The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-76, Day 51, Update 1
May 13, 1999; 0:15AM EDT


Moscow                   1. Yeltsin Sacks Primakov on Eve of Duma's
                                     Impeachment Proceedings

Phoenix                   2. Post-Yeltsin Russia: A Giant or a Midget?

Belgrade                  3. Kosovo Refugees Were Paid Actors, Yugoslav
                                     Minister Says

Los Angeles             4. An Oaf Is Running OAF


1. Yeltsin Sacks Primakov on Eve of Duma's Impeachment Proceedings

MOSCOW, May 12 - Russian president, Boris Yeltsin, sacked today his third
prime minister in less than 14 months on the eve of his impeachment trial
which starts tomorrow in the Duma, the Russian lower house.  Yeltsin
dismissed an increasingly more popular Yevgeniy Primakov in the same
capricious manner which had marked his previous prime ministerial sackings
- of Viktor Chernomyrdin in April of 1998, and of Sergei Kiriyenko last

And the Russian president appointed Sergei Stepashin, minister of the
interior, believed to be a Yeltsin loyalist, as acting prime minister,
pending his confirmation by the Duma, which is not expected to vote on the
matter until May 19.

The moves throw Russia into another political turmoil just as the country
is struggling to redefine itself as a world power, through its mediation in
the Balkans, and its warming relations with China.  And the appointment of
the minister of the interior as prime minister is a clear indication that
Yeltsin may be worried about a creeping coup against him.  For, the move is
bound to alarm the increasingly powerful regional governors who have been
seeing the Ministry of the Interior as a bastion of Moscow's central power.

Furthermore, the appointment of a loyalist, like Stepashin, may also have
personal implications for Yeltsin, TiM's expert sources on Russia say.
For, Yeltsin and his family members have been under a relatively low-key
investigation for allegedly embezzling some state assets, and transferring
them into some western bank accounts.

Yeltsin's seat is bound to get hotter by the weekend, when the Duma is
expected to conclude its three-day trial and vote on his impeachment on
Saturday (May 15).  If Yeltsin is impeached by a two-third majority vote,
something which our sources consider possible, if not likely, he will no
longer be able to use his biggest presidential stick - the threat of a
dissolution of the Duma, which he used successfully last year in
strong-arming a reluctant Duma into confirming the 35-year old Kiriyenko as
prime minister, but only on the third vote.  And only to have to dismiss
this NWO greenhorn a few months later.

When the impeachment trial opens tomorrow, Yeltsin will face five counts:

1.      That he is guilty of causing the Chechnya war and of war crimes in that
civil conflict;
2.      That he is responsible for the break-up of the Soviet Union;
3.      That he is guilty of murder of thousands of Russian citizens during the
October 1993 attack on the Russian parliament, which he had ordered (for
more information on this, see "Yeltsin's 'Red October II,' available at our
Web site -;
4.      That he is responsible for the deterioration of the Russian military;
5.      That he is guilty of genocide against the Russian people (through an
economic and social collapse of Russia which his policies have caused);

For more information on all these points, especially those dealing with
Counts 4. And 5. - check out the many stories which are available at the
TiM Web site in the Eastern  Europe/Russian Affairs section

When the impeachment trial ends with a vote on Saturday, even if he is
impeached by the Duma, Yeltsin will be able to drag things out just as Bill
Clinton did after the House of Representatives voted to impeach the
American president last December. Russia's Supreme and Constitutional Court
will have to rule on the legality of the impeachment articles.  Finally,
the Federation Council (kind of like the U.S. Senate), consisting of
Russia's regional leaders, will also have to vote with a two-thirds
majority to impeach him.

But the Russians have never been known for changing their government
through a drawn-out political TV soap operas, like the Watergate hearings,
for example.  Or the Clinton impeachment process, which ended up with a
whimper in the corrupt Senate.  And which helped convince most
freedom-minded Americans that not only have the un-American New World Order
bosses bought the White House, along with and all of its agencies and
accoutrements; they have also bought and corrupted the majority of U.S.

Since that's NOT the case in Russia, stand by for a much more exciting news
from Russia in the next three months - the period of time during which the
impeachment process must be concluded, according to the Russian
Constitution.  Or even a shorter time frame if some Russian, or God, decide
to pull the plug on this disgraceful "Russian" leader, an NWO quisling.

Either way, through God's of human intervention, our bet is that Yeltsin
will not serve out his presidential term, which expires in June of next year.

As if trying to reinforce this TiM assessment, within hours of Primakov's
dismissal, the Duma voted 243 to 20 in favor of a non-binding resolution
calling on Yeltsin to resign, the Associated Press reported.  And the
Deputy U.S. Secretary of State, Strobe Talbott, who arrived in Moscow
today, found the Russian government in shreds. And had heard Yeltsin
warning that Russia would end its Serbia mediation efforts if NATO did not
heed its views on Kosovo - meaning an immediate cessation of its bombing
campaign (see S99-74, Day 49, Update 2, Item 1, May 11) - before retreating
to Finland, for the time being..

The political imbroglio also appears to endanger the latest International
Monetary Fund loan package for Russia, which is considered critical to
avoid a default this year on the country's $17 billion in foreign debt.
The IMF loans were contingent on parliament's approval of a number of
reform measures, which now appears unlikely because of the power struggle
between the executive and legislative branches.
TiM Ed.: Surprise, surprise... All sorts of ramifications the NATO
warmongers had not thought about before launching their March 24 attack on
Serbia.  Such as that their favorite Russian stooge may be more than a bit
out of it.

Yeltsin, 68, who has suffered a long series of health problems, announced
Primakov's dismissal in a television appearance in which he appeared puffy
and seemed to have difficulty pronouncing his words, the Associated Press

So maybe the next stage of NWO's "Ruin Russia" scenario, we'll have
wax-like figures making pronouncements on behalf of the Kremlin leaders,
just as in the good old days of the Soviet Empire?

2. Post-Yeltsin Russia: A Giant or a Midget?

PHOENIX, May 12 - The above conclusion begs the questions of what the
consequences for world peace (or war) would be of the current turmoil in
(still) the largest country on earth, and what a post-Yeltsin Russia will
look like?

Given the already heightened volatility of global international relations,
brought about by NATO's attack on Yugoslavia, and exacerbated last Friday
with its bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, additional turmoil in
Moscow can only contribute to the global political instability.  Which is
exactly what the NATO governments need, if they are to pursue their illegal
and murderous campaign against the Serbs.  So Yeltsin's sacking of Primakov
can hardly be regarded as good news in Belgrade, for example.

On the other hand, the Yeltsin government continues to send mixed signals
to the world, betraying a chaotic situation in Moscow these days.  Such as
the message by Sergei Prikhodko, for example, a Yeltsin's deputy, following
his recent meetings with the Chinese leaders.

Speaking on Tuesday (May 11) on the radio program, Voice of Russia,
Prikhodko revived the old "triangle plan."  He said that in order to avert
the possibility of non-NATO nations meeting the same fate as Yugoslavia,
New Delhi, Beijing and Moscow should work in close cooperation. Besides
enabling them to avert the use of force against them, such an arrangement
would strengthen world security and reduce global tensions, he said.

Add to it another "triangle" in the offing, such as that of Russia,
Byelorussia and Serbia (see Day 17, Update 2, Item 1, Apr. 9), and you can
understand why the best epithet for today's global situation is - CHAOTIC!
And it is all due to the "Washington Crisis Factory," as we pointed out in
our New Dawn column, written while in Australia last January (see

As for the second question - about what a post-Yeltsin Russia may look
like, just about every Russian knows by now that the only way this vast
country can go after getting rid of this western stooge is - UP!  The
question is: Is it going to go up in flames, as the U.S. and Western Europe
will in the event that NATO's current intransigence causes a military
response from the post-Yeltsin Russia, leading to WW III?  Or is it going
to go UP the way the ancient Chinese warriors used to win their wars - by
not having to fight them (i.e., by checkmating their enemies beforehand).

For the sake of humanity the world-over, let us hope it is the latter.

3. Kosovo Refugees Were Paid Actors, Yugoslav Minister Says

BELGRADE, May 10 - Terrified refugees fleeing Kosovo are actors, the
Yugoslav government claimed Monday, laying out a "Wag the Dog'" scenario in
which thousands of ethnic Albanians were paid $5.50 to participate in a
NATO-directed screenplay, the Associated Press has reported.

Goran Matic, a Yugoslav minister without portfolio, outlined a scenario in
which ethnic Albanians were paid to traipse around in a vast circle
beginning and ending in Kosovo.

 The Yugoslav government has long claimed NATO bombs and missiles, not its
own police and paramilitary units, are to blame for the refugee crisis. But
Matic went a step further, outlining what he called a "big production" that
would do credit to Hollywood (also see Day 8, Update 1, Items 4 and 5, Mar.

Matic said 3,000 to 4,000 ethnic Albanians were paid $5.50 each to act the
parts of Kosovo refugees during the first 10 days of the NATO air strikes
on Yugoslavia.  They traveled to Macedonia, then on to Albania, then to the
Yugoslav republic of Montenegro and then back to Kosovo province, marching
in a circle so as to seem like vast numbers of people on the run, he said.

But this NWO "Wag the Dog" production began to falter, Matic said, when the
Albanian "actors" weren't paid and tried to go home. Only to be denied by
NATO the chance to do it.  Matic illustrated his briefing to the media with
photos of burned and mangled bodies, twisted wreckage, and a map titled
"Albanians in Circles."

Matic also questioned the number of ethnic Albanians who lived in Kosovo
before the conflict, shaving nearly a million people from the generally
accepted number of 1.8 million, the Associated Press reported.
TiM Ed.: And if any of you, our long-time loyal TiM readers, think that
this is just a Yugoslav government propaganda, we invite you to check out
the TIM GW Bulletins about the demographics of Kosovo - written WELL BEFORE
NATO's bombings began on Mar. 24 (by doing a SEARCH for appropriate
keywords). And then make up your own minds as to whom you wish to believe.

4. An Oaf Is Running OAF

LOS ANGELES, May 11 - An oaf at the White House is running the OAF -
Operation Allied Force - as the murderous NATO campaign against Serb
civilians is being sold to the American public, says Cal Thomas, a Los
Angeles Times Syndicate's nationally syndicated columnist.

Having looked up the dictionary definition of OAF, Thomas says that it is,
"an elf's child; a changeling left by fairies or goblins; hence a deformed
or foolish child; an idiot."

Whereupon Thomas concludes that, "the cost of this administration (to the
U.S. taxpayers) will be paid on an installment plan over many years.  More
than our defense and intelligence capabilities (which have been
compromised) will have to be rebuilt when Clinton finally leaves office
(God-willing?). American credibility and prestige will also have to be
repaired...  But that's what happens when we elect and maintain an oaf in
TiM Ed.: For all Thomas' wonderful eloquence, "we," meaning the American
people, have nether elected, nor maintained, this Klinton "oaf in office."
It is only the establishment media who are maintaining this "demo farce."
The Clinton vs. Dole duel in 1996 had all the excitement of a Yankees'
"blue" vs. "white" team "World Series," TiM said contemporaneously (check
out this writer's Nov/96 Washington Times column, "Demo Farce and the
American Century,"
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