-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/SS/Bloodtrail1.html">Blood Trail: Arkansas
to Canada
Dead & Dying
Did an Arkansas Governor en route to the White House knowingly profit
from the sale of tainted blood to Canada, where as many as 80,000 people
today suffer from Hepatitis C and AIDS?
<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/SS/BloodTrail2.html">BLOOD TRAIL PROLOGUE:
A Novel by Michael Sulliv

In Arkansas, the biggest money for up and coming politicos like Bill and
Hillary Clinton is made from the graft involving the Highway Department
and the State Prison System.

Of course the Governor doesn't touch the graft money directly, it's
always supervised, and the money is collected, by a middleman. In
Arkansas that man was none other than Vincent Foster, Jr.

Blood Trail is the story of how inmates in Arkansas were given drugs in
exchange for blood. Among the heavy donors [as much as twice a week]
were young male prostitutes knowingly infested with HIV and Hepatitis C.

Although written as fiction, anyone who is knowledgeable of the facts
can tell you that this very important story told by the author of Blood
Trail 'rings of truth'.

Michael Galster is the real name of Michael Sullivan who is the Author
of Blood Trail.
Galster, a medical practitioner, was working in the Arkansas prison
system when the blood was being collected. He saw blood being drawn from
inmates. He wrote his novel Blood Trail under the pseudonym "Michael
Sullivan" before he began his own in-depth investigation of the events.
But the comparisons between the unfolding investigation and the book are
startling and may hold the key to understanding how and why Vince Foster
met a tragic and untimely death.

Read a sample of the book's
content here on line:


by Michael Sullivan

Ivory woke from the pain. The weight of Cutter's huge body on him was
more than he could bear. His fever burned again.

He could not open his eyes. The crud that oozed out during his restless
sleep cemented them shut and he could not pry them open with his
fingertips. The problem had been getting worse for weeks. Ivory fumbled
for the jar of water he kept under his side of the bed and dabbed at
what was left of his eyelashes. Finally he could see enough to
distinguish the faint light drifting through the barred windows at the
end of the barracks.

Cautiously, he slipped his body from under Cutter's sedated flab. Small
chance that the big shit would stir at this early hour, but Ivory
couldn't afford to take risks. Cutter was always mean and the lingering
effects of the downers would make him meaner. He'd give Ivory a beating
for certain if his sleep were disturbed. Cutter looked like a grossly
fat black Rottweiler sprawled across the bed. His lower lip sagged and
his tongue hung out. Ivory shuddered.

Ivory straightened his cramped legs and pulled his prison issued boxers
up around his bony hips. There wasn't much to hold them up these days.
He shuffled across the sanded pine floor to the toilets. No one else was
awake except old Slappy Joe, finishing his cleaning chores. Ivory could
hear the grunts and snores of the other inmates beyond the scrimwall
that Cutter had erected across his end of the room. The divider was made
of old cotton table linens stitched together, weighted with broken broom
handles sewn into the hem, and hung from a rafter. This bit of privacy
cost Cutter dearly with the guards and attested to his untouchable power
within the prison population.

Ivory fought to control his morning nausea and squatted at the commode
to expel some of the nastiness from his bowels. He cleaned himself and
walked over to the sink to wash. He splashed water on his face and
stared at himself in the mirror - something he almost never did any
more, not like the old days. The changes in his appearance frightened
him. The bony arches across his forehead, the sunken cheeks, the dark
circles under his stained and weary eyes; all of this stared back at
him. He was no longer beautiful.

He had always been a loving and sweet boy. His mother's sisters named
him Ivory because his skin was smooth and creamy like the keys on an old
piano. The women had held him close and babied him and raised him like a
little girl until the street took him. He was thirteen then.

The boy found that he could turn tricks with a special class of
businessmen and make enough money to buy his way out of the slums of
east Little Rock.

But Ivory developed a special craving for a new form of cocaine that hit
the streets in the late 70's. The dealers taught him how to pop it into
his arms, then between his fingers and toes, and finally in any vein
that would flow.

The drug took possession of him, heart and soul, and in short order
landed him at Cummins, the huge prison-farm in South Arkansas.

No one back home would recognize him now. In one long agonizing year,
his teeth had yellowed and gapped. His once beautiful complexion was now
rough and broken. Large dark patches formed on his neck and back, and he
had been plagued with recurrent chest infections.

Ivory knew he was sick. Really sick. But he had to get to the showers
and get ready to walk down to the infirmary. He wasn't going for
treatment this morning. The nurses said he was fine. He was going for
his weekly appointment to give his blood and Cutter would kill him if he
failed to bring the "yellow boys" back. Percodan. Those pills and the
little bit of ass he had left were the only two things that kept him in
the good graces of Cutter. There were no options.

Ivory couldn't take his eyes from the mirror. He tried to cry, but the
tears had long ago dried. He reached up and toughed the reflection in
the mirror the way the white men used to touch him.

Poor, sweet Ivory" he whined in his mother's voice. "Sweet baby Ivory.
What's happened to you, chile?"

His hand slid down the smooth face of the mirror and his eyes caught a
glimpse of the scarred veins in his arms. He rubbed them and suddenly
felt as though all his energy had slipped from his emaciated body.

For the first time Ivory realized that he was dying. He realized that
the remaining two years of his sentence might as well be a death
warrant. Without hesitation, he reached over and grabbed the safety
razor. Cutter had bought it from a guard so that Ivory could shave his
legs. He twisted the razor open as he walked into the showers and
removed the double-edged blade, holding it in his teeth as he slipped
out of his boxers and turned on the showerhead.

When the steam began to roll off the floor he sat under the warm spray
with his back against the wall and plunged the razor deep into veins of
his scrawny arms.

He was surprised at how little pain there was. He tilted his head back
and enjoyed the slight buzz that began to invade his consciousness.
Ivory laughed quietly. He was pulling a great joke on the prison
officials who expected him this morning. He decided to do what he wanted
with his blood. It was his, after all, and now it was washing across the
painted floor and down through the sewers of Cummins.

He was finally his own person again. No one could touch him. . . not the
guards, not the doctors, and not even Cutter. With a tiny laugh and then
an even smaller whimper, nineteen-year-old Ivory Watkins passed from the
world and made his parole the hard way.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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