-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-24 13:05:33 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>The question must come up, though (and this does run
>counter to Ockham's Razor, because it thoroughly complicates things), whether
>the Red Brigades were *created* ex nihilo by what I call the Oligarchy
>(borrowing Jack London's term from *The Iron Heel*), using naive "true
>believers" as foils; or whether they were a "native" Communist group one or
>more of whose leaders was coopted by the Oligarchy because the ideology
>served as a useful cover.

It's too much bother to create a believable group ex nihilo.  More effective
simply to co-opt one already in existence.  The latter option occurs so
regularly it's predictable.

My observation, and experience even with the local Greens, is that if any
activist group develops any following at all, almost immediately professional
infiltrators will slip into the ranks and attempt either to misdirect it
toward meaningless, irrelevant goals (often by fomenting infighting) or else
redirect it toward actions that are counterproductive and/or useful only to
someone else's hidden agenda.  I was the first among Greens locally to detect
this process at once (yuppie do-gooders are notoriously blind and gullible)
and to identify the parties responsible AND their motives (in this case, they
were covert Maoists pretending to be liberals), and I drafted the "position
paper" which our group presented to the national assembly on this subject.
(Luckily for them, I got MY political education in the '60s.)   If it isn't
an enemy or rival group, it's usually the police, the ADL, or some federal
agency.  You can take it for granted, just a fact of political life.

>Anent the Pope: at the risk of opening a very messy can of worms, who do you
>think was responsible for the death of John Paul I? My personal guess is that
>it was elements within the Curia, probably associated with Propaganda-Due.

I'll go with your guess.  In Italian politics, you can count on "the usual

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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