-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-07-05 07:46:00 EDT, you write:

<< I'm against anyone lying at any time.  I'm against anyone fudging the truth
 any time.  If you look at the definition of sodomy, you will see that
 "technically" Clinton did not lie (at that time). >>

sod*omy (noun)

[Middle English, from Old French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from
the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Gen 19:1-11]

First appeared 13th Century

 1 : copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal

 2 : noncoital and esp. anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite

 -- sod*om*it*ic or sod*om*it*i*cal (adjective)

Seems to me that definition number 2 is sodomy and Clinton is guilty of this
with Monica and dozens of other females, some of which did not do this act
willingly, and some of which are now dead.

 <<That seems to be what our
 country is now all about.  All politicians seem to lie, and most of them lie
 all the time.  It has never been my contention that Clinton is a "good guy."
 He's no better than any other politician, and that's where the rub lies.  The
 Press has jumped him over and over for the very same thing that every other
 president has done, and has acted as though it's a terrible thing because
 Clinton did it, but when the others did it, it was just "one of those
 things."  It's the sheer hypocrisy that boils me.  It doesn't seem to bother
 anyone else.>>

     Don't you see that the press is on Clinton's payroll, they work for him.
 They hide his truly despicable behavior behind his sexual escapades.  They
tried to hide the fact that he took campaign contributions (bribes) from the
Red Chinese (our enemy) and in return he gave them super computers, access to
satellite communications, cryptographic information, etc, then he tried to
cover it up ... if this was not wrong why did he try to hide it?  Not only
that, but he has tried to give the Red Chinese a base on US soil.  What about
the files (over 700) some FBI files, some IRS files that was in his
possesion, one person in the Nixon administration went to jail for possesion
of just one file, is Clinton above the law?  Moreover Clinton has reduced the
military to a skeleton force ... Is he setting us up for an attack/invasion
by his Communist buddies in Red China?  And, why did Clinton dishonor this
country by renting out the Lincoln bedroom to people that donated to his
campaign, this person (I wouldn't call him a man) abuses the office of the
President every chance he gets.

<<  Clinton's mistress was a sin against humanity, but Bush's was
 just a nice lady he knew exceptionally well.  Clinton's possible pot smoking
 was the worst thing that ever happened, but Kennedy's was just a little
 relaxation.  The firing of Billy Dale was the most heinous act ever
 committed, and he was perfectly innocent.  Okay?  But if the people you work
 for let you take the funds home and put them into your personal bank account,
 then you have a very unusual employer.  I don't personally like Clinton.  As
 I said, I'm a Democrat.  I don't think he is.  I just don't see why he should
 be held accountable for things that have been winked at and are still being
 winked at for everybody else.>>

     Bush didn't have his mistress give him blowjobs in the oval office.
Bush didn't force innumerable females to have sex with him against their
will.  Why is it all the Clintonites have to bring up someone else and change
the subject when the discussion is about their beloved Zipperboy?  You can't
defend him, that's why!  As I remember I challenged the Clinton supporters to
give me five, only five things that he had done that were good for the
country.  The answers I got were "he wasn't a Republican," a pregnacy leave
(one good thing), and silence ... silence because he hasn't done any good in
the 6 1/2 years he's been in office.
      Read, learn, the Republicans and Democrats are the same party, we are a
one party system ... the rich enslaving the poor and the less rich through
the use of corporate empires and highly restrictive government regulations on
the people of this country and small business to further their corporate
empire.  Behind it all is the filthy rich bankers that control our very lives
and control little wimps like Clinton and Bush.  Money talks and these
bankers control the Federal Reserve and issue money only to those corporate
interests that will further their enslavement of the world

<< Do you remember when he put out the fire in the little girl's hair?  It
 happened the first Christmas that he was in office.  He did it quickly and in
 a very nice way.  I just happened to be watching television when it happened.
  The Press never said a word about it, and it sure didn't make the papers.
 Why, probably because they had already signed the agreement that they would
 never say a good word about Clinton.>>

     I didn't see that, I was in Germany at the time where we only had one
channel, the military channel where all we got to see was sports and Clinton
speeches and the only paper we had to read was the Stars and Stripes which
supported Clinton no matter what he did, but the paper wasn't run by Federal
authorities (yeah right).

 <<  I guess I do pan the Republicans, but
 they're in charge, and it's my right as an American.>>

     Clinton is in-charge, he rules by executive orders, but as I say the
Demo's and Repub's are the same party because the Republican's never say much
about his EO's.   And yes, everyone does have a right to their own opinion,
but if you disagree with Clinton you may be putting your life on the line.
Better to be his enemy than his friend, look at Ron Brown and Vince Foster
and a hundred other lesser known people who have been eliminated and their
death covered up such as being decapitated and ruled as death by natural
causes.  It is the responsibility of the "electorate" to educate themselves.

<<  Do I prefer that someone pays
 a little attention to the welfare of children after they have been born (as
 well as during gestation); I sure do.  Do I think medical attention for
 everyone at a price they can afford is more important than a tax break for
 anybody?  I sure do.  Do I believe that people should be paid enough when
 they work all day to be able to feed, clothe, and house their families?  I
 sure do. >>

     People that cannot afford to have children should not have them.  The
one thing Clinton did that was correct was to try to eliminate welfare, but
he didn't take it far enough.  Corporations as well as individuals should be
weaned from the tit of government that enslaves them.  Let workers keep their
wages and everyone would feel rich, nearly half my wages go directly to the
government to pay for "social" programs to support unworthy Corporations and
lazy individuals.  I work 50-60 hours a week to improve my lot in life, but
the government through taxation takes my money to give to people who oppress
me, like Clinton, Reno and Albright ... public servants my ass!

<<  Do I think that the Republicans have been working on getting the
 Government off our backs?  No, I don't.  Big corporations can pollute at
 will, but if someone decides your money might have some illusive connection
 with drugs, they can just take it from you without a word.  The cops didn't
 do that in third world countries where I have lived.  Our establishment press
 doesn't seem to protect us from that sort of thing at all.  They never take
 sides in any issue that really means lasting harm to us.>>

Just a reminder, asset stealing grew during Clinton's watch, did he veto it?
Pollution control laws were passed (not to prevent large Corporations from
polluting) to put small businesses out of business.  A ten billion a year
corporation can afford to spend 20 million to install pollution control
devices in their factories or to pay a $25,000 a day fine for failure to
comply to do so, however a small company that grosses 6 million a year cannot
afford to install this equipment and cannot pay such a fine for very long ...
as a result they get bought-up by the large corporation.  And yes, even in
South Korea and Turkey they do not steal your property if you are suspected
of a drug related crime, I've been there.

<< What's really funny is that now that they've joyously spent eight years
 digging into every possible facet of Clinton, publishing Tabloid garbage and
 frothing at the mouth over such horrific unknowns as "adultery" in the White
 House, they are beginning to say, "Oh, we shouldn't be doing this, let
 bygones be bygones."  That because there is an actual photograph out there of
 Gov Bush standing on a bar, mooning the crowd.  "We shouldn't discuss things
 that happened before."  This because everybody knows that  the guy who has
 become their "fair haired boy" was mostly known for being a hard drinking
 drug addict.  He says he has been faithful to his wife.  Why should I believe
 him?  Not that I care.  It's a business that only counts between him and his
 wife.  I really don't have a need to know, but for eight years the press has
 been telling me I do.  Jack Kemp wrote a book telling me I have a need to
 know and should be "outraged" that such a thing could happen.  So if it has
 been so important for eight years--why shouldn't it continue to be important?
  I'm sure the more ethical and less biased press will want to give coverage
 equally to Democrats and Republicans.  And I'm sure the ethical and less
 biased public will want to be as outraged over Republican behavior as that of
 Democrats. >>

     I do not watch much TV news, it is all bullshit to me, but I have not
heard of this.  I've been saying for a year and a half that Bush Jr will be
the next President.  This is what the Elites want that run the country.  Bush
should not be allowed to run for office because of his dealings with
Silverado Savings and Loan.  He stole money from the public, huge sums of
money.  I don't think we can do anything about this because I really don't
think our vote counts, although I will vote, not for a Republican, not for a
Democrat, but for a candidate of another party, which doesn't have a chance
in hell of being elected, but to me this tells the "one party" to stick it
where the sun don't shine ... I'll not fall prey to their agenda willingly.
     Someone posted an article titled "Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid" concerning
the Bush dynasty coming back to power in the whitehouse.  They are correct,
very correct.  The Bush clan has the media in their back pocket, connections
to the CIA, a nearly unlimited pocket book and support from foreign heads of
state.  I can only hope they overstep their bounds and make a mistake and try
to push things too fast ... then, and only then will the citizens of these
united States rise up and put government in it's place ... a servant, not a

Best Regards,
Bob Stokes

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