-Caveat Lector-

Bubonic Plague - back in 1968 I remember reading about a King of England
who brought back gunpowder to England, etc., and it was destroyed.
This Black Death hit at the same time, and I remember thinking wonder
where they dumped all that gun powder, in the water?

I know what they say Bubonic Plague is; but after this Black Death,
suddenly the historian wrote that it was as if God
responded.....suddenly, multiple births.....

When I looked up the ingredients in gun powder, at the time it seemed to
be used in other substances....and today, look at the multiple births,
from taking certain pills.

Thalimonide (misspelled), caused deformities; well, we have cattle now
being born without limbs, three eyes, etc.

Bubonic Plague or the Black Death.....suddenly, hits 1/3 of the
world....the star hitting the water in the Revelations, was
wormwood....it poisoned the water.....could our English Kings have
poisoned the people for birth control purposes.....another as Jeanne
Dixon would have said needed "cleansing period" where the "filth and
garbage" are removed.

Well, if this be the case; lets start in Hollywood and the TV news
media......no wonder David Koresch was trying to tell us something, and
got killed doing it - along with at least a third of his followers, or

We hold these truths to be self evident; that our constitution does not
call for Genocide, but the Kings version of the King James Bible,
does.....so much for the National Council of Churches.

Anyone out there - my experts - who can tell me why during the Black
Death, all those people had multiple births after the plague hit?  Was
this God's revenge upon the assassins.

Or does anyone remember when Prince Phillip of Greece, who married
Elizabeth the Queen (you will find Philip and Elizabeth mentioned in
Daniel and the Bible, of course) - does anyone remember when Prince
Philip said people "get like rats" when they are crowded?   I do....many
years ago, and what do you do to rats....you find a Pied Piper, to lead
them to their deaths with music, and as an added feature - well they
call that paying the Piper, do they not.

When the Black Death hit, it was said that more people died from the
fear of it.

However, one thing I still remember, a man living in Lancaster, Ohio,
who had ordered Bubonic Plague germs from  lab, and without question,
same was forwarded.   Was this done to instill fear into the public's
mind; or to put them on Guard.

Remember one thing in particular....and this is most important.....the
CIA, NATO representative, Pentagon, they all answer to the President of
the United States....

"Neither will they repent of their murders or sorceries"......I had this
quote picked out for the Manson family, before they found them....as the
Manson family, in particular Charles Jesus Manson, who shot the Judge
secret Masonic signals during his trial.....used a bible code......even
Charles Manson knew what his government had waiting for them...and that
is why his followers, remember one had a father at the Pentagon and
another at NASA.....took revenge....rather like Littleton in a
sense.....the experimenters and experimentees.

Render unto Ceasar that which is Caesars.....or pay your taxes, and be
sure your government uses it for services to the public....

Render unto God that which is Gods....well, !0% was Billy Graham's
request .... so you see some of these people have not taken the poverty

Now the Bubonic Plague is mild compared to what Bill Clinton and the
NATO bunch has in mind, along with Butcher Albright....but remember
this, where did the fleas, get the plague?   Or like mosquitoes, do they
just carry another form of AIDS....but then, where did the mosquitoes
get the virus.

What is going on today is mass murder, and the only reason the nazi
element in our society gets away with it, is people are now being fed
garbage usually fed to the swine....and letting the government under the
bill of rights, protect the sinister forces killing the kids.

We pay our government to provide services, and our President sets the
policies....no where in the Constitution does it give him the right to
murder innocent people in the name of genocide in biblical proportion;
that is not what this hired hand, is there fore.

But remember too, evidently this is what the Rhodes Scholars and Oxford,
is all bout.....Prince Philips rats, and how to get rid of them.   Think
I am wrong....check the bible, the family tree of the Kings and Queens,
which must have been written by a tabloid expert of the day, who set not
a profile in courage, but a profile in murder of the Kings and Queens
and exposes them all....

As Mordecai so wished upon Hammon, so let it come upon Mordecai.

Now what role in the bible do you think Bill Clinton is playing?  And
what will his ultimate end be, and name in history if not completely
blotted out, reveal.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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