-Caveat Lector-

 A "banned" Jewish-authored book is presented online
 by Ahmed Rami of "Radio Islam" :

    "Jewish History, Jewish Religion :
     The Weight of Three Thousand Years"
     by Professor Israel Shahak

 The complete edition is available at Radio Islam :

 yikes:  Chapter 5 - The Laws Against Non-Jews :

 from the Introduction:

 <snip>  From Jerusalem, Israel Shahak never ceases to analyse
 not only the dismal politics of Israel today but the Talmud
 itself, and the effect of the entire rabbinical tradition on
 a small state that the right-wing rabbinate means to turn
 into a theocracy for Jews only.  I have been reading Shahak
 for years.  He has a satirist's eye for the confusions to be
 found in any religion that tries to rationalise the
 irrational.  He has a scholar's sharp eye for textual
 contradictions.  He is a joy to read on the great
 Gentile-hating Dr Maimonides.

 Needless to say, Israel's authorities deplore Shahak.
 But there is not much to be done with a retired professor
 of chemistry who was born in Warsaw in 1933 and spent his
 childhood in the concetration camp at Belsen.  In 1945,
 he came to Israel; served in the Israeli military; did not
 become a Marxist in the years when it was fashionable.
 He was -- and still is -- a humanist who detests imperialism
 whether in the names of the God of Abraham or of George Bush.
 Equally, he opposes with great wit and learning the
 totalitarian strain in Judaism.  Like a highly learned Thomas
 Paine, Shahank illustrates the prospect before us, as well as
 the long history behind us, and thus he continues to reason,
 year after year.  Those who heed him will certainly be wiser
 and -- dare I say? -- better.  He is the latest, if not the
 last, of the great prophets.

 --Gore Vidal


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