-Caveat Lector-

Folks, There have been, for quite some time now, various Posts dealing with
the contemporary issue of Morality appearing in the Lists to which I

I recently came across what follows and thought to myself it may be of
interest to most of my List colleagues;  particularly those who have been
able to maintain an open mind not damaged by the political correctness
demanded by those in power whose goal is to enslave us all.

That having been said, an explanation is due you as to why I selected the
thoughts of a late 19th Century German philosopher to make some sense of our
present moral dilemma.  America's current majority population is north
European centered.  Our ancestors, both Christian and Jewish, have, over the
generations past, been "conditioned" to northern European cultural and moral
values.  The Thought that follows, in my view, clearly explains the
contradictions of our present day moral crisis.

Our natural instincts to fulfill the tasks of life, nurtured by the love of
our parents, have been severely "inverted" by those among us who desire to
change the natural slave/master relationship.

I recognize that there are those members of the List who, if given the
chance, will pounce on me as being racist and will vent their hatred at me.
No sweat.  Those people are frustrated at their increasing sense of lost
freedom and the intrusion of Big Bother into their lives and have to attack
those who make an effort to attempt clarifying the reasons for their
predicament simply due to the fact that they are or have been too lazy or
ignorant to find out for themselves what has happened to our once relative
moral society;  and have unwittingly contributed to the "problem".

To sum up my commentary, I find it clear that the moral behavior imposed by
people who have forsaken their natural human instincts in the pursuit of the
tasks of life is indeed the underlying cause of our present moral crisis.

Make no Mistake!!  The NWO Elites are the new Masters.  It is up to you to
exercise your human instincts to succeed in performing the tasks of life to
fulfill those natural instincts unfettered by contemporary un-natural

Source:  Ideas of the Great Philosophers, William S. Sahakian, Ph.D. and
Mabel Lewis Sahakian, D.Sc., Harper Collins, 1966, page 50.


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) believed that contemporary morality is an
inversion of true morality.

Whatever is genuinely moral accords with human nature and never contradicts

Nietzsche agreed with Schopenhauer(1) that man's nature is composed of life
instincts, that the task of life is to fulfill man's instincts, not to
inhibit them as the prevailing culture of modern times has so often

But, he differed profoundly from Schopenhauer's pessimism, assuring us, on
the contrary, that success is attainable if we give full expression to our
instincts instead of repressing them.

Slave Morality vs. Master Morality

Friedrich Nietzsche pointed out that two moral systems have been apparent
throughout history---that of enslaved peoples and that of the elite who have
traditionally ruled---and that each system has had its own moral code.

The slave morality of the weak requires them to accept subjugation and
obedience to the master race.

The "master morality" consists of the ethics of the aristocratic class
(rulers and noblemen) who comprise the "Aryan race of conquerors," dedicated
to combat, adventure, victory.  For these men, peace comes only with
conquest of their opponents who must then acknowledge the natural right of
the strong to rule the weak.

The principle that "might makes right", said Nietzsche, is the verdict of
nature, in contrast to civilization (Christian and Jewish) which has opposed
this ethic with one of humility and compassion.

The traditional Judeo-Christian culture is appropriate, Nietzsche insisted,
only for slaves.

The Jews were a subject people during most of their history and consequently
developed a morality suited to the weaker segment of the human race.  Theirs
is an ethic of "ressentiment", a product of repressed anger, a repressed
hostility which seeks to devise hidden reprisals against their lords and

According to Nietzsche, slaves do not dare to retaliate openly but seek
clandestine forms of revenge.

Nietzsche accused Judeo-Christian religious leaders of using religion as a
means of turning natural moral values upside down, so that the master race
became the slaves, and the slaves became the masters.

The slaves, said he, became priests representing the omnipotent God and
threatened their masters with divine punishment unless they, the masters,
accepted a humble, servile role as obedient servants of the slaves.

Nietzsche called for a revaluation of all values, the repudiation of
Judeo-Christian values.

(Note the kinship of this philosophy to that of Adolph Hitler, although
Nietzsche's aristocrats were to be found in many nations, not in one only.)

The Superman

Nietzsche's Superman is a moral giant endowed with physical superiority.

He is a member of a race to come;  no one has yet achieved this high goal,
for the best of men have fallen short.

The Nietzschean concept of Superman would require him to be a being who
combines the might and majesty of Caesar with the moral superiority of

Just as man is superior to the ape, so the Superman will be distinctly
superior to man.

As a morally superior creation, Superman never needs to grant forgiveness,
for he would promptly forget or ignore any wrongs done him.  In fact, he has
forgiven even before he has been wronged.  In spirit he is like Jesus on the
cross, asking God to forgive his enemies.

Nietzsche asserted that Jesus was an ideal model for Christians, but they
had failed to imitate that model and, consequently, "there was only one
Christian and he died on the cross".(2)

Although Nietzsche was an atheist, he was a most perceptive critic of those
who profess to believe in God, yet deny him by their reprehensible behavior.

(1) Arthur Schopenhauer, "The Basis of Morality", translated by Arthur
Brodick Bullock (1903).
(2) Friedrich Nietzsche, "The Antichrist", translated by Walter Kaufman (New
York:  The Viking Press, Inc. 1954).

    "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of
        those whom they oppress."
        --- Frederick Douglass (1817-1895,
                        escaped slave, statesman)


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The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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