-Caveat Lector-

Sunday June 20 5:36 PM ET
Calif. Official Seeks Security Review At Nuke Labs
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - University of California President Richard Atkinson
has ordered a review of newly tightened security measures at nuclear weapons
labs managed by the university, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.
The order comes amid mounting pressure in the federal government over
allegations of Chinese espionage at the Los Alamos National Laboratory,
which is managed by the university under a contract with the U.S. Department
of Energy.
Los Alamos, near Santa Fe, New Mexico, is where the atomic bomb was
developed and where many nuclear secrets are stored.
The university also manages the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory east
of San Francisco and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which does
some unclassified research. Although the government sets security policy at
the labs, university officials help enforce the rules.
In a directive announced Friday, Atkinson called on a panel of experts to
review the new security rules ``to make sure the university is doing
everything possible to maintain the vital security interests of the United
States,'' The Times said.
The U.S. House of Representatives and President Clinton's own Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board have suggested fining the university -- or other
lab managers -- for future security violations, the Times said.
The U.S. General Accounting Office also is advocating that the energy
department end the university's 50-year-old hold on running the labs when
its contract expires in 2002.
Congress has been in an uproar over allegations that China stole U.S.
secrets on seven nuclear warheads and the neutron bomb over the past 20
years. China has repeatedly denied it stole U.S. secrets.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with
the song still in them. - Henry David Thoreau

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