-Caveat Lector-








1. The herein indictment supplements, supports, and incorporates by
reference the facts and legal principles asserted in the May 23, 1999
indictment of Milosevic et al.

2. The jurisdiction of the Tribunal is invoked pursuant to Statute (Article
18.1) which imposes a duty on its prosecutor, Justice Louise Arbour to hear
and investigate "information obtained from any source,

3. INTERNATIONAL ETHICAL ALLIANCE, Inc. is a United States nonprofit
organization, incorporated under the nonstock laws of the State of
Connecticut to promote ethics in public forums, including this Tribunal and
the Internet.

4. Defendant CLINTON is President of the United States and pursuant to its
Constitution and War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 US Code 1541) has limited
powers to act as Commander-in-Chief of its armed forces. Defendant COHEN is
Secretary of Defense of the United States.

5. On March 24, 1999 defendant CLINTON ordered the military forces of the
United States to participate in an aggressive military attack on former
Yugoslavia and with the aid and abetment of defendant COHEN continued the
attacks for more than 60 day, in violation of: (i) Article 2 of the United
States Constitution, giving Congress the sole power to declare war (ii) 50
USC 1542, mandating initial and regular consultations with Congress; 50 USC
1543, mandating written reports of necessitating circumstances; and 50 USC
1544 mandating the termination of the war use of United States Armed Force
after 60 days in the absence of the official enactment by Congress of
specific statutory authority.

6. At all times relevant to this indictment, the Armed Forces of the United
States have participated in non-defensive aggressive military attacks on
former Yugoslavia, which have not been necessary to defend the national
security of the United States and have also been violations inter alia of
(i) Article 18 of the Geneva Convention On The Protection of Civilian
Persons in Time of War, which provides, "Civilian hospitals organized to
give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and materinity cases, may in
no circumstances be the object of attack, but shall at all times be
respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict;" and (ii) Protocol
II (8 June 1977) to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, Article 14,
which provides "It is therefore prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or
render useless...objects indispensable to the survival for the civilian
population, such as foodstuffs...drinking water installations...[and] works
or installations containing dangerous forces...even where these objects are
military objectives..."

7. Non-defensive aggressive wars as defined and proscribed in the Charter of
the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, Aug. 8, 1945, are:

"War crimes: namely, violations of the laws or customs of war. Such
violations include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment ... of
civilian population, ... wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or
devastation not justified by military necessity. "Crimes against Humanity:
namely, murder ... and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian
population, before or during the war. ..."
8. The definitions and proscriptions in the preceding paragraphs have been
formally adopted by the United Nations as set forth in its Convention on the
Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against
Humanity, G.A. res. 2391 (XXIII), annex, 23 U.N. GAOR Supp. (no. 18) at 40,
U.N. Doc. A/7218 (1968).

9. As has been recently charged by former Nuremberg prosecutor for the
United States, Walter Rockler, with respect to the 1999 attacks on former

"We have engaged in a flagrant military aggression, ceaselessly attacking a
small country primarily to demonstrate that we run the world. The rationale
that we are simply enforcing international morality, even if it were true,
would not excuse the military aggression and widespread killing that it
"It also does not lessen the culpability of the authors of this aggression."

10. As stated in paragraph 88 of the May 23, 1999 indictment of Slobodan
Milosevic et al by the Court herein (the International Criminal Tribunal for
former Yugoslavia):
A superior is responsible for the acts of his subordinate(s) if he knew or
had reason to know that his subordinate(s) was/were about to commit such
acts or had done so and the superior failed to take the necessary and
reasonable measures to prevent such acts or to punish the perpetrators
11. The facts alleged in Counts 1 and 3 below are based on verbatim
quotations from a May 27, 1999 New York Times article former United States
President Jimmy Carter, charging:

"The decision to attack Yugoslavia [as] counterproductive, and our
destruction of civilian life [as] senseless and excessively brutal."
12. The facts alleged in Count 2 below are a summary of acts in an open
letter to American and other NATO leaders from Bishop Artemious of Kosovo, a
leader of a resistance movement against the Milosevic regime, charging:

" The greatest victim of your bombing is Democracy! Before your bombs
democratic forces existed here, however embryonic. Destroying those forces
is the greatest crime of your bombs... ."

14. On information and belief, as reported by journalist Alexander Coburn:

"The tribunal's prosecutor, Judge Louise Arbour, has kept a contemplated
indictment of those responsible for the single largest ethnic cleansing of
the mid-1990s locked in her desk. [It] refers to Croatia's Franjo Tudjman
and his forces--a senior KLA commander apparently among them--who drove
300,000 Serbs from their homes in the Krajina, bombarding and murdering them
as they fled. This was carried out under the supervision of the US
Ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbraith, with US personnel offering Tudjman's
cleansers targeting advice and appropriate materiel."
15. On information and belief based in part on evidence presented in a BBC2
documentary of May 1, 1999 prepared and reported by Harold Pinter, NATO's
onslaught against Serbia was (ii) "a bandit action, committed with no
serious consideration of the consequences, ill-judged, ill-thought,
miscalculated, an act of deplorable machismo;" (ii) "contrary to the United
Nations charter [since] NATO was bombing a fellow UN member, without UN
authority;" (iii) [in bombing Serbian TV were] " ugly murders of human
beings who propagate words or images that somebody else doesn't like."
Pinter further reported that, "The greatest single act of displacement and
ethnic cleansing in the entire Yugoslav war was that of 200,000 Serbs from
Croatia in 1995 carried out by officers trained by NPRI, an organization of
US army veteran commanders and armed with a great deal of US weaponry, in an
attack of which the US had full knowledge...and its purpose was creating
convenient ethnically-pure maps without committing US ground forces."

16. There is substantial credible evidence to require the disqualification
of Justice Arbour from this tribunal, including but not limited to: (i) the
engaging in selective prosecution by intentionally failing to act on any
facts or principles of law which she knows or has reason to know would
incriminate defendants CLINTON and COHEN, and other as yet unindicted
officials of NATO and NATO countries; (ii) conflicts of interest, or the
appearance thereof, in receiving compensation from funds contributed to the
Tribunal in whole or in part by NATO countries; and (iii) biases in favor of
NATO countries.

17. Five of the fourteen justices of this court, including Chief Justice
Gabrielle Kirk McDonald represent NATO countries (United States, United
Kingdom, Britain, France, Italy, and Portugal) the United States, Portugal),
have conflicts or appearances of conflicts of interest and should either
recuse themselves or be disqualified from this case.

18. The aforesaid precedents and legal principle and the allegations
contained in paragraphs 1 through 19 are re-alleged and incorporated into
each of the charges set forth below.

1. The Armed Forces of the United States, acting under orders of defendants
CLINTON and COHEN have executed a non-defensive aggressive military campaign
against former Yugoslavia.

2. Defendants CLINTON and COHEN and others have committed or aided and
abetted actions which they knew, or had reason to know, would result in the

The killing, injuring, terrorizing, and destruction of the homes of
thousands of Serbian and other civilians in former Yugoslavia, including but
not limited to, such acts described by former President Carter as:

1. 25,000 sorties and 14,000 missiles and bombs, 4,000 of which were not
precision guided, as of May 1999;
2. The use of anti-personnel cluster bombs that have resulted to damage to
hospitals, offices and residences of ambassadors, and the senseless and
brutal killing of innocent civilians and conscripted troops; and
3. The use of specific types of cluster bombs that are designed to kill and
maim humans and are condemned almost universally by other nations, as are
land mines.

The provocation of the government of former Yugoslavia to continue to
increase the murder, terrorization, and deportation of Albania civilians in
Kosovo, and such acts as are charged in the May 24, 1999 indictment of
Slobodan Milosevic et al, that are described by Bishop Artemios of Kosovo as
resulting in the destruction of democracy in Yugoslavia.

Based on the above, petitioner prays for an order:

A. Requiring defendants William Jefferson CLINTON and William COHEN to show
cause no later than August 10, 1999 why they should not be indicted for war
crimes and crimes against humanity;
B. Scheduling hearings to commence on August 20, 1999 and summoning the
defendants to appear;
C. Authorizing petitioner International Ethical Alliance to be represented
by counsel at said hearing to examine the defendants and witnesses;
D. Summoning former President Carter, Bishop Artemious of Kosovo, former
Nuremberg prosecutor Walter Rockler, Alexander Cockburn, Harold Pinter and
others to testify as witnesses;
E. Disqualifying Justice Louise Arbour and other NATO country justices from
any further participation in the proceedings of the Tribunal; and
F. For such other relief as to the Tribunal may seem just and proper.
DATED: July 8, 1999

Respectfully submitted by,
Jerome M. Zeifman, Esq.,
Attorney for
International Ethical Alliance
PO Box 565, Sandy Hook, CT O6482 USA
Tel: 203 426 3859 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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