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Patrick J. Burns Weekly Column

May 26, 1999

[Expletive Deleted]

I can't help but feel a little sorry for Energy Department Secretary Bill
Richardson. For weeks now he has been the point man for the Clinton
Administration's Anti-Cox Report Spin Team and the stress created by this
latest twist in his job description is really beginning to show. Appearing
on ABC's This Week, Richardson was subject to the usual barrage of polite
but tough interrogation from Sam, Cokie and George. His response to much of
what was asked of him regarding the Chinese nuclear espionage debacle was
some variant of "We're correcting the problem." As I watched this poor man
twitch and grimace, I imagined how wonderful the world might be, if only for
a few seconds he were affected by a seizure of undiplomatic honesty: "Look,
these guys got the whole [expletive deleted] candy store and you bet your
[expletive deleted] the President knew about this a long time ago, OK?
[Expletive deleted] him and the [expletive deleted] masquerading as the
Attorney Genetrix, too. In fact, [expletive deleted] this. I quit. I'm going
to play golf." I would be denied realization of my fantasy, though. Witness
this verbatim transcript of an exchange between the venerable Sam Donaldson
and the Secretary of Circumlocution:

 Mr. Donaldson: On March 19th, Mr. Secretary, the President of         the
United States was asked at his press conference, can you assure   the
American people that under your watch, no valuable nuclear   secrets were
lost? He replied, I can tell you that no one has reported     to  me that
they suspect such a thing has occurred. That wasn’t right,     was  it?

  Mr. Richardson: No, the President was correct. The President was
correct. What he said, number one, was that there had been no
enforcement action against anybody on the espionage. And secondly,    what
he was referring to, and this is what he said, was nothing at the
nuclear weapons labs. Now, there were compromises in the ’90s,
thefts of nuclear secrets, but we don’t know whether it came from our

What the hell does that mean? We would have been furnished a more direct and
compelling response had the Secretary spontaneously reverted to the goo-goos
and ga-gas of infantile speech. The sad fact is that Bill Richardson stepped
in an immense pile of [expletive deleted] when he made the decision to
change his title from Congressman to Secretary. Maybe being the occupant of
a House seat representing a constituency in New Mexico really wasn't so bad,
after all. Everyone wants to be a cabinet member, though.

Speaking of cabinet members, what's up with the Attorney Genetrix? I
remember it was nearly three years ago that her office, in conjunction with
the FBI, successfully annihilated the reputation of Richard Jewell,
then-suspect in the Olympic Park bombing case in Atlanta. No evidence, no
apology, no problem. It's easy to beat up the little guy, I guess. When it
comes to matters that really contain some meat, say, the illegal transfer of
nuclear weapons technology to a Communist enemy of the United States, all
bets are off. Republican Senator Richard Shelby has called for Reno's
resignation, citing her office's unwillingness to conduct an aggressive
investigation. Even Democratic Senator Robert Toricelli from New Jersey has
suggested abdication of duty by the Queen of Justice. Responding to this,
Ms. Reno politely responded, "We respectfully disagree." Referring to the
Cox Report, she said that it contained "some very important suggestions
about what to do about espionage." Allow me to provide a summative analysis
of both the contents Cox Report and the Attorney Genetrix's statements:

    Cox Report: "They got it all, baby. We'd better do something but FAST."

   Attorney Genetrix: "Yup. So?"

I realize it's far too much to expect Ms. Reno to focus on petty espionage
charges when her office is working overtime to dilute the potency of the
Second Amendment, never mind the threat that nuclear proliferation of this
kind poses to the entire Constitution, the document all these yahoos are
sworn to defend.

[Expletive deleted].

Patrick J. Burns



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