-Caveat Lector-

Court Bans Bizarre Curriculum in New York Schools

Culture/Society Front Page Announcement Keywords: NO RELIGION REMEMBER!
Source: http://www.eagleforum.org/column/1999/june99/99-06-30.html
Published: June 30, 1999 Author: Phyllis Schlafly
Posted on 07/06/1999 03:40:29 PDT by George From Brooklyn Park

by: Phyllis Schlafly

Court Bans Bizarre Curriculum in New York Schools

June 30, 1999

Parents have won another remarkable victory over the
psychological abuse of children that takes place in public school
classrooms. It isn't the court decision that's so remarkable;
it's the evidence of what was actually going on inside the

A federal district judge in White Plains, NY, ruled last month
that the Bedford Central School District must stop requiring
schoolchildren to create paper images of a Hindu god, to make
toothpick and yarn "worry dolls" to ward off anxiety, and to take
part in Earth Day worship services. Third graders had been
required to make clay and construction paper cutouts of the
elephant-headed Hindu god, Ganesha.

Judge Charles Brieant ordered the school district to (1) "prevent
school sponsorship of worship of the Earth" and North American
Indian animism or nature worship, (2) "remove the worry dolls
from the school system" and "refrain from suggesting that (such)
tangibles have supernatural powers," (3) prohibit "any direction
to a student to make a likeness or graven image of a god or
religious symbol," and (4) "direct the adoption of a published
policy containing clear instructions (about religion) to teachers
and others."

The school was engaging in what the judge called "truly bizarre"
Earth Day celebrations. He said that these events "take on (many)
of the attributes of the ceremonies of worship by organized

According to the parents who filed the lawsuit, "student and
senior citizens, who have also become part of earth worship
services, sit in concentric circles around a giant inflated globe
placed atop a bamboo tripod. The elderly people form the inside
circle, symbolizing that they are closer to the earth and will
return to it to nourish it."

A chorus of tom-tom drums plays throughout the ceremony, while
teachers and school officials read speeches. The ceremony
pretends that the earth is deified, and students are urged to "do
something to make Mother Earth smile."

Evidence submitted in this case included an audiotape (Exhibit
62) entitled "Listening to Nature," which intersperses prayers
and invocations sonorously uttered along with background sounds
of forest and ocean. The plaintiff parents particularly objected
to the fact that the tape, which they characterized as "nature
worship and guided imagery," was played in science classes.

The accompanying book contains this creed: "This is what we
believe. The Mother of us all is the Earth. The Father is the
Sun. The Grandfather is the Creator who bathed us with his mind
and gave life to all things. The Brother is the beasts and trees.
The Sister is that with wings."

(The school must have failed to clear this gender stereotyping
with the feminist in charge of political correctness.)

During one Earth Day ceremony, a school official told the
assembly that there are "too many people on the earth and we need
to do something about it." Another Earth Day activity involved
having the children mark tombstones with the names of extinct
birds and animals.

Page 65 of the book instructs children that, when they need to
cut down a tree or remove a plant from their garden, they should
pray to Mother Earth. The children are supposed to "ask your
permission, your consent for this killing."

The attorney representing the school district complained that
"the judge went further than any court in the country in
directing the behavior of an individual school district." It
surely sounds as though this school district does need some adult

The school district is expected to appeal the decision in this
case, Altman et al. v. Bedford Central School District. If it
does, the parents should appeal the failure of the court to throw
out the offensive classroom activities involved in the use of the
card game called "Magic: The Gathering."

It was this card game that alerted the plaintiffs to contest the
peculiar classroom activities. They objected to the "Magic" card
game because it is steeped in satanic imagery, signs, and rituals
such as human sacrifice and the casting of spells.

The object of the game is to accumulate "mana," which is "power
that comes from the earth." The plaintiffs contend that the card
game "initiates children into satanism using perversion of actual
Bible verses.

" One card, depicting a man about to be sacrificed with a knife
about to plunge into his heart, carries this strange message:
"Sacrifice one of your creatures to add to your mana pool a
number of black mana equal to that creature's casting cost."
Another card shows a terrified woman with a hand holding her head
down and a huge knife at her throat.

The parents charged that the card game is part of a New Age
curriculum that includes yoga lessons, cult worship, and
religious activities. "The cards represent a billion dollar
industry," attorney Mary Ann DiBari said, "and our children are
paying the price with indoctrination in the occult."

Where are the ACLU and the separation-of-church-and-state
activists when we need them? Even as we speak, People for the
American Way is probably writing up this case for its annual
survey of alleged "censorship" and "book burning" by
"narrow-minded, right-wing fundamentalist" parents.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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