-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, nessie wrote:
>>Guess who said this:   Render Unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's; and to
>God, that which is Gods.....words to that effect,
>And what exactly WAS Ceaser's? To most people living in Roman occupied
>Palestine, whatever it was, it wasn't anything of theirs.

The statement "Render unto Caesar..." was made by Jesus in answer to a
question specifically about paying taxes to Rome...at which time Jesus
asked the questioner whose picture was on the coins they used to pay
their taxes...and since Caesar's picture was on the coins, Jesus then
stated that therefore the money they used was a construct of the
government, and not of God...

But actually, in studying ancient Biblical texts, a good many Biblical
scholars feel that this passage regarding a Christian's duty to pay taxes
to a secular authority was inserted later...AFTER Constantine had made
Christianity the state religion...  ;-)

>What does this tell Christians about who's on whose side?  How many listen?

And according the Biblical scholarship, this account of Jesus driving the
moneychangers out of the temple seems to have been recounted in even the
earliest gospels...

While the passage regarding a Christian's 'duty' to pay taxes was
inserted after Christianity became the state religion...

It seems that it was fine for the early Christians to be taught a
philosophy that 'big business', 'big banking', and the secularization of
religion to the point that church leaders got in bed with political
leaders, or became political leaders themselves, when they were the

But when Christianity became the state religion, and the emporer the
automatic head of 'The Holy Roman Empire', then a justification had to be
devised whereby a 'good Christian' would duly render under the new,
Christian Caesar....

June ;-)

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