-Caveat Lector-

School: Teacher Gave Bomb Lesson

PALM HARBOR, Fla. (AP) - A high school teacher faces suspension for allegedly
showing his class how to make a pipe bomb and where to place it for maximum
injuries and damage to the school.

Timothy Falls of Palm Harbor University High presented the lesson a day after
the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado, according to a school
district investigation.

The Pinellas County school superintendent has recommended that the social
studies teacher be suspended for 10 days, meaning he would lose $1,430.

Falls, 38, has requested a hearing. He did not return a call for comment from
the St. Petersburg Times.

According to an account provided by the school board, Falls discussed the
Columbine shootings in several classes, calling it a travesty and emphasizing
the importance of students being aware of their surroundings.

Then, at students' request, Falls allegedly drew a diagram of a pipe bomb on
the chalkboard ``and described its components in detail.''

He also ``initiated a discussion explaining to students exactly where a pipe
bomb should be placed at Palm Harbor University High School in order to
maximize impact and why such a placement would be most effective in causing
injury or harm.''

A parent contacted school administrators in this Gulf Coast community near

Jade Moore, executive director of the teachers union, defended Falls.

``If he advocated building a pipe bomb, that would be one thing. Or if the
students were prone to do that, that's one thing. But explaining it,
discussing it, that's topical,'' Moore said. ``It sounds to me like he was
probably exercising his First Amendment right to academic freedom.''

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