-Caveat Lector-

Yes, Yes, guys ... it all seems so believable and predictable -
so it makes me think that this is another 'Tomlinson syndrome list'
its so boring ...... whatever happened to ....

Ambassador Jarl of the Kandor Empire and Council of the 3rd Quadrant.
Queen Lizard of the Reptile shapechanger Alliance Party for tastier flesh.
The Emperor in Black from the Marcabian System, Grand Controller quadrant
Princess Zeta of the Hybrid Hive
Dr No,
Dr Strangelove,
Richard Dearlove,
Adolf Hitler the second,
Prince Brahman of Agharti, King of the World.
Aragorn StarGod, CEO of Pyramids R US
Samael leader of the Fallen Gods - director of Babylon One
Count St Germaine
Andrew Hennessey
The mainframe Avatar of the Temporal and Dimensional Trading Matrix
Terminator 3
Genghis Khan the second
Reverend Moon
Wesley Snipes
Count Dracula
The Roslin Werewolf
Prince Draco of Serpens   CEO of Burger King
Googy Xool,    CEO Sapien Meat Company

If that other list was all the real Bilderburgers - I resign - this
is boring ....

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh   Scotland

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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