-Caveat Lector-

Brothers and Sisters, The supporters of Socialism (klintoonalgore) have
wrought a terrible evil upon our Nation.
Please do your best to distribute this Post far and wide.  Would appear we
will have to endure this depraved "leadership" for another eighteen months.
Let us not forget what has happened to our Republic since January, 1993.  On
election day in November, 2000, only WE can right the wrong of what the
blood-sucking baby killers have forced upon us.

(Parents:  Remove your kids from the socialist public schools.  Now!!)

God bless each and everyone of you!, and please read this carefully.

Democracy = Chaos
Constitutional Republicanism = Order


The Alan Keyes Show

>From the Heart of America - Keyes 2000


Terrorism -- American style


Thursday's announcement of an ambiguous Yugoslav peace agreement shouldn't
obscure the deep damage that the so-called civilized world has inflicted on
its own conscience by following the moral leadership of Bill Clinton.
The apparent willingness of Milosevic to accept some version of NATO's terms
may mean that NATO's criminal effort to break the will of the Yugoslavian
people is working. A sustained and punishing attack on the people of
Yugoslavia themselves can, no doubt, eventually break their will, and reduce
them to a point where they will say "enough, we don't want to die any more."
At that point, however Pyrrhic the victory, Clinton and his buddies will no
doubt stand up and declare a triumphant precedent for benign
internationalist intervention. Perhaps that moment will soon be at hand,
although given the Clinton incompetence in foreign affairs generally, one
would think that Milosevic stands a good chance of pulling a "Hussein" and
manipulating diplomacy in ways he can't manipulate NATO airplanes high

But whatever kind of "victory" Bill Clinton claims, I think that the rest of
us ought to hang our heads in shame. The NATO campaign has followed a
strategy that we know to be wrong and deeply immoral. The moral norms that
as a decent and civilized people we have worked to establish condemn a
strategy that aims to break and destroy the civilian people of a country in
order to achieve political objectives. The classic definition of terrorism
is the use of force against civilians in order to get them to do your
bidding as a result of the terror induced in their hearts. And we have been
practicing a strategy based on just such a use of force.

Of course, the official spokesmen for our policy have been careful to avoid
stating directly what our strategy has been. That has been left to Clinton
proxies, like Senator Lieberman, who have been making unofficial, and more
truthful, statements of what we are up to. Here are some of the things he
has said in recent weeks: "I hope it doesn't take ground troops to win,
because I hope the air campaign, even if it does not convince Milosevic to
order his troops out of Kosovo, will so devastate his economy, which it is
doing now, so ruin the lives of his people, that they will rise up and throw
him out."

Senator Lieberman has characterized our effort as intending to "bring the
war in Kosovo home to the people, the civilians, in Belgrade, so that they
pressure Milosevic to break," and he has admitted that, contrary to what one
might expect from the usual distinction between combatants and
non-combatants, we are in fact trying to make life miserable for ordinary
Serbs. "That's what we have been doing for the last couple of months. We're
not only hitting military targets. Otherwise, why would we be cutting off
the water supply and knocking out the power stations, turning the lights
off? We are trying, through the air campaign, to break the will of the
Serbian people, so they will force their leader to break his will, to then
order the troops -- his troops -- out of Kosovo. You can't get troops on the
ground out of someplace from the air. And so we are trying to carry on
essentially a test of wills, trying to break his will. ..."

So our policy has been to make war on a civilian population so that they
will produce a political change in their country. Any of the official
spokesmen of our military would publicly deny this objective. They would
deny it because Americans have long declared that targeting civilians in war
is deeply immoral and violates the fundamental norms and conventions of
civilized warfare. We have consistently believed that it is barbaric to
conduct a war aimed at harming a civilian population. This has been our
established standard of moral decency. But if we adopt the Lieberman view of
war, then there is suddenly no difference between the American people and
the wicked forces that we have fought and defeated throughout the hot and
cold wars of the 20th century. Those who realize how precious that
difference has been should be deeply anguished as we watch the conscience of
the American people being deadened by our complicity in the Yugoslavian war.

But perhaps our national conscience will be saved by the humanitarian
sentiments in which this war has been sloppily draped? Aren't we doing it
for the sake of the Kosovars, and doesn't that make it all right? We should
remember that the evil enemies we fought in this century did not consider
themselves to be evil any more than we do now. They too told themselves that
they were fighting for wonderful and noble goals, and that they just had to
do certain terrible things in order to achieve those goals.

The real evil in them was their acceptance of the principle that the end
justifies the means. This is how most human beings, in fact, are introduced
to evil. They are not pushed into evil by a strong desire to do wicked
things, but by people who persuade them that evil is necessary to achieve
some greater good, and that the good justifies the evil. And this is what
has happened to us with the war in Kosovo.

If we accept the principle that no rules govern the conduct of any war
effort as long as its ends are themselves believed to be justified, then
distinctions that have been very important in our policy over the last
several decades cease to be tenable. Consider in particular the stand we
have taken on terrorism during that period, and against governments that are
willing to support, aid and abet terrorist organizations. Terrorism is a
form of war, and it is one likely to be taken up by those without nuclear
weapons, multi-billion dollar economies, and other such things.

Typically, the terrorist "combatants" will be disadvantaged in the
conventional assets of war and consider themselves to be oppressed by
countries they regard as affluent and powerful. They therefore seek to stop
this oppression by disrupting the oppressive country through inducing fear
and terror amongst the civilian population. The terrorist goal is to use
fear to force civilians to put pressure on their government to change those
policies to which the terrorists object. This is the overall rationale
behind much of the global terrorism practiced by various groups over the
past few decades -- some of them mere rogue networks, others more
determinately connected to sponsoring states.

The American position has been that the approach to war that targets
civilian populations, producing terror aimed at accomplishing political
goals, is terrorism, and is deeply morally objectionable. We have proscribed
various nations from regular relations with the United States because of
their participation in such acts of terrorism. But if the Lieberman account
of our strategy in Yugoslavia reflects our new national view, then we are
saying that it is justified to adopt a strategy aiming to terrorize a
civilian population in order to attain political goals. We will be
abandoning the notion that there are norms and rules which put terrorism
beyond the pale. We will instead be saying that terrorism is morally
acceptable so long as it is practiced by us, but that it remains bad when
practiced by others. The message we are sending is that as long as we think
what we are doing is right, anything goes.

But how many terrorists believe what they are doing is wrong? Generally
speaking, they are very self-righteous people convinced what they are doing
is right and necessary in order to deal with injustices perpetrated somehow
against groups or causes that they consider important.

In fact, terrorism is usually adopted by the weaker against the stronger,
and the United States is usually stronger than its opponents. So the stand
we are taking is very likely to reduce our ability to create effective
coalitions in the world against terrorist activities, and to police those
activities so as to safeguard our people and others in the world. We are
also, of course, offering additional moral encouragement to terrorists
themselves, who must be emboldened when they reflect that they are just
doing what big countries do, even if they have to deliver their bombs
manually instead of in fancy aircraft.

So the fruit of the NATO aggression will be a world in which we have
dismissed or forgotten all of the high-minded talk of the post-war era
supposedly aimed at establishing norms of decency and conscience -- even
with respect to the awful business of war. But this should break our hearts,
because it means that all the tragedies and horrors we have gone through in
this century, and the high principles that we have offered the world in
explanation for the sacrifices we have made, will have been thrown away to
follow Bill Clinton in reestablishing the barbaric concepts of warfare and
policy we said we were fighting against.

This deadening of conscience has its roots in our willingness to tolerate,
even foster, a culture of death and mayhem right here at home. We have
turned our backs on fundamental principles of truth with respect to our
moral obligation toward innocent and defenseless human life. The same
mentality that says, "It's OK to bomb 'em back to the Stone Age because it
will achieve our war objectives" can be heard saying that we should do
research on human embryos because we can achieve great medical benefits.
Present both in the war in Yugoslavia and the war on the unborn is the same
dead conscience, the same willingness to act as if there were no governing
moral principles that must override our profiteering, materialistic
interests, or our war aims, or whatever else may tempt us.

The evil of our effort in Kosovo is the working out of consequences of
deeper evils in our national life and conscience. We should keep in mind
that Tony Blair and Bill Clinton have said that the NATO action in
Yugoslavia is just the beginning. They view this war as a precedent for a
new internationalism, and expect similar interventions to happen regularly.
So while they will no doubt give us a little breather before pushing us into
some other perverse adventure, we will eventually taste the bitter fruit the
precedent the Kosovo war represents. Our "victory" in Yugoslavia, should it
occur, will be worse than hollow -- it will be ripe with the seeds of
greater evil to come, now that America has begun to teach the world that the
end justifies the means.
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.


God bless America!


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