In Acts 19 - which according to my bible code date wise in linked to the
death of Princess Diana......and the sabotage of the Apollo, is also of
Nazi significance as well.

Acts 19 carefully records the only burning of books, recorded in the
bible....the Hall of Records destroyed.

In Serbia, the Jewish League is defending the Serbs, as they remember
when the Serbs defended and protected them from the Nazis......Madame
Albright, however, seems to me to be a bit of a book burned; is she, as
did Hitler, trying to burn up her Jewish Heritage....still in denial?

The OSS was checking out Hitlers Jewish ancestry, the same time Hitler
was trying to destroy Madame Albright with her Butcher tactics
against the Serbs in her own way attempting to destroy her past.....the
very same Serb family who once saved her life and the life of her
parents from the Nazis, she would now destroy.

May 15, 1938....Hitler and the Nazis burnt the first books....why?  What
did they fear, but a revelation of their past?

Why did someone open gunfire on a group of people at the Mormon Church
Library wher genological records are kept which contain a lot of
information that the Government would not advertise on a ID card?

Why and for what reason, were the kids in a library targed by the two
kids at Littlleton who were alleged to be fans of Hitler?

When Hitler's Nazis did not get enough press on May 15, 1938 burning
books, they also performed this ritual on May 30, 1938....Memorial Day
weekend for most people.....On May 28, the Bismark went down, the
Bennington fire, U.S. Scorpio, and othre maritime disasters.

Did the Nazis have a time table, just as do the present day
Exterminators....Oh yes, in the Revelations, you find the Exterminators,
the genocide....the poisoning of the water, and the dream of Adolph
Hitler as well as Charles Manson, who imprinted a Swastika on his
forehead along with his did the kids at Littleton, in
their own way leave the mark of the demon engraved forever in the halls
of records and the library at Littleton.

Beware of those who say they are Jews and are not - are these the
Zionists whom Christ warned existed back in his time?
But what about those who also deny their Jewish ancestry as does Madam
Albright, whom the Serbian people will never forget.

Let us call a spade a spade.....ethnic cleansing is genocide in any
No wonder people are beginning to hate Bill Clinton and his mass
murderers....but is the USA really willing to play the part of the great
"beast" in the Revelations -

Sieg Heil Bill Klinton, Madam Albright, and Cohen.......but remember
what happened to Hitler - it wasn't exactly a Viking funeral he got.


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