The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #94 -- June 11, 1999
   A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network

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Asset Forfeiture Reform:
HEA Drug Provision:
. . . . Juvenile Justice alert coming out next week . . . .

Geraldo Rivera report on the drug war, NBC, Sunday evening,
6/20.  More info to follow next week.



1. Teens Say Drug War a Failure

2. Clinton Issues Executive Order on Racial Profiling in Law

3. Waters Bill Would End Federal Mandatory Minimum Drug

4. Legalization Hearings in House Subcommittee, June 16

5. Hawaii Hemp Advocate Wins Right to Sue Prosecutors for
   Constitutional Rights Violation

6. Health Canada Authorizes Patients to Use Medical
   Marijuana, Announces Plan to Grow Pot for Medical

7. EDITORIAL:  Failing our Teens


1. Teens Say Drug War a Failure

A nationwide survey of 981 teenagers, sponsored by Uhlich
Children's Home, a social services agency in Chicago, gives
adults a D+ in their efforts to stop young people from
drinking, smoking and using drugs.  The grade, an indicator
of performance that would get most young people grounded if
they did as poorly in math, English or science, was the
lowest of all the marks that teens awarded adults on a
variety of subjects.

Adults were graded a C- for their efforts to deal with
gangs, and a C+ for efforts to keep schools safe from
violence and crime.  The teens, aged 12-19, gave their
elders their highest marks, a B-, for efforts toward job
creation, education, fighting AIDS, preventing child abuse
and spending time with their families.

Tom Vanden Berk, President of Uhlich Children's Home, told
The Week Online that there is an urgent need to engage them
in a dialogue.

"Prior to this survey, my own teenage daughter told me that
'just say no' was not something that she could relate to
within the context of her day to day experience.  We are
preaching to our kids, we are spending billions in tax
dollars, and yet we're not asking them whether what we're
doing is working.  What we found, both in the survey and in
the focus groups that we put together to get more
information, is that teens want good, solid information."

"In talking to the kids in the focus groups, we heard
analogies drawn to AIDS education, which got a far higher
grade in the survey than drug prevention.  The kids noted
that with regard to AIDS, they were given the facts in an
honest, straightforward manner without the preaching.  The
teens indicated that they responded to that type of
education better than the moralizing 'just say no' or DARE
approach.  According to the kids, drugs are everywhere
around them, in their schools, in their faces.  We need to
establish a dialogue with kids, to find out what they
respond to, what works, and how we can provide them with
important information in a context that's relevant to their

Bob Weiner, spokesman for Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey, told
The Week Online that his office "completely agrees that
parents need to do more talking with their kids about
drugs."  Mr. Weiner also noted that General McCaffrey "has
consistently maintained that the most effective action in
reducing youth drug use is parents talking to their teens
around the kitchen table."

Asked whether the survey results were an indictment of drug
education in America, Mr. Weiner replied that while the
survey might be "fun to use," it was likely that in grading
the older generation on things like stopping use drug use,
kids might well seek to be "a little revolutionary" thus
making it difficult to apply the results to real world

The full results of the survey are available online at


2. Clinton Issues Executive Order on Racial Profiling in Law

During a roundtable conference with civil rights and law
enforcement leaders on Wednesday, President Clinton issued
an executive order requiring all federal law enforcement
agencies to collect race, ethnicity, and gender data on
individuals detained for questioning.  The order addresses
growing concerns in the nation about 'racial profiling' --
the use of race as a basis for stopping and searching
individuals.  A large percentage of these detainments
involve tenuous 'suspicion' about drug-related crimes.
Federal agencies including the Drug Enforcement
Administration and the Customs Service will now be required
to record racial data on all stops and searches and file a
report on the results after one year, in order to assess the
extent of the racial profiling problem and its possible

Civil rights activists have long complained about minorities
in cars being stopped and searched for DWB or "Driving While
Black," and a series of lawsuits and investigations has
uncovered evidence of the practice in several states.  Law
enforcement officials have, until recently, argued that
evidence for this practice is purely anecdotal.  Clinton,
speaking at the Justice Department conference, claimed that
gathering and analyzing the racial data for detainments will
show a clearer picture of the actual situation.

Clinton also publicly endorsed H.R. 1443, a bill sponsored
by Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), that creates a
grant and assistance program to encourage state and local
law enforcement agencies to also begin collecting data about
those they detain.  Conyers commended Clinton for the
support in a press release, and stressed the importance of
bringing an end to racial profiling at all levels of law
enforcement.  "If the constitutional guarantee of equal
protection means anything," he stated in the same release,
"it has to mean that it is unacceptable for our citizens to
be stopped and searched on account of their race."

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also praised the
executive order.  Last week, the ACLU released a 43 page
report which included recommendations for government action
(see  The group called the
President's announcement "an important first step in ending
the national disgrace of racial profiling."  However, ACLU
Washington Director Laura Murphy also pointed out the need
for continued action.  "Ultimately," she stated, "what is
called for here is a fundamental focus on the civil rights
crises created by our criminal justice system."

Rob Stewart, Communications Director for the Drug Policy
Foundation, agreed.  Stewart mused on the leveling out of
drug-related detainments between the races that may result
simply from the focus on racial data.  "Once a proportionate
number of white kids start getting pulled in for suspicion
in these [drug-related] crimes, maybe the public will become
more sensitive to the way we've been persecuting minorities
for years with the uneven enforcement of these laws."

Previous Week Online coverage:


3. Waters Bill Would End Federal Mandatory Minimum Drug

Provisions in Bill Consistent With Recommendations from
Justices Rehnquist, Kennedy and Breyer

(press release from the Drug Policy Foundation,

WASHINGTON -- Responding to calls from three Supreme Court
justices and scores of federal judges, Rep. Maxine Waters
(D-CA) has introduced a bill that would abolish nearly all
drug-related federal mandatory minimum sentences (MMS).

Rep. Waters' bill, H.R. 1681, has slim chances of passage in
a Republican-controlled Congress, but is landmark
legislation because it is part of a significant change in
the way policymakers are thinking about sentencing.

"For the first time in years, Congress is taking note of how
our mandatory sentencing laws are filling our prisons
without producing the intended decrease in drug use or
supply," Drug Policy Foundation Policy Analyst Rob Stewart

Scores of federal judges have refused to hear drug cases in
protest of mandatory minimum sentencing laws.  And within
the last few years, Supreme Court Justices Stephen Breyer,
Anthony Kennedy and Chief Justice William Rehnquist, all
Republican appointees, have also found mandatory minimums to
be a flawed sentencing system.  Kennedy has called them
"imprudent, unwise and often an unjust mechanism."

"A more complete solution would be to abolish mandatory
minimums," Breyer said in November at the University of
Nebraska College of Law.

Conservative criminologist John DiIulio, once one of the
staunchest proponents of long mandatory sentences, has
recently written in support of the abolition of MMS.

"With mandatory minimums, there is no real suppression of
the drug trade, only episodic substance-abuse treatment of
incarcerated drug-only offenders, and hence only the most
tenuous crime-control rationale for imposing prison terms --
mandatory or otherwise -- on any of them," DiIulio wrote in
the National Review last month.

Mandatory minimums also disproportionately affect
minorities.  African Americans make up 12 percent of the
population and roughly the same percentage of drug users,
but they are 33 percent of federal drug convictions.  The
average drug sentence for African Americans is now 49
percent higher than sentences for the same offense for

The irony of this change in sentencing thought is who's
doing the thinking and who's doing the legislating.  The
Republicans in Congress are ignoring the advice of their own
thinkers. Instead, a liberal Democrat, Waters, has seized
the issue.


4. Legalization Hearings in House Subcommittee, June 16

The US House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy,
and Human Resources has announced it will hold a hearing on
"The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Illegal Narcotics and
Decriminalization" on June 16 ("Bloomsday" to Ulysses fans).
The hearing is the first specifically devoted to the issue
of broad drug policy reform since 1988.  Representatives
from The Lindesmith Center, The CATO Institute, The Drug
Policy Foundation, and the ACLU have been invited to

When the hearing was first scheduled, some invitees were
told the topic would be "the legalization movement" itself,
leading one former House insider to compare it to hearings
held by the House Committee on Un-American Activities to
grill anti-war activists during the Vietnam era, though
subcommittee staff members have subsequently said the
hearings really will be a discussion of the legalization

Check C-Span for footage of the hearings, and next week's
issue of The Week Online for a full report.


5. Hawaii Hemp Advocate Wins Right to Sue Prosecutors for
   Constitutional Rights Violation

Aaron Anderson, a marijuana and hemp activist on the island
of Hawaii, won the right to sue prosecutors and the County
of Hawaii (the "Big Island") for a violation of his
constitutional rights in a multi-year case first brought in
1992.  Anderson was charged for purchasing a 23 lb. box of
sterile hemp seed (used extensively in birdseed, as well as
a variety of food and other products) at $.49 per pound from
Special Commodities Inc. of Fargo, North Dakota, a legally
operating company with a DEA license to sell hemp products
(see  The 9th US
Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled Tuesday
(6/3) that a lawsuit filed by Anderson will be heard in
federal court in Honolulu, overturning an earlier ruling by
US District Judge David Ezra.

Steven Strauss, attorney for Anderson, and for Christie in a
similar lawsuit in state court, told the Week Online, "The
constitutional violation that gave rise to the 1993 claims
did not depend on their being innocent, but rather on their
being prosecuted for the wrong reason: advocating the
decriminalization of marijuana and building a legal hemp

According to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, deputy prosecutor
Kay Iopa told a judge in 1992, "As a practical matter, no,
we're not going to go out, bust the little old lady that's
got a bag of bird seeds... When you get 25 pounds ... going
to, um, a hemp grower, that is very vocally, very outwardly
advocating the legalization of marijuana."

Anderson and Christie charge that Iopa selectively, and
therefore illegally, prosecuted them, and that Big Island
chief prosecutor Jay Kimura knew of this, but failed to take
actions to remedy the situation.  The 9th Circuit has ruled
that if the charge is true, the County of Hawaii would be
civilly liable.  Kimura told the Star-Bulletin that the
prosecution was proper and that the County should appeal the
decision to the US Supreme Court.

The jury in Anderson's case deadlocked 9-3 in favor of
acquittal, and Iopa dropped the case against Christie in
1995.  Iopa resigned her position last December, after a
Circuit Court judge found she had "misrepresented
information" regarding evidence to the court on two
occasions, leading to a mistrial in a high-profile murder
case, according to the Hawaii Tribune-Herald.

On the issue of prosecutors bringing charges for activity
that is legal, Strauss told the Week Online, "The problem is
that prosecutors are typically immune from individual
liability," and that "There are no protections against an
overzealous prosecutor."

Still, Strauss pointed out, the case does have implications
when charges are brought for inappropriate reasons.  "No
longer can a high-level prosecutorial official ignore the
constitutional violations of his deputy, and say it's not
his policy, so the municipality isn't liable."  In such
cases, the burden is on the injured parties to report the
possible constitutional violations to the top prosecutorial
official in the jurisdiction.  It is only if he or she fails
to take action to repair the damage, that the municipality
can become civilly liable.

(Anderson and Christie have been put out of business for
eight years by the prosecutors' lawlessness in charging them
for a non-crime.  Donations to help Anderson's federal case
and Christie's state case can be sent to: Steven D. Strauss
Client Trust Account, P.O. Box 11517, Hilo, HI 11517.
Reference Anderson and/or Christie on the check.)

The full text of the 9th Circuit decision is available on
our web site at or (includes

To get involved in drug policy reform in Hawaii, check out
the Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii, online at


6. Health Canada Authorizes Patients to Use Medical
   Marijuana, Announces Plan to Grow Pot for Medical

(reprinted from the NORML Foundation,

June 10, 1999, Ottawa, Ontario:  Health Minister Allan Rock
announced yesterday that the government has authorized two
patients to legally grow and possess marijuana for medical
purposes.  The agency also declared that they are developing
a business plan for the creation of a government-approved
farm to supply domestically grown marijuana for human
patient trials.

The House of Commons approved a motion late last month
urging Health Canada to "take steps" toward approving the
limited use of marijuana.  Yesterday the agency issued
guidelines for a series of upcoming medical marijuana
clinical trials as well as plans to grow and import the drug
for medical purposes.

"Moving forward on a research plan that includes
establishing a quality Canadian supply of medicinal
marijuana and a process to access it, is significant," Rock
said.  "The plan reflects compassion and will also help
build the evidence base needed regarding the use of
marijuana for medical purposes."  Rock said that he intends
to import medical marijuana from the United States' National
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to use in the initial trials.
Patients will smoke marijuana short-term in those studies,
he said.  Patients in later trials will use marijuana
extracts and non-smoked forms of the drug, the agency
guidelines state.

Health Canada also announced that it had granted two
patients permission to use marijuana for their own personal
medical use.  One of the patients, Jean Charles Pariseau,
who uses marijuana to combat the effects of nausea and the
AIDS wasting syndrome, said that he was "more than happy"
with Health Canada's historic decision.  "If you gave me a
choice between a million dollars and [this] announcement, I
would choose the announcement," he said.

Rock said that 30 additional patients are awaiting
permission from Health Canada to use marijuana.  The agency
said that they intend to review those requests within "15
working days."

See Health Canada's medical marijuana research plans at:


7. EDITORIAL:  Failing our Teens

Adam J. Smith, Associate Director, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The month of June typically means report cards for American
teens, but the tables were turned this week with the release
of a nationwide survey in which the kids graded the efforts
of their parents' generation on a broad range of topics.
The highest grade that the older generation received, only a
B-, was given in five categories, including job creation,
preventing child abuse and fighting AIDS.  The lowest grade
awarded, a D+, was earned in four categories: stopping young
people from drinking, stopping young people from smoking,
stopping young people from using drugs and for their
performance in running the government.

It is not surprising, given the natural tendencies of
succeeding generations to see the world through different
lenses, that the grades were not good.  But the kids did
give their elders a solid C for "really listening to and
understanding young people," which makes the sub-par grades
on issues of substance use even more alarming.

To the extent that government concerns itself with reducing
young people's use of drugs, our policy has been focused on
the DARE program, which sends police officers into schools
to warn of the dangers of drug use using a "just say no"
philosophy, and harsh punitive laws, which, according to the
politicians who write and pass them, "send a message to our
children" that drug use is wrong and that society will
punish it harshly.  Neither of these tactics is working, say
our kids.

Teens are individuals, and so we must be careful when we
generalize about them, but it is safe to say that for many
teenagers, questioning authority and rejecting authoritarian
restraint comes as naturally as a burgeoning interest in sex
and the desire to borrow the family car.  "Just say no" is
therefore not only woefully inadequate, but in fact may
invite the opposite response from many kids who are
struggling to establish an identity of their own.

Kids need information they can trust about the substances
they are likely to encounter.  Their trust, however, is
undermined when the information we give them is skewed by an
agenda, no matter how well-meaning.  Once it becomes clear
to a teenager that we are willing to lie or exaggerate, even
"for their own good," they are likely to turn us off, and to
seek their information elsewhere.

As a follow-up to the survey, the sponsoring organization,
the Uhlich Children's Home, assembled some teens in focus
groups.  Among the things they learned, according to Uhlich
House president Tom Vanden Berk, was that kids thought that
they had received useful education regarding AIDS.  No
moralizing, no preaching, just straight facts intended to
help them to protect themselves from harm.  They believed
it, they remembered it, and presumably, they took it to
heart.  Drug education on the other hand, well.... a D+ is a
D+, right?

This survey shows that our kids have an awful lot to teach
us when it comes to our drug policy.  Far from "sending a
message" to our teens, it seems that our excessive and
punitive response to the issue of drugs is failing to
address their needs.  What kids want, and what we should be
giving them, is honest, straightforward information about
alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, without the threats or
hysteria that mark most of our efforts in these areas, and
which tend to make drugs attractive to many kids.

This week, teens across America issued a report card grading
their parents' generation on a host of subjects.  And
despite all of our moralizing and all of our threats and all
of our laws, when it comes to preventing youth drug use, we
got straight D's.  Our kids can't react to our failure by
cutting off our allowance, or withholding the car keys or
sending us to our rooms until we promise to do better.  But
you know, if our kids came home with a report card like
that, we'd insist that they change their study habits.  And


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