-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject:                Claremont Institute Precepts: Trenton's Battle of Principle, 
Part 1
Date sent:              Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:49:14 -0700

The Claremont Institute--PRECEPTS |
June 15, 1999 Visit <http://www.claremont.org> |

          | No. 174

This week in the state of New Jersey, a controversy has
broken out that exhibits for all to see the choice before
the American people. It concerns simply this: shall our
children be taught to know and respect the founding
instrument of our country?

The lower house of the New Jersey legislature has just
passed a bill that would require public school students to
recite two sentences from the Declaration of Independence
each morning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The students would say: "We hold these truths to be self
evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed."

These two sentences describe both in time and in principle
the foundation of our country. They are the origin and the
purpose, the alpha and the omega, of our nation. And today,
they are controversial.

Nia Gill, a member of the New Jersey house, led the
opposition. She said: "At the time these words were written
only white men, and only white men with property, were
perceived to be the beneficiaries of these words."

In this and the coming two Precepts, we will demonstrate
three things beyond any question.

First, that the statement by Ms. Gill is false as regards

Second, that Ms. Gill's statement that the Declaration
covered only white men is false, and her rejection of it on
that ground is also illogical.

And third, that the rejection of what the liberal
intelligentsia says about the Declaration is simply
necessary to the proper education of children, and also to
the preservation of free government.

First, let us see that Ms. Nia Gill has stated a falsehood.
Let us look at the record. It is unambiguous. It is found
in particular right there in the state of New Jersey.

For in New Jersey, under the influence of the Declaration,
women were given the vote. It happened there, right in New
Jersey, for the first time in history, at the time of the
Revolution. This practice followed upon the language of the
New Jersey Constitution of 1776 (the same year as the
Declaration) that permitted all "inhabitants" with fifty
pounds in property and 12 months residence to vote. And
women did vote there in large numbers. See the discussion
of this in the fine book, sponsored by the Claremont
Institute, _Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, Class and
Justice in the Origins of America._

If this is true, you may wonder, why does the Declaration
say "all men are created equal"? That is because in
English, the masculine pronoun is also the generic. At the
same time this expression was used, Alexander Hamilton
wrote that "natural liberty is a gift . . . to the whole
human race." Others wrote constantly, and interchangeably,
of the "rights of human nature" and the "rights of man."

We do not expect Nia Gill or her friends to know the
history of New Jersey, or the meaning of the principles of
the Declaration, or the history or meaning of anything else
important for that matter. If Nia Gill is like the people
who have invented these falsehoods about the Declaration,
then she has an agenda that does not rest upon truth. That
agenda is rather to remove the principles of the
Declaration from their rightful authority in our national
life. They have adopted in their place new principles that
regard the human being as subject to the state, and
justifying the state in a vast bureaucratic project that
breaks the bounds of limited government.

But more on that to follow.


Larry P. Arnn
The Claremont Institute

Copyright (c) 1999 The Claremont Institute

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