-Caveat Lector-

>   http://www.y2knewswire.com/19990628qr.htm
>              This week, Y2KNEWSWIRE covers the "Y2K
>              Disconnect" -- a mysterious psychology that
>              allows people of all walks of life to selectively
>              ignore a mountain of evidence that Y2K is not
>              only unsolved at this moment -- it is
>              unsolvable in the time remaining.
>              In part one of this report, we present this
>              36-item list, titled, "If Y2K were solved…"
>              IF Y2K WERE SOLVED…
>               1.…the FAA would have tested all airport
>                  and en route radar control systems rather
>                  then just the Denver systems.
>               2.…programmers wouldn't still be working
>                  on the problem.
>               3.….the federal government wouldn't be
>                  reluctant to hold a nationwide Y2K test
>                  day.
>               4.…the sewer system in Los Angeles
>                  wouldn't have spilled several millions of
>                  gallons of raw sewage into the city
>                  streets during a recent Y2K test.
>               5.…the G8 meetings would not have urged
>                  member countries to urgently raise
>                  awareness among their populations.
>               6.…Congress would have no reason to
>                  pass Y2K liability limitation legislation
>                  (and trial lawyers would have no reason
>                  to fight it).
>               7.…federal agencies would have spent
>                  100% of their Y2K budgets, and they
>                  would not be asking for an additional $1+
>                  billion in emergency Y2K funds for fiscal
>                  year 2000.
>               8.…President Clinton would be loudly and
>                  publicly proclaiming Y2K as being solved
>                  (and taking credit for it).
>               9.…lawyers wouldn't be running seminars
>                  that teach other lawyers how to sue big
>                  companies over Y2K problems.
>              10.…every publicly-traded company would
>                  file a non-ambiguous SEC statement
>                  claiming full compliance.
>              11.…Y2K programmers, who make up
>                  barely 1% of the working population,
>                  wouldn't be buying up 10% of the
>                  long-term-storable food.
>              12.…there would be no need to create
>                  fictitious subsets of systems-to-fix -- such
>                  as the now-famous "mission-critical"
>                  subset or, as President Clinton describes
>                  them, the "most important" systems.
>              13....banks would have no reason to spend
>                  millions of dollars convincing people not to
>                  withdraw their funds.
>              14....the members of the President's Year
>                  2000 Council would be looking for new
>                  jobs.
>              15....airlines would not be grounding their
>                  fleets on December 31, 1999.
>              16....insurers would retract all the
>                  Y2K-immunity clauses they've issued over
>                  the past 18 months.
>              17....federal agencies wouldn't be afraid to
>                  have outside auditors verify their claims.
>              18....electric utilities, banks and federal
>                  agencies wouldn't now be naming
>                  "September" as their newest compliance
>                  target date.
>              19.…Senator Bennett (R-Utah) would not be
>                  stockpiling food and water.
>              20....company and agency spokespeople
>                  would stop using words like "ready" and
>                  start using "compliant."
>              21....Janet Reno wouldn't have quietly
>                  created the "National Domestic
>                  Preparedness Office" to deal with Y2K.
>              22.…President Clinton would not have
>                  recently modified Executive Order 13073
>                  to include text describing the handling of
>                  Y2K emergencies and rebuilding efforts.
>              23....Marines wouldn't be staging urban
>                  military exercises in major U.S. cities.
>              24.…John Koskinen would not have to hold
>                  "community conversations" to urge calm
>                  about Y2K.
>              25.…The President's Year 2000 Council
>                  would not currently be employing a
>                  big-name Public Relations firm to
>                  engineer a "calming" Y2K
>                  communications strategy.
>              26.…Rep. Stephen Horn's government Y2K
>                  grade card would not have to be based
>                  on purely self-reported numbers: it could
>                  be based on audited, verified numbers.
>              27.…Power plants wouldn't be stockpiling a
>                  60-day supply of coal (the few that
>                  are…)
>              28.…The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory
>                  Commission) would not be allowing
>                  on-site plant inspectors to make
>                  "exceptions" to safety rules in order to
>                  maintain the collective "safety" of the
>                  power grid.
>              29.…The federal government would have no
>                  need to increase the stockpile of
>                  emergency oil reserves.
>              30.…Government (both local and federal)
>                  would not be buying up all the high-output
>                  diesel generators on the market.
>              31.…The banking industry would not be
>                  spending millions of dollars creating and
>                  running advertisements that attempt to
>                  persuade people that holding on to their
>                  own cash is a bad, bad, decision.
>              32.…The GAO (Government Accounting
>                  Office) would be backing up the federal
>                  government's claims of compliance rather
>                  than challenging them (and exposing them
>                  as lies).
>              33.…The Y2K budgets of every private
>                  company would have been entirely spent
>                  by now.
>              34.…Nuclear power utilities would not be
>                  urgently issuing protective orders to
>                  prevent the public release of documents
>                  describing their Y2K status.
>              35.…Insiders in law enforcement, Fortune
>                  500 companies, oil companies, the
>                  military and the federal government would
>                  not be contacting Y2KNEWSWIRE and
>                  spilling the beans on how non-compliant
>                  their organizations really are.
>              36.…The United States Post Office would
>                  not be firing people for refusing to falsify
>                  Y2K compliance documents.
>              This list is just the beginning, of course. There
>              are so many things that would be different if
>              Y2K were solved, it's impossible to list them
>              all. The only way to observe all these things
>              and still conclude Y2K is solved is to mentally
>              invoke the Y2K Disconnect.
>              Check back tomorrow, when we investigate
>              the origins of this amazing psychological
>              phenomenon -- and what it means for the last
>              half of 1999.
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