-Caveat Lector-

Via NewsMax.CoM

> Sovereignty Matters Oliver NorthJune 18, 1999
> WASHINGTON -- Tony Blair, Bill Clinton's new best buddy, was shocked.
> The June European Parliamentary elections seem to have rejected the
> vaunted "Third Way" globalists in the Blair government. The
> conservative Tories overwhelmed Blair's hand-picked Labor Party
> liberals by a margin of 36 percent to 28 percent. This victory is all
> the more significant when you consider that the Labor Party has
> dominated the political landscape of Great Britain since it came to
> power in April 1997. In fact, as Brits went to the polls this month,
> Tony Blair's approval ratings had never been higher, thanks to his
> "leadership" in NATO's Balkan Blunder. But Blair's personal popularity
> wasn't enough to save the day when it came to standing up for the
> Union Jack. For the first time since Margaret Thatcher sent the fleet
> to win back the Falkland Islands in 1981, British sovereignty is a
> major issue in British politics.
> This conservative resurgence is based on the simple premise that
> national identity, autonomy and independence are more important than
> the New World Order policies Tony Blair has been espousing since he
> and his liberal Laborites came to power. Whether this sea change in
> British politics will affect their next elections or ours remains to
> be seen. "Third Way" proponents poo-poo the results as nothing more
> than a minor wrinkle in the political fabric. They note that this was
> nothing but an election for delegates to the European Parliament --
> the body theoretically charged with administering the European Union.
> While the liberals have been quick to blame their dismal showing in
> the parliamentary elections on Tory leader William Hague's
> "Euro-bashing," the real issue was whether Britain would retain its
> own identity and sovereignty, or whether Brits would wake up one
> morning in a "Europe First" society. As Hague bluntly put it when
> discussing Britain's ties to the rest of Europe, "In Europe -- but not
> run by Europe."
> What Blair's apologists do not want to acknowledge is that many Brits
> are coming to see this conglomeration of Eurocrats as an entity whose
> activities and interests are hostile to the people of the British
> Isles. Among the chief goals of the European Union is the
> establishment of a common currency, the Euro, which would replace the
> currencies of all of the European Union member states. Unfortunately
> for Tony Blair and his globalist allies, a majority of Brits don't
> seem ready to surrender the British Pound.
> Why? Because when Great Britain abandons the Pound it gives up a
> significant measure of their national identity. The British people
> have yet to become convinced that handing over their sovereignty to a
> group of continental bureaucrats best known for petty wrangling, gross
> incompetence, and rampant corruption is really in their best
> interests. The choice the Brits face is tantamount to Bill Clinton
> telling Americans that George Washington was being replaced on the
> dollar bill by Kofi Annan.
> In the U.S., talk of a Continental Currency for the Americas has been
> forestalled by the early start of the year 2000 presidential election
> campaigns. Advocates for such a measure in the Clinton Administration
> have been told to pipe down until after the race is run -- because
> their internal polls show that most American's find the idea
> deplorable. But similar threats do indeed lurk on our own horizons,
> and if Washington's globalists have their way, Americans will indeed
> face the choice between Mr. Clinton's vision of a "New World Village"
> or a reassertion of our own national sovereignty. One election does
> not make a trend.
> The recent balloting for a Euro Parliament may or may not portend the
> kind of dramatic change in political fortunes that Margaret Thatcher's
> election foretold when she and her Conservative majority came to power
> in 1979. Thatcher's rise to power was indeed the beginning of a
> conservative movement throughout many Western nations. But for more
> than six years now, Bill Clinton and his fellow "internationalist
> elites" have been telling us that their "Third Way" is the way of the
> future. They have told us that "globalism" is better than nationalism,
> that "constructive engagement" is more important than national
> security, and that international cooperation outweighs America's
> sovereignty. To the Clintons, Blairs and the rest of the globalist
> gurus haunting Europe, borders don't matter. But to the rest of us,
> they do.
> In repudiating Mr. Blair, the British people have demonstrated that
> their tolerance for this hogwash has limits. When the day comes that
> Americans find themselves facing a choice similar to that of the Brits
> this month, hopefully they will recognize the importance of our own
> national identity -- and realize that "sovereignty" isn't such a bad
> word afterall.
> Oliver North is a former marine colonel, who you may remember from the
> Iran-Contra hearings, and currently hosts 'Equal Time' on MSNBC.

<<I believe Mr. North was last known as "Lieutenant" Colonel -- the
Colonels do distinguish -- while on active duty.>>

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