>          NYT - May 25, 1999
>          Versaces Halt Unauthorized Book on Slain
>          Designer
>          By CATHY HORYN
>          Like her late brother Gianni, Donatella
>          Versace is no shrinking violet when it
>          comes to revealing the more sensational
>          aspects of her public life. Ask her about
>          her diamonds, her famous friends or the
>          time she flew a New York hairdresser to
>          Milan to give her and Naomi Campbell
>          extensions while they ate spaghetti in Ms.
>          Versace's marble bathroom, and she will
>          tell all.
>          The corn-haired Ms. Versace, who assumed
>          creative control of the $560 million
>          Versace fashion empire after her
>          brother's murder in 1997, is similarly
>          candid about her family's complex
>          relations. When asked in March about
>          a rift between her and Antonio D'Amico,
>          Versace's companion of many years, she
>          replied: "My relationship with Antonio is
>          exactly as it was when Gianni was alive. I
>          respected him as the boyfriend of my
>          brother, but I never liked him as a
>          person." Ms. Versace smiled. "So the
>          relationship stayed the same."
>          But as with even the most public
>          personalities, there are apparently limits
>          to what Ms. Versace and her other brother,
>          Santo, the oldest of the three
>          Calabrian-born siblings and the company's
>          chief executive, want revealed about their
>          family and business -- and by whom.
>          Last week in New York, lawyers for the
>          Versaces effectively stopped the
>          publication of a controversial biography
>          that would have depicted Versace as a
>          colossal talent who, behind the glamorous
>          facade of palatial homes and celebrity-filled
>          fashion shows, bullied employees and berated
>          journalists who wrote unflattering reviews of
>          his collections.
>          Along with depictions of promiscuity on
>          the part of the designer, the book, which
>          was in galley form and set for publication
>          on July 1, also painted an unflattering
>          picture of the lifestyles of the surviving
>          siblings. It was this latter material that
>          apparently prompted the threat of legal
>          action.
>          Canceling a book so near its release date
>          is not all that rare, but in the case of
>          "Undressed: The Life and Times of Gianni
>          Versace," an unauthorized biography by
>          Christopher Mason, the decision by Little,
>          Brown raises questions about the kinds of
>          pressure, legal and otherwise, that a
>          powerful fashion house can bring to bear
>          on a publisher, an author and his sources.
>          Mason maintains that in their effort to
>          stop his book, representatives for the
>          Versaces got in contact with people whom
>          he had interviewed and tried to persuade
>          them to recant their statements, in some
>          cases, he said, offering legal documents
>          for them to sign.
>          Just why Little, Brown, a division of Time
>          Warner, halted publication is not clear.
>          Michael Pietsch, the editor in chief (and
>          Mason's editor), declined to comment, and
>          referred questions to a spokeswoman. In a
>          brief statement, she said, "In mid-March,
>          we received letters" from the Versace
>          attorneys "threatening legal action." She
>          added that the publisher "agreed with
>          Christopher Mason that it could not be
>          published in its present form, and he
>          withdrew it."
>          She also said that because the book had
>          been postponed once, last July, and thus
>          had appeared twice in Little, Brown's
>          sales catalog, the publisher was opposed
>          to another delay that could diminish
>          interest in the book. "It would be
>          impossible for Little, Brown to sell the
>          book yet again," the spokeswoman said.
>          The Versaces, through their press agents,
>          Ed Filapowski in New York and Emanuela
>          Schmeidler in Milan, said that they were
>          satisfied with the decision by Little,
>          Brown to kill the book, which they said
>          they had opposed from the outset.
>          When it was announced by Little,
>          the day that Versace died that Mason had
>          been signed to write a biography, to the grieving
>          Versaces the author appeared to be an
>          opportunist. The family members have said
>          they further resented the inference that
>          Mason - a freelance writer of style and
>          architectural articles for a number of
>          publications, including The New York Times
>          - was a close friend of the designer (all
>          agree that they had met only a few times,
>          in 1997).
>          Mason was shunned by the Versaces, and
>          Filapowski said that his firm sent letters
>          to potential sources asking them not to
>          cooperate with him.
>          To make matters worse, at least for Mason,
>          who accepted a six-figure advance, he had
>          agreed to complete the biography in six
>          months, and he was unable to do so, which
>          is why the book was shelved the first
>          time.
>          Two months ago, after bound galleys of
>          Mason's manuscript had been sent to
>          magazine editors for review, a report
>          appeared in The New York Post saying that
>          the author had hired ghost writers to
>          draft chapters of his book. The suggestion
>          that not all the reporting was his own
>          seemed to be another strike against
>          Mason's credibility. Mason said that it
>          was the suggestion of editors that he
>          employ ghost writers, though he said that
>          most of that material was scrapped with
>          the first draft.
>          On Monday, Filapowski said: "It is
>          apparent that Little, Brown lost
>          confidence in this manuscript. The
>          manuscript is full of inaccuracies and
>          misrepresentations and clearly could not
>          be salvaged. We did what anyone else would
>          do under the circumstances, which is to
>          defend ourselves and our name."
>          From Milan, Ms. Schmeidler, the press
>          agent, added that the objections of the
>          Versaces were not based on unflattering
>          depictions of the family, but rather on
>          the veracity of Mason's reporting. "It's
>          not about a good biography or a bad
>          biography," she said. "It's about a
>          serious biography."
>          But Mason and people familiar with the
>          legal discussions that took place say that
>          Little, Brown's decision to cancel the
>          book had little, if anything, to do with
>          the veracity of the reporting.
>          Beginning last December, Mason's
>          manuscript went through an extensive legal
>          review, he said, and again in early spring
>          when attorneys for the Versaces threatened
>          to take legal action if changes were not
>          made.
>          A number of changes were made, Mason said,
>          though some of the most unflattering
>          material passed the initial scrutiny of
>          Little, Brown's lawyers. "I felt
>          completely confident about my reporting,
>          and I had substantial documentation,"
>          Mason said. "I felt, sure, we were having
>          problems, but they could be easily
>          surmounted."
>          At the same time, Mason said, he began to
>          receive "terrifying, withering" phone
>          calls from sources, about 10 in all, who
>          he said told him they had been reached by
>          the Versace attorneys or family
>          representatives and told that they could
>          face legal action if they didn't recant
>          statements they had made to Mason.
>          "They were obviously extremely scared,"
>          said Mason, who on the advice of his own
>          lawyer declined to give their names. "I
>          certainly got the feeling that a lot of
>          people were intimidated by the
>          implications of talking to me for this
>          book."
>          Filapowski denied that there were any
>          attempts to intimidate sources.
>          Mason acknowledged that his project had
>          been dogged by problems from the start. It
>          had been his intention to ask Versace,
>          whom he visited in Miami in the spring of
>          1997 after writing an article about his
>          New York town house for The Times, to
>          collaborate on a book. He had planned to
>          see Versace in August at his home near
>          Lake Como, in Italy, and was drafting a
>          proposal when the designer was killed. "If
>          he hadn't been interested, frankly, I
>          don't know whether I would have done the
>          book," Mason said.
>          Against his better judgment, he said, he
>          agreed to write "Undressed" in six months.
>          "I have to admit, you know, to a certain
>          amount of a naivete in this," he
>          continued. "Obviously, I wanted to do an
>          extremely thorough, thoughtful, balanced,
>          scrupulously researched account of
>          Gianni's life. No one can do a book in six
>          months."
>          Mason may have been out of his depths in
>          other ways. Without a deep knowledge of
>          the idiosyncratic fashion world, and
>          because the Versaces effectively closed
>          off access to many of the primary sources
>          who could have given him greater insight
>          into the family, Mason's perceptions may
>          not have been fully informed. For
>          instance, he seemed surprised when told of
>          Donatella Versace's comment about D'Amico,
>          which is typical of her brusqueness. "I'm
>          amazed to hear her say that," he said.
>          Yet, after everything he has been through,
>          he has at least seen one reality of the
>          fashion business. "Image is so important
>          to a fashion house," he said. "For the
>          Versaces, I'm sure, it's an economic
>          decision. I don't think it's just vanity.
>          It's a giant commercial decision. It's
>          business."
>          In recent years, the Versaces have
>          successfully sued several British
>          publications for libel, winning in court
>          or settling for damages and a public
>          apology.
>          Mason's publisher, despite canceling his
>          contract, paid his advance in full,
>          freeing him to sell the book elsewhere.
>          He added, sounding fatalistic: "They've
>          won, basically. The book isn't coming out.
>          They won."
>            Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company

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