-Caveat Lector-

Reference Jamal:  I sat in a Court of law and pieced together a murder
of a black doctor from bits of information here, and there....my old
Friend, Sybil Leek was interested in $50,000 for a story re Hoffa, so
she sent me out...super spook, no way...I was more like Snoopy taking on
the Red Baron...

Anyway, a young black was arrested for the murder of a black doctor; the
evidence was as they say, overwhelming....but the real story was, the
County Prosecutor down the hall, was sitting on a hot potato...you see,
he was up for re-election and he had in the County Coroner's Office,
also up for re-election, an Assistant County Coroner, who bought what
they called "the Piece" that murdered Dr. Walter Bond.

To add insult upon injury, I am snooping for Sybil re another Doctor,
who had on his farm a Mafia hitman, with whom he shared a friendship in
prison, while a cellmate to James Riddle Hoffa....they all became fast
friends, though Sybil  thought the one Doctor, to be an informer and

To make story short, I bungled onto the truth, and was told even knowing
it, that I was in serious trouble; meanwhile, a young black sat in jail,
for a murder he did not commit, one for which he had been framed, and
the police planted evidence, and arrested the wrong man....a poor black,
who had been arrested on drugs....they called the murder of the third
doctor, a drug related crime....aren't they all.....

So this County Prosecutor who would have let an innocent man go to the
electric chair, is now a Federal Judge; the Mafia hit man who murdered
the black Doctor was convicted, and the doctor who "bought the piece"
was found not guilty, because he only wanted to "castrate" the black
doctor.....how would you have liked to have been Doctor Walter Bond,
answer your door, and there stands a Mafia Hit Man, a psycho with a gun,
another doctor with a knife, and a third doctor there just for
fun.....suddenly, the Mafia Hit man just "blew him away".....

A Rhodes Scholar, Richard Celeste who helped organize the Union, of
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, who wanted
to be president and use union dues to get elected....this man paroled
the Mafia hit man.....and he was to be set free (how do you think I
felt)....but the public outrage, another stte picked him up and back in
the slammer he went....a psycho.

The fact remains Jamal, after reading all the material on both sides, it
appears something is really wrong there.....some years back I sat on a
COTA bus, and some young blacks gave me literature FREE JAMAL, which
most people refused. He has a following; Jamal saw his brother in
need...he was a Black Panther who believed his race was going to be
victims of genocide  he had probalby read of Angola.

Jamal deserves a new trial; mainly because he is black.....the police in
Columbus helped to set up a young black for the murder of a black doctor
knowingk he did not commit the crime....so wht are these people.

Apparently Evergreen believes in Jamal's innocence, whether they had
found a proper forum I do hot know.....anything controversial is often
side-stepped by those not wishing to raise a red flag in front of a
raging bull....

I have witnessed police engaged in running illegal booze from Kentucky,
cigarettes which were not taxed put into certain cigarette machines -
and sat with the Treasurer of Ohio when one of her staff bought a pack,
and questioned same; I saw police taking checks from the owner of an
establishment using a code....I saw booze from Kentucky being poured
into good brand whiskey bottles....and sold for top dollar....and I saw
a few evil policemen - one so drunk he struck down an elderly man in a
fit of rage, for something he said....this man had a drinking problem,
and was no friend....but this is a less than perfect world.

Most people do not care about Jamal because he is just a black
journalist, a Black Panther and activist....what was that son, I Shot
the Sheriff, but I didn't kill his Deputy......

I believe in peaceful segregation for myself.....I moved to my city to
live in a community where people were of a same color, but it was a
social thing.....as Jesse Jackson said once, and got into a lot of
trouble.....he was walking down a dark street, in a bad area, and he
heard someone following him and thought - I hope that is a white man....

Justice for all.....but in Columbus justice was not color blind, when it
picked a poor black to pin a murder on he did not commit....and I might
add, one of the best white lawyers in the area, as I recall, got him
off.....how many innocent men have died for crimes they did not
commit.....yet, keep looking at that Clinton Body County, and Janet Reno
and Albright have broken a few records for murder too......Justice for
all....Free Jamal.

Colleen Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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