Korean soldiers by pointing flashlights at a North Korean guard post, KCNA

The U.S. military command called the North Korean charges ``an absolutely
false report.''

``It appears to be an attempt on the part of the North Koreans to raise
tension,'' said spokeswoman Lee Ferguson.

The North's communist government often accuses the South and United States of
provoking military confrontations along the border and planning a northward

Panmunjom is the sole crossing point between the two Koreas, which share the
most heavily militarized border in the world. The two nations are still
technically in a state of war because their 1950-53 war ended without a peace

A contingent of U.S. and South Korean soldiers guard the southern half of the
village under the U.N. flag. Soldiers inside the village are banned from
carrying weapons heavier than side arms.

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