-Caveat Lector-

NATO Blunders May Erode Support

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An increasing number of NATO bombing blunders against
embassies, hospitals and ethnic Albanian refugees and fighters is eroding
allied and congressional support for airstrikes after two months.

Germany is so worried the alliance might ``lose our moral ground'' that its
foreign minister was heading to Washington to talk with Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright about new diplomatic approaches to end the conflict.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said Sunday the air war's mistakes unfairly
are blemishing the U.S. military, which he said has been sent on a mission in
Yugoslavia that air power alone cannot win.

>From President Clinton's perspective, NATO is more unified than when the
bombing began March 24, though not without differences, he wrote in Sunday's
New York Times.

``While there may be differences in domestic circumstances, cultural ties to
the Balkans and ideas on tactics, there is no question about our unity on
goals and our will to prevail,'' he wrote.

Albright, appearing on CBS' ``Face the Nation,'' said the airstrikes
eventually would force Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to agree to
NATO's peace terms.

Still, allies clearly have become edgy in recent days as incidents causing
civilian casualties through ``collateral damage'' or mistaken attacks piled
up this month:

Joschka Fischer, Germany's foreign minister, suggested NATO re-evaluate its
targeting strategy.

Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy warned that further foul-ups could
stymie delicate negotiations for a diplomatic solution.

Premier Massimo D'Alema of Italy urged a three-day cease-fire once a draft
U.N. resolution for a Kosovo peace deal is approved.

So far, 13 incidents have been claimed by Yugoslavia or admitted by NATO.
Seven were in May, with three in the past three days. As many as 312 people
have died, including ethnic Albanian civilians and members of the rebel
Kosovo Liberation Army.

``We will do everything we can in NATO ... to make sure the targets we
identify are valid military targets,'' Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles Wald said
Saturday at the Pentagon.

After about 26,000 sorties, or flights, over Yugoslavia, and about 15,000
bombs or missiles, NATO estimates that its mistake rate is less than 1

Lott, appearing on television just after Albright, said the bombing is
hurting U.S. prestige.

``Quite frankly, these little boo-boos, where you're hitting a KLA
headquarters, where you're killing innocent citizens, I think is hurting the
image of the military, which is unfair,'' Lott said.

Lott, R-Miss., said Congress should ``be supportive of the (airstrikes-only)
decision, now that the decision has been made, and hope for the best.
Absolutely. But I am very dubious about the likelihood for success just with

Lott was asked if the Senate would support sending in ground combat troops,
possibly from a force of 50,000 peacekeepers that Albright said the
administration wants to amass as quickly as possible near Kosovo.

``If you're talking about fighting their way in there, absolutely not,'' Lott
said. ``The president has repeatedly told the American people that we would
not use ground troops in a combat mode there.''

Newsweek magazine reports in this week's edition Clinton has authorized the
CIA to train ethnic Albanian rebels in sabotage and the National Security
Agency to meddle with Milosevic's international bank accounts.

In Berlin, Foreign Ministry official Ludger Volmer said ground troops are
``not a topic'' for discussion between the German foreign minister and
Albright. Their talks will focus on diplomatic areas where breakthroughs
might be possible, Volmer said.

``Diplomatic efforts are reaching a decisive point,'' he said. ``The
difficulty is that many actors must be in synch to take a courageous step.''

In advance of Fischer's arrival, Germany's ambassador to Washington, Juergen
Chrobog, said NATO must tread a fine line.

``We have to be very, very careful not to lose our moral ground,'' Chrobog
said on ABC's ``This Week.'' That has not happened so far, ``but I am afraid
it could happen,'' he said.

Axworthy, the Canadian minister, said at a conference in Norway that errant
strikes like one that damaged a Belgrade hospital Thursday ``are a serious

``They come at a time when it is very important that we accelerate and
underline the important search for a resolution of the conflict,'' Axworthy

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