-Caveat Lector-


A reader from Harrisburg, PA , March 3, 1998
Good chronology of events; lacks depth & personal knowledge
Having read my fair share of mind control books and resources, I found
Keith's book to place events in an easy-to-understand chronology. He also
tells it like it is as far as the New World Order plans for mind control.
Unfortunately, he didn't take the time to research some aspects of
documented mind control knowledge.

I was disappointed to see that Keith based his opinions of an "alleged"
Project Monarch on two sources. He also cited no documented evidence of such
project. It is well documented that the CIA destroyed many MK-Ultra
documents in the 70s and that the U.S. Army destroyed many of its records.
Project Monarch was a covert operation and performed primarily on children
(who are now primarily ages 30 to 50). There is no proof. Only victims.
Perhaps Keith could have taken the time to visit the ACHES-MC website and
found victims and further resources for this type of government abuse to
provide a more accurate chapter.

As Mel Gibson states in "Conspiracy Theory" when asked by Julia Roberts if
he has any proof to his claims of mind control, "If I had proof, it wouldn't
be a conspiracy."


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The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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