-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 1999 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: "How to be a Skeptic"

> >What gets me about believers, whether it is belief in flying saucers
> >or gods or anything unverifiable, is that the believers think that if
> >they can sway you, and win you over to belief - then THAT will CAUSE
> >the claim to BE true. That belief causes something to exist or happen.
> >Cause and effect. Anybody else notice it?
> L Ron Hubbard said something like "What's true is what's true for you."
> and a famous wierdo in alt.astrology has claimed several times that
> "you make your own reality."
> So it seems that many newagers do believe that belief makes it true.

My guideline is, "Reality is whatever bites your ass.", i.e., if it
affects you, it's real.  But we must distinguish between real(physical)
and real(virtual), between the objective and the subjective, the stuff
that's 'real' to any observer and the stuff that's only 'real' inside
one's consciousness.  These are different data-types, as distinct as
alphanumeric and floating-point; and although we may use the same or
similar language when dealing with'em, such sloppiness leads to errors.
The physical realm intersects with the abstract realm in complex ways.

Garrett Hardin wrote about three types of 'truth' [cited by Donella H.
Meadows in an article in Whole Earth Review, Spring 1999, p.109]:

  * Always-True Truth: This truth remains true no matter what anyone
  thinks or says about it.  For example, burning fossil fuels creates
  carbon dioxide; the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere
  has increased by more than 30 percent in the last century; global
  surface temperatures in 1998 were the warmest in recorded history.

  * Truth-by-Repetition Truth: This truth is more like to become true
  the more you say it.  I *can* run a marathon; every child wants a
  Furby for Christmas; the stock market is about to crash; the govern-
  ment can't do anything right; Social Security will go bankrupt. This
  kind of truth is the stock-in-trade of the public relations people
  and the politicians.  Say it often enough, however absurd it is, and
  you might be able to gin up enough shared belief to create it as
  reality.  (Unless is violates an Always-True Truth.)

  * Doubt-By-Repetition Truth: This truth may become less true the more
  you say it.  I'm about to sneeze; there will be a surprise attack on
  Baghdad tomorrow; the stock market is not overextended; I am not an
  alcoholic; the economy can grow forever.  These truths distract
  attention or reveal secrets or stoke up false confidence or divert
  action by denying and demoting the kind of thinking that can lead
  to problem solving.  They are often purposeful thought-stoppers.

  Always-True Truths deal with the physical realm; Truth-by-Repetition
  and Doubt-by-Repetition Truths deal with the information realm, where
  what we say can influence the beliefs and behaviors of others and
  ourselves -- these are slithery truths, to be used with great care.
  Confusing one type with another (for example, trying to make global
  warming go away by emphatically denying its existence) can be fatal.

  --Donella H. Meadows

But IMHO this analysis omits the pernicious Never-True Truth, which
can never be shown to be true no matter what anyone says about it, but
which people will believe anyway because they WANT to believe it.  Most
religious, NewAge, UFOlogical, paranormal etc thought is of this type.
Jesus is coming; my channeled entity has a message for you; the Space
Brothers are our friends; 100 monkeys are telepathic; Therapeutic
Touch heals; homeopathy heals; donkey urine heals.  Those espousing
these Truths seem usually to be selling something.  Funny 'bout that.

  Ric "everything is unlikely but things happen anyway" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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