-Caveat Lector-

On 27 May 99, , Taylor, wrote:

> Horrified Western
> historians were unified in their inability to understand how the
> "Christian" Germany of Martin Luther could have become the Satanic Germany
> of Adolf Hitler.

Seems to me that Martin Luther was decidedly anti-Semitic, so it would not be a very
great leap from Luther to Hitler.

I worry that there seem to be so many people today who think everyone who is not
directly connected with a Xtian faith that focuses on the divinity of Jesus must be, in
some way, involved with "Satan."

This is particularly worrisome because, throughout world history, the "Divine" figure
has been related to the the zodiacal sign related to the precession of the equinoxes.
In the Age of Taurus, Apis, the Bull, was considered divine.  In the Age of Aries, it 
Rama. In the Age of Pisces, the Fish, it has been Jesus. Since we are now moving out
of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius, a new divinity may well be in order. And what
worries me is that this notion may whip present Christians into a destructive millenial
frenzy in an attempt to hold onto old ways and to traditions of the past.

Anton LeVey and Aleister Crowley are not the whole of the "New Age,"  which is
certainly not a single, cohesive "movement."

I am not even necessarily supportive of what now passes for "New Age," some of
which seems to me downright silly. I just find it dangerous to think that everyone who
does not "believe in" the Bible or regard Jesus as divine must necessarily be regarded
as tied to forces of "evil." It is a way of demonizing people and then, of course, if 
regard certain people as "evil," why shouldn't we do something to get rid of them.
Seems like a circle that leads right back to Hitler. And Martin Luther, who would have


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