-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Films Casualties in China

.c The Associated Press

SHANGHAI, China (AP) -- Private Ryan is out, and heroic Chinese fighting
Americans in Korea are in.

``Saving Private Ryan'' and other U.S.-made films have been removed from
Chinese cinemas, casualties of anger at NATO bombing of China's embassy in

They have been replaced with Yugoslav films or documentaries about the
1950-53 Korean War, in which Chinese troops fought for North Korea against
U.S.-led United Nations forces.

``During the widespread student protests, the company thought it was not the
proper time to show any U.S.-made movies,'' said a manager at Guangdong
Province Film Distribution Co. who would not give her name.

Other casualties were the Will Smith thriller ``Enemy of the State,'' whose
opening in Guangzhou last weekend was canceled, and the Disney cartoon
``Mulan,'' taken off some Beijing screens.

State-owned film distributors in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou said they
decided on their own Saturday to cancel U.S. films.

The China Film Distribution and Broadcasting Association later issued a
letter urging other distributors to do the same, said Ma Shijun, an official
of the association.

Some theaters in Beijing replaced American movies with Yugoslav-made movies,
Ma said.

Beyond its symbolism, a ban on U.S. films has only a limited impact. Despite
the popularity of ``Titanic'' and other films, China lets in only about 10
foreign titles a year to protect its own industry.

In Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong, ``Saving Private Ryan'' was replaced with
two Korean War documentaries -- ``Attack Invaders'' from the 1950s and 1997's
``Trial of Strength.''

The choice reflects the parallels seen by China's leaders between Yugoslavia
and events a generation ago in Korea: a fellow socialist underdog resisting
unjustified American-led aggression.

Many of today's senior Chinese military men were in uniform during the Korean
War, which left a deep mark on the psyche of the influential People's
Liberation Army. Many generals still regard the United States with distrust.

The trend toward more patriotic fare extends to television.

On Saturday, as protesters stoned the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, state TV
showed ``Hero Sons and Women,'' a black-and-white Korean War movie from the

Shanghai television this week showed ``The Bridge,'' a Yugoslav film about
Josip Tito's resistance forces in World War II fighting the Nazis.

It wasn't clear when American films would return to Chinese screens.

``We will resume showing U.S. films as soon as the Chinese people are
satisfied with the explanation and apology of NATO and the United States,''
said the Guangdong manager.

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