-Caveat Lector-

I wrote a story once about a bunch like that, and the last line God

Get the hell out of here before I drop a bulding on you......

I always liked that line, and am hopeful December 31, 1999 I can finish
the story.
Would love to see not only the cornerstone but the building blocks
dumped on all of them in the name of humanity....what better

Some say King Tut was murdered; he was buried with a dead
son....remember JFK, buried with his little Patrick who died.....he too,
was murdered....

I had named my manuscript The Valley of Hamon Gog, not realizing the
parallel line.
Tut-ank-HAMON....the valley of the dead was Arlington Cemetary and
Ezekial is the key to the puzzle and the Assassins who lie in wait for
their pray - you see the murderers always return to the scene of their
crime.....this is where they looted the tombs of the gold of
TutankHamon....while the other, is where they buried our dead president
in the valley of Hamon-Gog where their crime remains buried.

But - when this great event occurs....there you will see the
assassins....and I hope God does drop the building on them all.


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