-Caveat Lector-

     'Quantum physics' raises questions about mind control,
 media violence and censorship, manchurian candidate killers,
 W.J. Clinton's weasel mind ("Depends what 'is' is"), who's
 responsible for paranormal phenomenon [viewer's mind(s)?],
 possible alien visitation, and the controlling of our future
 by (competing) minds and (public or secret) societies, etc...


 -------- forwarded messages --------
 From: Vilik Rapheles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999
 Subj: [oxyplus] Couldn't resist...

 Just found the following article.  Some discussion follows:


 David Merrell, a high school student from Suffolk, Virginia,
 has won top honors in regional and state science fairs for his
 experiment involving mice, a maze and hard-rock music.

 After establishing a baseline of about 10 minutes for the mice to
 navigate the maze, David started playing music 10 hours a day, then
 put the mice through the maze three times a week for three weeks.

 His findings:  the control-group mice, which did not listen to any
 music, were able to cut five minutes off their time; the mice that
 listened to classical music cut 8.5 minutes off their time; and the
 mice that listened to hard-rock music took 20 minutes longer to
 navigate the maze.

 David said, "I had to cut my project short because all the
 hard-rock mice killed each other ... None of the classical mice
 did that at all."



 Do you remember the notorious experiment where plants thrived to
 classical music and withered with rock?  Well, subsequently it was
 determined that the person doing the experiment loved classical
 music and hated rock.  When a person was found who loved rock, and
 that person did the experiment, the results were reversed.

 I read the original news story about David and the killer mice.
 (Washington Times, 2 July 1997.)  It was clear he went into the
 experiment with predetermined beliefs about hard rock.

 "Don't let your kids listen to hard rock music," he said. "I think
 it has a major negative effect."  TO PROVE HIS POINT (captials
 added) David assembled three separate groups of 24 mice..."

 Kind of calls in question most scientific research, because most
 scientists go into an experiment with a bias.  So... do experiments
 prove "facts", or do they prove the belief system of the researcher?



 From: Vilik Rapheles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999
 Subj: [oxyplus] Couldn't resist...

 More on killer mice, the scientific method, and "reality"....

 According to quantum physics (as explained in Gary Zukav's
 The Dancing Wu Li Masters), the experimenter and the experiment
 CANNOT be separated.  He says:

    "The new physics, quantum mechanics, tells us clearly that it is
 not possible to observe reality without changing it.  If we observe
 a certain particle collision experiement, not only do we have no
 way of proving that the result would have been the same if we had
 not been watching it, all that we know indicates that it would not
 have been the same because the result that we got was affected by
 the fact that we were looking for it.  Some experiments show that
 light is wave-like.  Other experiements show equally well that
 light is particle-like.  If we want to demonstrate that light is a
 particle-like phenomenon or that light is a wave-like pheonomenon,
 we only need to select the appropriate experiment.  According to
 quantum mechanics, there is no such thing as objectivity.  We
 cannot eliminate ourselves from the picture.  We are a part of
 nature, and when we study nature there is no way around the fact
 that nature is studying itself."

 From: "Gary Hawkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To:   "Rife List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999
 Subj: [RF]: New Quantum Weirdness Theory Stuns Physics


    "Power is obtained through the prohibition of all
     unsanctioned activity.  True life and power are
     therefore in direct opposition to each other."
                                        -- Unknown

 Article copied from:

 New Quantum Weirdness Theory Stuns Physics

 "Physicist Mark Hadley of the University of Warwick claims that
 he has solved the problem of quantum weirdness.  Particles at the
 subatomic level remain in a fuzzy state called "superposition"
 until something affects them, whereupon they instantly focus into
 a definite form.  They may also be 'entangled' or connected in some
 way that causes particles separated over long distances to change
 either other's condition at speeds faster than light.

 It has been theorized that the change in a particle from the fuzzy
 uncertain state to certainty could be caused by the application of
 a measuring tool, or even by the simple fact that it has been
 noticed by a conscious, aware mind.

 Hadley theorizes that there exist kinks in space-time that he calls
 "geons."  Inside a geon, a particle will be instantly affected not
 only by the present, but also by events in the future and the past.

 "Measurement is simply an abrupt change in the topology of
 space-time," Hadley explains.  Another physicist asks an incredibly
 important question:  "If the direction of time can change on a
 quantum scale, why can't it change in the large-scale Universe?"

 Well, when we fully understand the mechanism, maybe we'll discover
 that it can."

 The New Scientist, April 24, 1999.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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