-Caveat Lector-

7-4-1999, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
> Kenneth Starr - The Clintons' Accomplice
> Christopher Ruddy
> July 1, 1999

 From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To:   "Bill Kingsbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999
 Subj: RE: Kenneth Starr - The Clintons' Accomplice

 Why doesn't somebody mention that Ken Starr and Bill Casey
 were good buddies?  Or that Bill Casey and Bill Clinton were
 working hand in glove to smuggle tons of cocaine into Mena?
 Or that Ken Starr helped to negotiate and possibly even wrote
 a 1982 memorandum allowing CIA not to report drug trafficking
 by its agents?  Or that Bill Clinton blackmailed the
 Republicans by holding CIA's own Volume II investigation over
 their heads?

 I have had all of this on my web site since January at
 www.copvcia.com .  And I published an exclusive on it in
 my newsletter - From The Wilderness.

 This story is only a partial truth:  great for what it says,
 to be honored and given credit for what it reveals, but to be
 improved upon with the full truth.  There is journalistic
 glory enough for everyone - as I'm sure there will be enough
 bullets when the time comes.

 Mike Ruppert


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