-Caveat Lector-

Sunday Times
May 30 1999 BRITAIN


Nazis put Britain's Scouts on hit list

by York Membery

THE Gestapo intended to take no chances when the Nazis invaded Britain. It
drew up plans to control or eliminate the most dangerous institutions
underpinning the British Empire. Among its targets: the Boy Scouts, the
YMCA, public schools and the Church Lads' Brigade.
A 200-page handbook for the occupation of Britain, written by Adolf Hitler's
secret police, reveals how Germany perceived its enemy in 1940. Titled
Informationheft Grossbritannien, it is both chilling and comical.

In the eyes of the Gestapo, the Scouting movement was a "disguised
instrument of propaganda" set up to breed future defenders of the British
Empire. Men who had spent time as boys learning to tie knots and sing round
a campfire were also thought likely to have strong links with British

Public schools were depicted as bastions of blimpishness. "It is here the
future English gentleman is educated," says the handbook. "The gentleman who
has never thought about philosophical issues, who has hardly any knowledge
of foreign culture, and who thinks of Germany as the embodiment of evil but
accepts British power is inviolable." Some Britons might argue that this
assessment was not inaccurate.

To the Nazis, members of the Young Men's Christian Association were also
suspect. The YMCA was "entirely in the hands of the freemasons" - and
Britain was the "world centre of freemasonry", which was, in turn, in league
with "Jewry".

The Church of England was "an instrument of British imperial power" together
with the Church Lads' Brigade and the Student Christian Movement which, the
Gestapo noted, had "made sharp criticisms of Germany".

Norman Stone, the historian and professor of international relations at
Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, said: "I am not altogether surprised
by what the handbook suggests. But bizarrely for a nation that in many
respects was remarkably similar to us, they completely misunderstood the

The guide, to be published in Britain later this year by St Ermin's Press,
was found in the archives of captured German documents held at the Hoover
Institute of War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University in California.
Linda Wheeler, a librarian at the institute, said last week it had lain in
the vaults forgotten since the war.

Robert Harris, author of Fatherland, the thriller set in Berlin after
Germany had won the second world war, said: "As far as I'm aware, some of
the handbook was classified because it contained sensitive information about
Britain's intelligence service."

The Gestapo captured two British intelligence agents in Holland and drew on
their knowledge in compiling the handbook; information also came from an
Australian, Dick Ellis, who had links with British intelligence. In some
instances the book's detail is highly accurate - it maps every police phone
kiosk in London and also lists BBC transmitters.

The Gestapo, headed by Heinrich Himmler, put Professor Klaus Six, a leading
counter-intelligence figure, in charge of compiling the handbook.

Much of it concerns the Nazis' preoccupation with race: the Gestapo
identified Jewish figures in business and claimed that "to a large extent
the food industry is in Jewish hands". The addresses of prominent Jewish
emigrés were listed and Jewish directors of the Bank of England were named.

Who would have survived had the Nazis invaded? Among those who stood a good
chance were Lord Rothermere and his acolytes at the Daily Mail, which
flirted with fascism in the 1930s. While the handbook disparaged most of the
British press for "decades of liberal management", the Nazis declared of
Rothermere: "His friendly attitude towards Germany makes him an exception
among the press tycoons."

It was clear, however, that many people would have suffered and treasures
would have been looted - as they were in Poland and other occupied
countries. Our museums contained, according to the handbook, "certain
documents and works of art from Germany history in which the Reich must have
a special interest".

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